The Swiss investigator looking into claims of secret CIA prisons in Europe has said that people were apparently abducted and transferred between countries.
Marty presents his report in Paris Keystone
Dick Marty told the Council of Europe on Tuesday that he deplored the fact that “no information or explanations” were provided by the United States government.
“Legal proceedings in progress in certain countries seemed to indicate that individuals had been abducted and transferred to other countries without respect for any legal standards,” the Swiss senator said, while presenting his findings in Paris.
As current chairman of the Council’s legal affairs committee, Marty has been empowered to head the investigation by the human rights body.
He is investigating claims that the Central Intelligence Agency transferred prisoners through European airports to secret detention centres, actions that would breach the human rights principles of the Council’s member states.
Poland and Romania have been identified by the New York-based Human Rights Watch as sites of possible CIA secret prisons, but both countries have repeatedly denied any involvement.
Alleged existence of secret detention centres in Council of Europe member states:
Statement by Dick Marty, Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Press conference 1hr ago – more to follow below »»
STRASBOURG, France Dec. 13 — At the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s (PACE) Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights held in Paris today, the rapporteur and Chair of the Committee, Dick Marty, reported on the key aspects of his inquiry regarding the alleged existence of secret detention centres in Council of Europe member states and flights which may have transferred prisoners without any judicial involvement.
He said the following steps had been taken:
- Letters had been sent to the delegations to the PACE of the two countries explicitly mentioned in the media, namely Poland and Romania, and to the Permanent Observer of the United States to the Council of Europe (the Romanian Delegation replied on 17 November 2005, while the Permanent Observer of the United States had sent him a copy of a speech made by Ms Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, on 5 December 2005; to date, the Polish delegation had not replied).
- Letters requesting detailed information had been sent to the Director General of Eurocontrol and the Director of the European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC). In an interim reply, the Eurocontrol Director had indicated that he first had to obtain the necessary authorisation to make an exception to the usual data protection rules, while the Deputy Director of the Satellite Centre had indicated that supplying images of the kind requested by Mr Marty was not part of the centre’s usual remit. The Committee on Legal Affairs therefore called on the Council of the European Union (and Mr Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative of the EU for the CFSP) to intercede with the Satellite Centre so that progress could be made here and urged the European Commission and the member states of Eurocontrol to ensure that its executive body grant authorisation for the transmission of the data requested.
- The rapporteur had made direct contacts with NGOs, in particular Human Rights Watch, while PACE President René van der Linden had also been in contact with a number of individuals concerned (including an exchange of letters with Ms Rice); the rapporteur had also exchanged information with investigative journalists.
The rapporteur welcomed the opening by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of the procedure under Article 52 of the European Convention on Human Rights for the purpose of obtaining relevant information from all contracting parties to the convention.
He also expressed particular satisfaction at the willingness of Mr Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission, to co-operate closely with the Council of Europe on the matter. In this connection, he welcomed the participation of a representative of the European Commission and a member of the European Parliament at today’s meeting.
From a general point of view, the rapporteur underlined that the information gathered to date reinforced the credibility of the allegations concerning the transfer and temporary detention of individuals, without any judicial involvement, in European countries.
Legal proceedings in progress in certain countries seemed to indicate that individuals had been abducted and transferred to other countries without respect for any legal standards. It had to be noted that the allegations had never been formally denied by the United States. The rapporteur takes note of the situation and deplores the fact that no information or explanations had been provided on this point by Ms Rice during her visit to Europe.
The rapporteur urges all member governments to commit themselves fully to establishing the truth about flights over their territories in recent years by aeroplanes carrying individuals arrested and detained without any judicial involvement. The Rapporteur intends to ask the leaders of the parlementary delegations to the Assembly to take initiatives within their parliaments in order to obtain more precise information on this matter, either by putting questions to their governments or by proposing the setting up of committees of enquiry. In fact, the delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly can make use of their unique position to lobby national parliaments to shed light on the matter. Mr Marty welcomes the fact that steps have already been taken here by certain national parliaments.
While it was still too early to assert that there had been any involvement or complicity of member states in illegal actions, the seriousness of the allegations and the consistency of the information gathered to date justified the continuation of an in-depth inquiry. If the allegations proved correct, the member states would stand accused of having seriously breached their human rights obligations to the Council of Europe.
In this connection, the rapporteur underlined that, although contacts between secret services were entirely normal and even necessary in the fight against terrorism, it was important for governments to exercise proper supervision over them (see here the detailed principles set out by the Assembly in Recommendation 1402 (1999) on control of internal security services in Council of Europe member states).
Dick Marty stressed that the aim of the Parliamentary Assembly, as the Council of Europe’s political/parliamentary organ, was not to condemn individual countries or seek to impose penalties but to defend the values shared by the member states and combat terrorism resolutely and thoroughly, while, however, complying with the fundamental principles of states founded on the rule of law and the observance of human rights.
He announced that the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights will ask the Bureau of the Assembly to include in the order of business of the next PACE’s plenary session (23-27 January 2006) an urgent debate on the issue.
Tue Dec 13th, 2005 at 06:18:03 AM PDT
This story is just breaking, and the Greek media are pointing to a BBC report that I couldn’t find on its site yet, but which is carried by the Times today …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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ATHENS (Reuters) 20 min. ago — A prominent Greek lawyer accused British security forces of illegally detaining Pakistanis living in Greece days after suicide bombings in London in July.
Fragiskos Ragoussis, one of the country’s best known criminal lawyers, submitted a file to the Greek parliament on the allegations, automatically triggering a parliamentary investigation.
Ragoussis, who is also a defence attorney for members of Greece’s once-feared November 17 leftist guerrilla group, alleged that 28 Pakistani men were arrested, detained up to a week and interrogated on Greek soil by British security officials.
The Liberty Human Rights Group said the Pakistani men were snatched from their homes by plain-clothes men, hooded and abducted for interrogation by persons speaking English fluently.
«« click on pic to enlarge
The British embassy in Athens refused to comment on the allegations, saying it was a matter for the Greek authorities.
“It is Her Majesty’s Government‘s well established policy not to comment or enter into media speculation about the alleged operations of the UK’s security and intelligence services, no matter how far fetched – as it is in this case,” it said in a statement.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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ROTTERDAM (RNW) Dec. 12 — A court in Rotterdam gave the green light yesterday for the extradition to the United States of Wesam al Delaema, who was arrested in May this year and faces charges in the US for his alleged involvement in the armed insurgency taking place in Iraq.
If he is indeed handed over to the American authorities – and this depends on the outcome of an appeal – Wesam al Delaema would be the first ever foreigner to stand trial in the US itself on charges relating to terrorist activities in Iraq. Prior to the Rotterdam court ruling, the Dutch authorities obtained the assurance that he will not face the death penalty in the US and that it may be possible for him to serve an eventual prison term in the Netherlands.
BBC News – read full story »»
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Cheney’s January 2005 trip to Poland to mark the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp may have had a side trip.
Informed sources in Washington report that when Dick Cheney flew to Poland for the 60th anniversary ceremonies marking the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp last January, his three day visit also included a clandestine visit to a secret CIA camp in Poland where suspected “Al Qaeda” prisoners were being subjected to torture.
VP Cheney paid a quick visit to the Auschwitz camp and wrote in the guest book “may the evils committed here never again darken our world.” Cheney’s personal party included his wife Lynne Cheney, his daughter Elizabeth Cheney, and Lewis “Scooter” Libby. Two weeks after the Polish visit, Elizabeth Cheney, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from 2002 to 2003, was named by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and Coordinator for Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiatives.
There is particular interest being focused on Lynne Cheney’s former colleague at AEI, Radek Sikorski, Poland’s new Defense Minister. Under its center-right government and a former Deputy Defense Minister who may have served as a liaison between Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld’s Pentagon on the establishment of the secret prison network in Poland.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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the Europeans or at least one country open a criminal inquiry into the CIA’s actions. Somehow I dont think it will happen, however. And even if it does let’s rememeber that Italy is still waiting for a bunch o CIA operatives who committed crimes in Italy.
Still, here’s to hoping…
If early reports were right, the CIA folks left a trail of overpriced expense account purchases to follow.
Is that trip the one where everyone is dressed well for the frigid day and Cheney’s sitting there in a parka and knit cap?
What ever happened to that friend of GWB’s that he sent to Poland as Ambassador?
LONDON (The Independent) Dec. 14 — Tony Blair and Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, were under pressure last night to refute convincingly claims that Britain has been complicit in alleged use of CIA planes to take suspected terrorists for torture in secret camps abroad.
Sir Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat deputy leader, has accused the Government of conducting a “hear no evil, see no evil” policy on renditions, after repeated denials that Britain is colluding in transporting prisoners to countries where torture is reputedly widespread.
But there are signs that the Government’s attempt to keep free of the controversy are becoming untenable, amid calls from MPs, human rights groups and European bodies for an in-depth investigation.
Read on …
● Malawi Suspects Interrogated in Zimbabwe
● How Extraordinary is Extraordinary Rendition?
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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Since it was behind closed doors, we’ll never know exactly what the German government told parliament, but it seems like the FDP party is not convinced that they got the whole truth. And poor El-Masri –link–, that guy’s story is looking ever more credible.
Meanwhile Germany’s Stern magazine has reported that it is increasingly likely one of the secret prisons was located in Poland.
● Malawi Extraordinary Renditions
● Dutch FM Bot
● Cheney Visit to CIA Camp in Poland
● Evidence CIA Rendition & Flights Credible HR Council of Europe
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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