Month: September 2012

Not Your Father’s Energy Thinking

Energy is found in many, many forms, many of which we name and think of as substances. We often call things like oil, coal and natural gas energy. We call the companies that extract these substances energy companies, but these...

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Casual Observation

I think the Republicans believe there is widespread voter fraud because they cheat constantly, whenever and wherever they can. They find it hard to believe that the Democrats don’t engage in the very same behavior. Plus,...

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Droning on About Drones

My biggest problem with this dude’s argument is that he is essentially asking for permission to express his political opinions without fear of contradiction or mockery from other people on the left. We could empty out his...

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Romney Would Have Let Bin-Laden Chill

Here’s a reminder: In April of 2007, Romney said, “It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person,” but quickly changed his mind after bin Laden was killed. “Any...

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The Last Stand of the Modern GOP

Jonathan Chait wrote a nearly perfect piece back in February for New York Magazine. It was an attempt to explain the strategy (and a bit of the psychology underpinning the strategy) that the Republicans adopted in the wake of...

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