Month: March 2014

The Youth Vote

When it comes to turning out young people in November’s midterm elections, I am in general agreement with Ed Kilgore that mechanics are more important than message. The best way to get young people to vote is to make sure...

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Why Congress Doesn’t Represent the People

It’s not feasible, of course, but I wish we could see polling numbers on issues distributed by congressional district. While it may be true that the American people look more favorably on gay people than they do on...

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Police State, Tucson AZ edition

You have no rights around the police, except the right to be assaulted for any reason or no reason at all. From the Arizona Daily Star. The incident occurred after Wisconson defeated the University of Arizona in the NCAA...

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ObamaCare is On Target

Jonathan Cohn notes that it now looks like about 6.7 million people will ultimately sign up for ObamaCare by the cutoff, which is officially tomorrow, but in reality April 15th. Even accounting for the fact that some of these...

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