Month: March 2015

We Have Our Own Leechbooks

Now, it may prove to be the case that you can use a medieval recipe of “a bit of garlic, some onion or leek, copper, wine and oxgall” to kill methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). And it may be true...

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When Progressive Turns Into Regressive – I

and the regressive becomes set in concrete. Power and money is what gives rise to progressive actions by “the people” and power and money is what destroys the progressive intent and flips it.. A California example...

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Casual Observation

Charles Pierce reads David Brooks so you and I don’t have to. Okay, I read David Brooks so you don’t have to, too. But, not today. Today, Charles gave me a respite. Which brings us to David Brooks, who would like all...

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The Worst Impact of Ocean Warming

How bad is Ocean Warming caused by anthropogenic climate change? To answer my question, the effects of the current rise in temperatures of our oceans is worse than you or I could have imagined. It’s so bad that it may take...

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Paul Consistently Defends Discrimination

In the past, when Senator Rand Paul has been asked about enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or other civil rights bills, he’s fallen back on the idea that you can better assure, for example, desegregated lunch...

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