Month: October 2015

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.533

Hello again painting fans. This week I will be starting a new painting of the Grand Canyon.  I am using the photo seen directly below.  This is a portion of one that I took there this past summer.  I’ll be...

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The $5 Billion Fiasco

According to the US Defense Department’s Special Report on Operation Inherent Resolve has cost the United States 4.75 Billion so far this year (as of 10/8/2015), with a likely expenditure for the entire year in excess of...

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Casual Observation

If Jeb is going to air Rubio’s dirty laundry, he better do it soon and thoroughly. As for how Rubio should feel about it, if he can’t survive the attack in a Republican primary, he’d never survive it in the...

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Leading from Behind

I know she has her detractors, but Hillary Clinton has had a long and distinguished political career and seems to be on the cusp of having it culminate with the ultimate triumph and at least one term in the Oval Office. Yet,...

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