[promoted to the front page. And a big welcome to Pastor Dan]
This is an edited copy of this post on faithforward.
Joe Lieberman is hanging out with Sam Brownback and the Richard Scaife sockpuppet Institute on Religion and Democracy. The Reuters article is basically a hack rework of the IRD press release:
Evangelical Christians, known for opposition to abortion rights and same-sex marriage, flexed their political muscle on Thursday and one said Democrats suffer from a “religion gap” at the polls.
“The religious left is political smoke and mirrors,” Diane Knippers, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, said in a statement read at a gathering of the National Association of Evangelicals. “It simply doesn’t have a significant voting base.”
Citing polls showing strong evangelical support for Republican President Bush (news – web sites) in the 2004 election, Knippers, who couldn’t attend the meeting, said in her statement: “The Democratic Party needs to begin to close its religion gap. Its leaders would do well to seek out advice from religious leaders who have a genuine constituency.”
Does Lieberman even pretend to be a Democrat anymore?
Lieberman talked about his commitment to stemming global warming, and the place of religious faith in the U.S. government.
“I think your presence, your advocacy on a whole host of issues is not only welcome but necessary and classically American,” Lieberman said. “America itself is a faith-based initiative.”
For more on the IRD, see here, and tikkun’s excellent diary here.
Hello? Anybody out there?
Joe Lieberman, bad man?
[crickets chirping]
Brownback scares me. Mainly because of his membership in this group, USACC, and take a look at their Board of Directors.
Thanks for the promo! Is it too late to say I’m..er…ready for my closeup?
shoot me an email.
I feel it–I don’t know how many others do. So, Lieberman did something awful and stupid and horribly counterproductive? Oh, and it snowed again in Boston two days ago. These events are roughly equally surprising.
Not to say that his ‘sins’ should not be catalogued…
the Religious Reich that has the “religion gap”, in terms of actions not matching up with the words they claim to believe in. But that’s another arguement for another day.
I’d say that there are quite a few voters on the Left who are religious…they just don’t identify themselves as such in all the polls. Also, the issues that move the Left aren’t the ones that are identified as “religious” or “moral” by the MSM — rather than “God, Guns & Gays”, the Left is more concerned with economic and social justice…the “least of our brethren” topics the RR gloss over.
‘Nuff said for now…glad to see you around, PD.
Frogmarching infiltration agent reporting for duty (I hear sex always works ::winks::)
Hey, I can’t post images?
Awww Booman, I made a companion for your froggy dude and it won’t post. Okay, here’s the address so you can at least click on it:
Here’s a suggestion:
Give him 3-days of stubble and a prison suit and we can do a little animation.
but, but…. she’s Mata Froggy, covert GOP infiltration agent.
Tell ya what, I’ll add a ball and chain to her foot, okay? ROFL