There has never been a time in the History of Humankind, when Aggression and War have not been the Natural state of the World.
When the first hominids learned to walk upright, greed, attack and defense, were keys to survival. At first, Clans and Tribal units formed, for a simple strength in numbers tactic. Leaders were probably accepted, either because of their physical powers, and their ability to overcome others, or their hunting and gathering skills.
As agricultural, and communal survival strategies developed, there was, almost from the outset, two types of leaders…powerful militarists able to defend their positions and their communities, the first city-state kingdoms…and the Shamanistic leader, able to watch the stars, predict planting seasons, and rule from behind the thrones.
There were also two types of followers…those happy to accept any and all rules for their own prosperity gains, and those that followed because they had little other choice.
The following millennia have seen little improvement upon these basic human synergies.
Many philosophies have arisen in the course of human events, from Ancient Greece, to Medieval Feudalism, through Enlightenment, Democracy, Manifest Destiny, the Fourth Reich, and today, Corporate Globalism.
Power is an ever present fact. Power is amassed, dispersed, spent, and fought over. The Elitist believes this to be the only reasonable pursuit…the great masses cannot understand by themselves.
Utopians believe this Power can be used to uplift all of humanity, but most have morphed into little more than behavioral modifists, or cultist leaders.
Which, all too quickly, brings me to a point? Religion and Power have ALWAYS driven the human condition.
From a religious perspective, the “Rapture” may be some peoples way of solving and reconciling the human conundrum…for others it may be Taoism, Sikhism, Paganism, or Hebraic. But simply put, all religions seek to control, modify, or define people.
From a political perspective, whether an elite royalist, or secular democrat, or power swallowing cultist, it is the strong that rule, and set the future for all followers.
Power, in either case, is not wrested easily from those in control. Historically, it has always been through Arms, natural disaster, or benign neglect.
Democracy was to have alleviated this more banal, and troublesome pattern. And yet, we must struggle each day for its survival.
Fight or perish. Permanence is not natural.
-“A republic, madam, if you can keep it”
Woah, woah, woah woah!!!!
As Ishmael says, don’t confuse the Takers with all of humanity.
Tribal warfare, as its still practiced today in a few isolated areas of the planet, have nothing in common with the other kind.
One is a succesful evolutionary strategy, the other is not. One is about testing strength and strengthening cultural and tribal identity, the other is about extermination of enemies to secure resources.
All violence is NOT the same!
This is not a condoning violence. It is merely stating that violence and aggression have permeated history. It has NEVER not been there.
I speak to the essence of POWER more than violence. It is taken and held by STRENGTH.
Either you hold onto your Republic or lose it.
I do not intend to jump in at every comment, but the discussion is not about violence.
It is the understanding that Power, and therefore the promotion of ones ideals, is not gained by acquiesence to those who know nothing BUT violence and Power, or obtained by political correctness.
Further comments, and discussions from the community, on this essay may broaden my observations.
Strength doesn’t necessarily entail violence or oppression, however. To wit: Gandhi, MLK, the Dalai Lama…
Bush is actually making us weaker each time he flexes his muscles – both economically and militarily.
I think the first aspect of strength is humility and understanding your true limitations. Delusional power grabbing only decreases your strength.
Until quite recently (a mere instant ago in historical time), the following statement were also true:
“There has never been a time in the History of Humankind, when Slavery was not the Natural State of the World.”
“There has never been a time in the History of Humankind, when men did not dominate women”
“There has never been a time in the History of Humankind, when young children did not have to work”
There has never been a time in the History of Humankind, when Humankind was not confined to the planet Earth.”
I could go on forever.
So what?
Everyone used to believe the world was flat and disease came from witcraft and the the Red Sox would never again win a World Series.
This is nonsense masquerading as evidence. We are a sentient race. We can choose whatever we have the will to choose. There are societies on this planet that have renounced war as an instrument of foreign policy. There are nations who do not seek to use power to dominate others.
as for “Natural State of Humankind”, there is no such thing. We are a plastic species, capable of great social change transcending any physical evolution.
“Fight or perish”. Despite your denial in another reply, you are, in fact, justifying war and violence because they are supposedly “inevitable.” There is no single fact that supports that claim.
My recognition of ALL human history, as filled with violence, and power struggles is not now, nor has it ever been to mean my support of violence. Please do not assume you understand me, and misinterpret the meaning of this small essay.
I have been a life long liberal democrat, from the tumultous 60’s, to the present, and fully support all the above member comments.
My contention is that there is an insidious force determined to alter the world in a Global manner. It is no different than other attempts in History. It does, and will use, Power, the Military, and Economic devastation. There are few obstructions to its pursuit.
Now in the face of what appears to be a brutal, even murderous agenda, is the attempt by the progressive community to alter this with blogs and monied contributions, a sincere recognition of the troubles ahead? Will those troubles worsen in the near future? There are indications that preparations have already been made for Detention centers across the country.
This piece is meant for discussion. Is the fact that many elected officials, and citizens, support the use of Torture, an indication they are willing to go further? How committed are people willing to defend this Republic, considering it was first conceived in blood? What’s so funny bout Peace, Love and Understanding? Nothing in my opinion. Will it succeed?
Perhaps if no one gets it, you are failing to communicate effectively. Or, we could all be stupid and you the sole genius among us.
My contention is that there is an insidious force determined to alter the world in a Global manner
Who is this “insidious force”? Until you stop talking in tin-foil riddles, there is really no way we can engage in productive discussion.
Now in the face of what appears to be a brutal, even murderous agenda
So, events in the world are the result of some deliberate conspiracy? By whom, and do what end? Can you blame people here for “not getting it”, when all you do is post vague insinuations about Dark Forces?
There are indications that preparations have already been made for Detention centers across the country.
Ah, here we go. Can you provide us with these “indications”, or are we to take your word on faith?
This piece is meant for discussion.
Why don’t you start by discussing who exactly is the Insidious Force that has acted throughout Known History and are now planning Detention centers across the country. Is it Satan? The Jews? Paris Hilton?
Enlighten us. We still don’t get it.
good writers, gifted persons, with a sense of language, who were, at the same time, small minded, vindicative, and argumentative.
It seems you have decided, to share all that you are, with this new community.
Peace be with you.
You have nothing substantive to say, therefore you resort to personal insult.
You have no specifics to offer for your vague assertions about Historic Dark Forces, so you choose instead to cry victim when challenged to produce substance.
You have no interest at all in discussion, in fact, you merely wish to have free reign to claim whatever you wish, and expect all to genuflect in welcome.
This is a discussion board, a community about free thought, free speech and free discourse. You, apparently, don’t wish to play by the rules that apply to everyone else; your proclamations should be immune to skeptical questioning.
Too bad for you.