So many times, I have heard people ask “When are people going to wake up to what’s going on in this country?” “How do we get around the filter of the corporate news media to let people know what’s really going on?” To be honest, there are many days when I think it looks pretty dismal for that happening!
But in the past few weeks, as the days have gotten longer and the grass has started to turn green again, I’ve seen a couple of signs that give me hope.
First off, I recently had the opportunity to see a videotape of Rob Stein giving his Powerpoint presentation on the Republican message machine (link to Alternet article on Rob Stein). There was a group of about 10 of us watching it. As the tape went on, it became clear that, although some of us were familiar with the depth and level of control that the Republicans have over the messages played in the news, just as many were seeing this for the first time. Afterward, while we were discussing the issues he raises, and the sheer enormity of trying to compete with a group that has a 30-year start on you in terms of organization, another woman recommended George Lakoff’s book. Other people wrote it down so they could immediately get it and read it, and share it with other people they knew.
Why does this make me hopeful? Because a year ago, it wouldn’t have happened. But the outcome of the last election had everyone around here (I’m in the Philly `burbs) scratching their heads and wondering if they were crazy. Now they’re looking for answers. And I see the same issues that are being raised here and on other blogs being raised offline, by people and with people who’ve never even looked at a blog, or considered themselves particularly political.
Last week, I got this letter from a group of people in my township:
What a great idea! The first discussion concerns the war in Iraq, with 2 guest speakers, a former US Army Captain/West Point law professor who has served in Baghdad, AND a recent immigrant from Iraq, a woman who as a newscaster for Iraqi National Television, who was present during and after the invasion of Iraq and whose family still lives in Iraq. Apparently, a group of my neighbors were talking about how badly we need to get rid of Rick Santorum (and yes, that’s a bipartisan effort here) and instead came up with the idea of having a series of neighbor discussion groups to talk about the issues that matter to all of us, no matter what side of the political fence you’re on. Their hope is to educate people, and create a group of people who can work together to get our opinions heard by our elected officials. Sound familiar?
Why am I writing all this? Because I truly believe that-for now- the best way around the media filter is through the internet, and by simply talking to people about what’s going on with the Bush administration. And I’m thrilled to see it happening right here at home.
How about you? Any signs of hope in your neck of the woods?
“”The first discussion concerns the war in Iraq, with 2 guest speakers, a former US Army Captain/West Point law professor who has served in Baghdad, AND a recent immigrant from Iraq, a woman who as a newscaster for Iraqi National Television, who was present during and after the invasion of Iraq and whose family still lives in Iraq.”””
Concerning the above part of your diary, I just wanted to suggest you read my latest diary about My friend in Iraq and links to the blog she has just posted for the first time today.
She has a lot to say about the Iraq situation.
Thanks, Diane, I’ll come check it out.
Sometimes you can almost imagine people waking up from a long sleep, little by little. One just has to hope they wake up completely soon enough to help stem the tide.
I too think that the best way around the media is through the internet and talking to people. Also, though, I think it is imperative that Republicans who are coming to their senses make this known… writing letters to the editor, talking in their churches and so on. The media are just like lemmings, they’ll follow the crowd. Right now, with the Schiavo Circus and the really bad reaction to the Social Security thing, they too are finally realizing that the crowd is starting to shift. A tiny bit, anyway.
Nothing much going on here! A city councilman who suggested that if could get just one dirty bomb, he could get rid of all the liberals in this city was re-elected, no problem…
Still lots of work to do 🙂
that I live in what has traditionally been a Republican neighborhood. When I was growing up, my parents always said that if you wanted to get elected to anything in our area, you had to be a Republican, regardless of your political beliefs.
I am really looking forward to going to the discussion, and I hear they have some more interesting people lined up for May.
Don’t give up. I’m always surprised to see how many people I talk to who are starting to pay more attnetion to things they used to. Now, if we could just get some fair elections going…
I somehow wound up in the ‘red state’ area of California, which means that (at least sometimes) even the Republicans who are elected aren’t nearly as bad as the naitonal ones. Except, it’s like little streams feeding into one big river… the local ones support the state and national ones.
Sadly (or maybe not so sadly), this crew in DC has convinced me that I can never, ever vote for even a local Republican again, for anything, not even dog catcher, because of the river thing. Luckily, none run worth voting for!
I think probably the ‘we are at WAR!’ hysteria is dying down, and the heightened emotions and partisanship of election season are over, so people don’t feel as defensive. Combine that with the shock of the Schiavo mess, and how badly Iraq is going, and I imagine we’ll have a small window before ’06 to really make our case. One by one, if necessary.
(That is, if you want to be more specific.)
I grew up in Delaware County (Middletown Township – Media area), and I remember the same Republican stranglehold on local politics.
My parents were both Republican, and my father was active in local politics for a little bit (I think it was more or less until he was diagnosed with MS, circa 1959-60). But when he ran for a local office, it was as an “Independent Republican”, agaInst the local Republican machine.
One of our best social studies (World Cultures, to be exact) teachers in high school was practically railroaded out (and moved, I believe, to California) because of his leftist views; staunch Repub parents were scandalized to hear some of the “pinkie socialist” views their kids were starting to express, even if only for the purpose of healthy debate. Thank goodness it came to a head a year or two after I finished school, and I had already had the good fortune to have him as a teacher. As a matter of fact, I think it is probably thanks to him (and the Vietnam war, disapproved and feared by all of us kids at that time — I’m talking about 1967-68) that I, and many other students, managed to break out of our parent’s Republican mold and start thinking for ourselves.
Note: To my parents’ utter horror, I remember campaigning for Eugene McCarthy during the primaries, even before I could even vote! Hee hee hee!
Ahh, Delaware County, home of Ridley Creek Park…right next door to Chester County.
With regard to local politics, last fall my mom and I were amazed to see how many people on my road had lawn signs up, and that for the first time in my memory, the democratic party signs outnumbered the Repubs 3 to 1 (I know because my kids counted!). What a change from the 2000 election, when my next-door neighbor put his Gore sign near our joint property line so I could take some of the local heat for it!
And of course, my kids always come home from school at election time complaining about how all the other kids’ parents are pro-Bush. But there’s definitely been a shift.
but Ridley Creek State Park is where a very dear person I knew and loved died a few years back.
On a lighter note, a friend of mine from high school, who now lives in Chester County, said something similar to what you’ve just said during the Nov. ’04 election run-up.
But she did have a little problem keeping her Kerry/Edwards signs in place; as she wrote:
“Jeff and I had two Kerry/Edwards signs on our lawn… we were bringing three home, but someone asked us for one before we got here… and were happily displaying them and arguing good naturedly with our neighbors about who is the better candidate. Sometime on Wednesday night some knucklehead stole my signs!
What nerve! I called the local Kerry headquarters and was assured that they have signs for me to pick up as replacements. They also asked me to call my local AND state police just to make a report. Of course, there is little they can do, but that little act of nonsense is a violation of the Voter’s Rights Act and therefore a Federal Crime….HAH!!! So, I picked up FOUR signs (which are now wired to the trees in my front yard) and notified the local constabulary. If these get snatched I will have no choice but to bring home EIGHT and so on and so on. The Bastards!.”
I was crusing through these comments when I saw a reference to Middletown Twp. DelCo, Media, Ridley Creek State Park, etc. I continued to read about your ‘leftist’ teacher… Was it at Penncrest High School, by any chance? I am a teacher at Penncrest, in my 12th year here, teaching AP US History and American Government, and I’m sure I’m guilty of inflicting a ‘pinko lefty’ perspective on my students. But, you’ll be glad to know, I have met no community or Board resistance (I also try to be as professional and objective as possible…) from my teachings, other than a VERY irate parent who called to complain when I showed Farenheit 911. I explained we were covering media influences on public opinion, propaganda, etc., and she eventually backed off, but not before threatening to call Curt Weldon (our US Rep) to complain about me!!!
Ah, Media.
I live in Havertown, and if you haven’t been paying attention to DelCo politics recently, we are no longer such a complete Republican machine. County council is still under Republican control, as are most local officials, but in the most recent statewide election (for Governor in ’02), and in both of the recent presidential elections we voted solidly for the Democrats. Haverford Township, in fact, is becoming solidly blue in state and national elections. Progress! Maybe we’ll even vote Weldon out next year. Our candidate, Paul Scoles, is excellent.
I live in South Philly. Be sure to give me some more information about these forums.
You may want to link up with PAteacher, who is an active member in the teacher’s union, and a democratic activist in the Montgomery and Delaware county areas.
Thanks for the ‘plug’ BooMan. But I try to stay focused on DelCo. I’ll leave MontCo to you!
You sound like a great teacher! Wish we’d had you at my school….how ’bout moving over to Chesco?
Thanks, but I’m pretty happy here! 😉 Besides, as far as Republican strongholds, I think ChesCo is where DelCo was ten or twenty years ago!
I used to live in West Chester, BooMan and I were neighbors in fact…
No way, I lived in West Chester too! When and where, if you don’t mind my asking?
I lived on Hemlock Alley, right in the middle of the borough, between New and Darlington (I think). BooMan himself lived right on Market Street. A nice community, seems to be doing great these days (new restaurants, etc.). I lived there almost ten years ago now– voted for Bill Clinton there in ’96.
I lived near Church and Gay. The downtown IS booming-I had lunch there last week, and there were so many new restaurants to pick from. It’s nice to see the town finally realize it’s potential, from what it was in the late 80s to now.
here in the south, the sun is starting to shine as well.
I’ve noticed in the past few weeks, more and more people starting to ask questions, that just a year ago, were taken for granted.
The coffee shops, and restaurants are a-buzz with the talk about how lousy this administration is doing. Even the upper-crusties, in the big SUV’s are bitch’n…LOL…(tear’n those wallets up at the pump)
I honestly believe what has opened the shades on their minds windows, has been the gas prices.
I’ve said for quite a while now, if you want to wake people up, get into their wallets, something they notice daily. It’ll do it every time.
Even on the job sites, the good ol’ boys are starting to rant, and it ain’t good for the Bushies. ; )
I have been attending local political meetings and help spread the word, and you know, it is gaining some ground. It’s not the mountain yet, but it is moving.
I stongly feel that this is not the time to slack off one bit,(get that warm fuzzy feeling of accomplishment) instead, surge on strongly. Keep the message alive, and keep the real facts in their face.
All in all however, it is a little light, in an otherwise dark place.
Infidelpig, as I suggested to Slakerlink, see my diary on converting the red into purple.
great blog site, and found some very good articles.
thanks for the link, and I’ll keep it for reference.
as for slaker, he is spewing marxist rhetoric, that I just will not tolerate. end of discussion.
My mom lived in Florida for the past 2 years, and what you’re describing sounds like an improvement over the political landscape she found when she first went down in early 2003. She felt like quite the fish out of water, what with a big retired military presence her in area and all.
And rather than wanting to slack off, it’s nice to know that maybe, just maybe, there is a light somewhere down this long tunnel we’re in! Every time people I’ve talked to start mentioning things they’ve seen in alternative news sources to me, it makes me want to keep pushing forward. Because people are waking up.
keep the faith, and hope, for without it, we are nothing. ; )
I’d like to have a presentation like that available that I could give locally.
I wish I could copy that video for everyone to see! He lays things out in a very calm, clear, understandable, and convincing way. Unfortunately, the person who had the video made it very clear that they only had permission from Stein to show it to employees or donors of their organization.
I think one could probably develop their own slides from the content in David Brock’s book, “Republican Noise Machine”, which apparently mirrors the content of Stein’s presentation. A lot of the graphics were done to show how interconnected all the pieces of the communication structure were, and how they were all funded by basically 8 major families in the US.
It really had an impact on the people I watched it with. Even knowing about much of what was in it beforehand, it was pretty chilling to see.