Elegant article in the New York Times. Nothing below the fold, I don’t think Frank Rich needs analysis or my commentary.
Published: April 17, 2005
A scandal is like any other melodrama: It can’t be a crowd pleaser unless the audience can follow the plot. That’s why Monica Lewinsky trumped Whitewater, and that’s why of all the story lines ensnaring Tom DeLay, the one with legs is the one with the craps tables. It’s not just easy to follow, but it also has a combustive cultural element that makes it as representative of its political era as Monicagate was of the Clinton years. As the lies and subterfuge of the go-go 1990’s coalesced around sex, so the scandal of our new “moral values” decade comes cloaked in religion. The hair shirt is the new thong.
You can see why Dick Cheney and President Bush in rapid succession distanced themselves from Mr. DeLay’s threats of retribution against judges who presided in the Schiavo case. If an Eric Rudolph murders a judge in close chronological proximity to that kind of rhetoric, they’ve got a political Armageddon on their hands. Mr. DeLay got the message, sort of. At his Wednesday news conference, he tried to dial back some of his words, if only as a way of changing the subject from Indians and his own potential outings in a court of law. Unlike Bill Frist, he has yet to sign on to next Sunday’s national Christian right telecast bashing what its organizer, the Family Research Council, calls “out-of-control courts. […]
I think people are sick of hearing about Delay but this article is more about the corruption around Delay in the persons of Abramoff etc. The hypocrisy of “Christian” Right Wingers who preach against gambling and yet rip off Indian Reservations over gambling casinos.