There is something terribly wrong with the story of Haji Bashir Noorzai. U.S. Attorney, David Kelley, held a press conference today, where he announced Noorzai’s indictment:
Noorzai was indicted by a grand jury in New York on charges of conspiring to import $50 million worth of heroin from Afghanistan and Pakistan into the U.S. and other countries. Noorzai was arrested in the U.S. by agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration as he was traveling to New York.
Bloomberg News
Noorzai was arrested while attempting to enter the United States, presumably at JFK airport. But as the following article by Colin Freeman, of the Chronicle Foreign Service (11/19/2004), makes clear, Mr. Noorzai was placed, in June 2004, on a government most-wanted list for international drug kingpins.
On a U.S. government most-wanted list established under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, however, he was named in June as an international kingpin. The list names him as the top heroin dealer in Afghanistan — and one of the biggest in the world.
He also is among the key beneficiaries of a massive rise in drug cultivation in Afghanistan described Thursday in a report by the United Nations, which says production of opium and its derivative, heroin, has rocketed to near record levels…
…Opium poppy cultivation, the U.N. report says, has risen by two-thirds, compared with last year, to more than 320,000 acres — more than 10 times the area of San Francisco. The harvest in 2004 was estimated at 4,200 metric tons, an increase of 17 percent from last year. A metric ton equals about 2, 205 pounds.
The report shows that the drug trade has been rising steadily for decades — except for an abrupt one-year decline in opium poppy cultivation in 2001 that followed a ban imposed by the Taliban regime…
…Until now, “narco-sheikhs” such as Noorzai have been virtually unknown outside their war-torn fiefdoms. But their days of peaceful criminal obscurity may be at an end.
In a move that signals a new front in its worldwide drug war, the Bush administration hopes to extradite Noorzai and up to a dozen other drug lords as part of an “urgent” strike against Afghanistan’s spiraling $2.8 billion-a- year heroin trade.
“We are interested in getting people like these indicted and then extradited to the U.S.,” said one senior Kabul-based U.S. official. “It sends out a very strong message to the others that no matter how rich and powerful they are, there is a risk attached to what they do.”
Yet the extradition move, which requires the permission of newly elected President Hamid Karzai, is sensitive.
It appears that Noorzai solved the ‘sensitive’ issue of extradition by travelling to the United States of his own free will. Do this make any sense to you?
After all, as the following makes clear, Noorzai had been publicly identified as a chief supplier of Usama bin Laden’s operational budget. Noorzai allegedly gave al-Qaeda money in exchange for trained smuggling operatives. Did he think he would be welcomed by our custom’s agents?
Rep. Mark Steven Kirk, Illinois Republican, said in an interview that bin Laden’s al Qaeda terror organization is reaping $28 million a year in illicit heroin sales. Some of the money is funding bin Laden’s fugitive status as he pops back and forth between Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal areas and Afghanistan’s eastern mountain regions.
Mr. Kirk, who won passage of legislation in November to overhaul the U.S. terrorist rewards program, said post-September 11 initiatives have cut off the terror leader’s traditional sources of money — a family fortune and Islamic charities.
“We now know al Qaeda’s dominant source of funding is the illegal sale of narcotics,” said Mr. Kirk, a member of the House Appropriations foreign operations subcommittee.
The congressman made an extensive fact-finding trip to Afghanistan last January, where he met with military-intelligence officials…
Bin Laden’s major supplier, U.S. authorities say, is Haji Bashir Noorzai, a former Taliban financier who smuggles heroin from the Kandahar area to al Qaeda in Pakistan.
The Pentagon adviser said Noorzai helped finance al Qaeda when it operated with the Taliban. The alliance continues to this day. In return for money, Noorzai gets al Qaeda operatives who move his drugs offshore.
Once again, you cannot take anything this administration says at face value. This story just reeks of bullshit.
Obviously, he was tired of living with this criminal cloud hanging over him and basically turned himself in. You know, like that guy who confessed to murder after seeing The Passion.
Now stop asking questions, America-hater.
that must be it. He was tired of being an international pariah, and figured he deserved to be arrested and tried in a country known for its lenient treatment of Islamic terrorists.
I should have guessed.
He probably phoned the DEA from the plane and told them what gate he would be arriving at.
Hey Booman, you’re definitely right about the stink here. I can’t imagine right now what the real story might be but do find it odd that we supposedly have so much information down to how much Bin Laden is getting from this drug money a year…..when are intelligence on everything seems to be for shit.
And there’s really something way off on this guy thinking he was just going to waltz into the US and what zip around like a regular tourist or what?
What’s next bin Laden and the anthrax person just up and turning themselves in?
One possible explanation:
The man was snatched, put on a CIA chartered plane and flown to JFK, where he was turned over to DEA agents.
If so, that’s fine by me. But why insult my intelligence and tell me the guy was attempting to enter the United States?
but at Macy’s in New York! His visa application called for an escort.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
The warlords hold control over the vast part of Afghanistan, all except the city-state of president Karzai — Kabul, where the NATO forces provide security. When you travel 80km to Khost, you’re in Taliban and Al Qaeda territory. I don’t believe the poppy crops are grown in vast plains of agriculture, but in desolate and remote areas. What would you expect, when $200bn is spent to secure the oil fields of Iraq, it’s clear where Bush | Cheney set priorities for their political agenda.
The warlords are profiting from the huge heroin revenues, and can buy all the weapons they need to stay in power, and independent from puppet Karzai in Kabul. No wonder Karzai begged Rumsfeld recently to build US bases, due to his personal insecurity to stay in power. So, after Bush is finished in 2008 in DC, the US problems in Afghanistan and the region will only deepen.
How can you refer to Noorzai as a major player in Afghan heroin trade, when the total heroin revenue is most likely near $4bn. With $100m, you are nowhere a large player, unless our CIA operatives are in co-partnership with the warlords of course.
The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
by Michel Chossudovsky — 5 April 2004
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Since when did Bush worry about International law. His whole lawless administration ignore it on a dialy basis.
My guess is “someone” tips off the CIA or Dostrum’s intelligence unit. Noorzai gets set up and kidnapped. Rushed off to the US in a Lear jet. DEA gets to parade number one drug baron. Bush gets to wank on about war on drugs and Afghan success story. CIA please old Bushy. “Someone” gets to take over Noorzai’s drug empire. Heroin production and export carries on as normal. Everyone is happy.
That is how it normally goes.
but why do they even try to sell this bullshit story about him ‘traveling to New York’?
I mean, honestly, the single most infuriating thing about this administration, for me, is how they routinely insult my intelligence.
Just tell me you snatched a guy who sells heroin to kids and give the money to bin-Laden. Isn’t that a good enough fucking story?
I doubt whether they would want any (probably European) journalists getting in on the real story while it is still hot. No doubt bits will leak out at some stage but by then the trail may be cold. I really think you will find this has just been part of “someone” taking over from Noorzai and using the US to remove Noorzai. As I said that way everone is happy, but of course the heroin trade is unaffected. I doubt tat either the administartion or the new drug baron would want the “real” story coming out.
Haji Bashir Noorzai
(AP photo)
U.S. authorities announced Monday, April 25, 2005, that Noorzai has been arrested and indicted on charges he tried to smuggle 500 kilograms of heroin with a value of more than $50 million into the United States.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Osama? Don’t think about him much anymore…moved on…ah…ah…ah..
Poppies?, oh yeah dad’s fine, just wish he wouldn’t hang so much with that Clinton guy…chortle…
Saudis?…yeah…Saudies are are my friends, gonna do a little jaw-bonin’ an git this here oil thingie under control…giggle…
renditions, kidnappings, ‘candlestein’ operations?…only know what I read ,heh,heh…
Noorzai?…that’s some kind of sushi, ain’t it?…snort, snicker…
Gotta go clear some bush…tee hee haw!
Some days you oughta just stay in bed…these people are stone fools.
Detailed report on Afghanistan in USA Today – Oct. 26, 2004
Nowhere is the evidence of a rising drug tide more evident than among the dirt-poor, subsistence farmers of the small village of Sayad, 10 miles north of a sprawling U.S. military base at Bagram outside Kabul. Farmers tilling the arid fields and living in the mud-walled homes say they have lived for generations off the tomatoes, cotton, wheat, rice and corn grown on tiny parcels of land.
Until now. Last spring, the village was visited by men from Nangarhar Province, southeast of here astride the trade route from Kabul to Islamabad, Pakistan. The men came with poppy seeds and a promise to pay 10,000 Afghanis — worth $225 to $250 — for each kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of raw, harvested opium.
Mahrwouf, 20, who like many Afghans, goes by one name, says he and most of the other farmers took up the offer. On his five acres, Mahrwouf harvested just under 9 pounds of opium this year. He earned nearly $1,000, more money than he’s ever seen. It paid off the debt from his wedding six months ago. “The villagers are very poor people, so they decided to plant the poppy,” he says. “We’ll do it again. Because we need the money.”
Bad boy Mullah Omar – was really an opium trader!
Feb. 12, 2004 – Mullah Omar is infamous not just for giving aid and comfort to bin Laden. Many news organizations reported that Omar banned the cultivation of poppies in 2001. They are correct and poppy cultivation in Afghanistan nearly disappeared that year.
Most news organizations missed what else Omar did. Before banning poppy cultivation, he stockpiled 300 tons of refined heroin in an attempt to corner the market. Throughout his tenure in office, he was one of the world’s number one heroin dealers.
November 2004 – Mr. Kirk said, heroin is now bin Laden’s No. 1 asset. The view of bin Laden as “relying on Wahhabi donations from abroad is outdated” and that a “more accurate, up-to-date view” is that bin Laden is one of the world’s largest heroin dealers.
What the f…., are we worried now about heroin trade in connection of Mullah Omar and Osama Bin Laden? I had understood they were responsible for 9/11 attacks and setting up a global terror organization. Are we going to extradite these men on drugs charges?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité