This Day in History
On this day in 1937, the nation’s first Social Security checks were distributed.
In honor of the historic day, I thought I’d get everyone to write an LTE or spread the facts about SS and the Republican Piratization Plan, or to go to Protect Social Security rallies. It’s time for another one of those action diaries I put up. 🙂 I pity the fools who support Bush’s Destruction of SS.
I’ll start by linking to the History of Social Security at Wikipedia.
I’ll direct you to my previous Protect Social Security Diary that has action items and information links: What YOU Can do TODAY to Protect Social Security
I live-blogged the Senate Finance Committee’s SS hearings yesterday. There were a few stats put forth by Democratic Senators that you may want to incorporate in your LTE. LIVE! Social Security hearings (Senate Finance Committee)
Many smaller local newspapers accept reader editorials. Find out how to write one here. Many smaller local papers are also accepting reader articles and columns for online publication. Find out more about that, here.
Here’s a list of organizations who are fighting to protect Social Security. Some of them have events that you may want to attend.
- GOP: Caught on Tape SS flip flops
- DCCC: Privatize This! Anti SS Privatization website
- There is NO crisis.
- AARP Social Security Blog
- Americans United to Protect Social Security
- Senate Democratic Social (in)Security calculator
- Spoof of Bush’s Taxpayer-paid SS website.
- NYers United to Portect Social Security
The Democrats have had a particularly good week thus far. Electing Democrats is key to protecting Social Security. You’ll notice some of the websites that DCCC has put up and we all know the work of the Senate Democratic leadership on the issue. Reward good behavior…and help the Dems catch up to the Republicans. The DNC and DCCC are both way behind in fundraising in comparison to the RNC and NRCC. DSCC and NRSC are closer in CoH (cash on hand). The campaign warchests of individual Democratic Congressional reps are behind those of individual Republican Congressional reps. I don’t know where the DGA is in comparison to the RGA, but good governors can become good Senate and Presidential candidates. It’s important to have a farm system. Donate:
Newsie’s Entries:
Thanks for the info and glad to see you’ve started your own blog. You collect so much good information, it’s nice to have it all in one place.