The paper, drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Armed Forces, also revealed that submarines which make port calls in Yokosuka, Sasebo and Okinawa in Japan are prepared for reloading nuclear warheads if necessary to deal with a crisis.
“There are numerous nonstate organizations (terrorist, criminal) and about 30 nations with WMD programs, including many regional states,” the paper says in allowing combatant commanders in the Pacific and other theaters to maintain an option of preemptive strikes against “rogue” states and terrorists and “request presidential approval for use of nuclear weapons” under set conditions.
Citing North Korea, Iran and some other countries as threats, the report set out contingencies for which U.S. nuclear strikes must be prepared and called for developing earth-penetrating nuclear bombs to destroy hidden underground military facilities, including those for storing WMD and ballistic missiles.
“The nature (of the paper) is to explain not details but cross spectrum for how to conduct operations,” the official said, noting that it “means for all services, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine.” link
The US sets the standards for military planning, so it is reasonable to suppose that other nations will wish to adopt this forward-thinking strategy.
The coast guard is not included? That’s a travesty. They get no respect.
Regional commanders want to request permission to nuke people peremptively?
Well, at least they feel like they should ask first, before obliterating whole cities.
the only bad part about the asking is: “look who they’re asking”
Now that will make a lil’ wet spot in your shorts.. ; )
Not to mention, what it will do to the “target” ~@^@~
And they get crazier by the day. And then they expect other countries to just wait around and not try and arm themselves with nukes too.
I’ve never thought the “nuclear winter” scenario was very realistic these days… until these people got into office. They are crazy, you know.
Did anyone doubt that the wacko’s setting policy for our government would not reach out and touch someone with a nuclear device. These moron’s don’t have a clue and now with the Religious Right ( American Taliban ) dictating policy I suppose it won’t be long before they do authorize a field commander to use the nuclar (as our fearless idiot leader says ) OPTION. It seems the American Taliban want to hurry the End Times along. Unfortunately or Fortunately depending on your point of view, there are still a multitude of level heads in this country and if we can persuade our more right leaning moderates that we must, we have to kick these bums out and take our country back and stablize it, so the rest of the world will come to realize that Real Americans want peace and prosperity for the entire world. That we don’t want to cookie cutter everyone in our image and that our Constitution really has meaning and substance. I for one can only hope that we can start throwing the bums out in the mid term elections and start putting moderates back into our governing bodies. The American Taliban have had their ride as the powers that be and clearly have shown the rest of us that they don’t want to Govern, they want to control and make the rest of us over in their image. Fundamentalism is alive and well and overtaking reason.
I have days like today when reading shit like this that I wish they’d just blow the whole damn planet up and get it over with..then they can all go to hell where they belong.
This really is the first time in my life I’ve been scared about the whole nuclear threat deal-from us not anyone else.
Tens of thousands of Americans protested Nuclear Proliferation today in New York. The Yahoo news article mentioned that the mayor of Hiroshima addressed the crowd, as well as a survivor of the horror we unleashed. It made me pause and feel shame for what we did in 1945. It’s disgusting that Bush wants to increase our nuclear weapon stockpile rather than honor the treaties to destroy “the absolute evil”.
the stockpile.
They’re not re-usable…
The document appears as an upddate to the existing JP3-12 Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations: JP3-12-1 Doctrine for Joint Theater Nuclear Operations. (I have no idea why DoD left the entire planning series available online, but you can get to the report by searching for it’s title.)
I do understand the logic, irrespective of the insanity behind the concept. Ordinarily the President must personally authorize any use of nuclear weapons. Ok so far. Until the man-who-would-be-king places our forces in proximity to an adversary known to have tactical nukes. Kinda useless to call in a request after they detect a launch, don’tcha think?
Perfect Bush. Get yourself an outfit and be a cowboy too.
Movin’ to Montana soon
gonna be a dental floss tycoon…
Just me and the pygmy pony
over by the dental floss Bush…
Frank Zappa