I ran two diaries on the MSM non-coverage of the RAF bombing, “spikes of activity” and the Downing Street Memos.  I ran polls on the last two, and put forth some theories I had heard little of.

How far off was I?  Way off as ususal.  This diary is called “A Retired Journalist Answers The Lack of DSM Coverage.”  All of those out there who are involved in letter writing campaigns will be interested in what this retired journalist has to say.

There are very few articles, op-eds and letters to the editor that address the basic problem of WHY there is so little, or almost NO coverage in the US Main Stream Media about the Downing Street Documents, the RAF bombing, the pre-war bombing, etc.

Here follows Caneel’s answer.  Let’s hear from all the journalists and editors at Booman Tribune.


As newspaper person (retired), I would suggest two factors in the delayed response of newspapers: One, no original documents are available in the U.S.; two, there was no “new” news in the first reports. This is not to excuse the initial response, but an attempt to explain why editors did not jump on it immediately.

News being the function of newspapers, puts this in the slot of “thumbsucker,” a think piece. Therefore, the result is little immediate reaction. But the more the DSM issue is brought to light and pressure exerted (logically and rationally), the more coverage will be elicited.

For those alerting newspapers, the point now to bear on is the “pre-war” bombings. On that issue, there is published material available. It is a matter of context now which is the story. I think we will see more of that, if we do not let the story die.

What’s wrong with broadcast news? Don’t even get me started. There’s a divide between print and broadcast, i.e., story choice, depth of coverage, which precludes lumping all together under “media.”

This issue will live longer in magazine journalism and on the op-ed pages, than in daily news sections of the newspapers. What’s to break? What is needed is thoughtful discussion of the issue. So, sharpen the mind and get out those Letters to the Editor and Op-Ed pieces. Local newspapers frequently publish commentary from readers. Go for it!

On the “war”: the best comment I saw was from a soldier. As he put it, the war is nothing more than fund-raising for Haliburton.

From my experience, the best question to raise — consistently — is WHY. As in, why are our sons and daughters still in Iraq? And, the follow-up is: why? And the follow-up to the follow-up is: why?

Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings. – Heinrich Heine (1821)

by Caneel

Thank you Caneel, Newton, MissReporter, and all the other journalists at dKos who have helped me with this one.  Keep asking questions, Kossacks — it’s a great way to get answers!!

Check it out:

On the 14th of May Michael Getler, Ombudsman for the Washington Post answered lack of coverage for this most important story in his forum: “News Over There, Not Over Here.  Here are the results of the most up to date Google News Searches for the period between May 1st and June 27, for the search terms “Downing Street””memo””Iraq.”  These results raise more questions than they provide answers.

New York Times: 11

Google News Search NYTimes

Los Angeles Times: 16

Google News Search LA Times

Washington Post: 18

Google News Search Washington Post

Chicago Tribune: 8

Google News Search Chicago Tribune

Houston Chronicle: 10

Google News Search Houston Chronicle

CNN: 4

Google News Search CNN

Times On Line  UK: 2,600

Google News Search TimesOnLine UK

“The Game’s Afoot, Watson!”