This is a hoot. Both shows are soooooo mainstream. Good, but very mainstream. Via Democracy Now!‘s headline stories:
… The New York Times is reporting that the Republican chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Kenneth Tomlinson hired a consultant to monitor the political leanings of guests on a total of three shows on public tv and radio. In addition to the PBS show “Now with Bill Moyers,” Tomlinson ordered the monitoring of shows hosted by Diane Rehm and Tavis Smiley. The CPB’s inspector general is now examining Tomlinson’s hiring of the consultant Fred Mann. Mann was previously employed by a conservative media training organization whose alumni include Ann Coulter.
And, in case you missed it, you can watch, listen to, or read DN!’s full-hour interview of Bill Moyers last week.
Mainstream or not, we’re under full frontal attack from the Cheney-Bush junta – remember, if you’re not with them you’re against them.
CPB is under systematic attack, just see this little tidbit (don’t recall if it was already covered here):
I don’t think we did note that news, and thanks for doing so.
There’s also this big worry about how funds for programming are being disseminated.
There’s a lot of great background info in this link (towards the bottom of the page).
I have no time for doing a diary now – anyone feel free.
You just can’t say it any better than that. Everyone, and I mean everyone, who fails to bow down in obeisance to the Bush-Cheney junta will be targeted, no matter how vanilla, “mainstream,” plain-Jane, and down-the-middle a show may be.
Doubly so if you host a show where you actually and actively seek truth.
Even he has Buchkkkanon on his show once in a while…
Lord, I hate them. I hate them. ’06 and ’08 can’t come any faster.