Right now on CSPAN2. Patty is pissed! She’s finally getting the emergency supplemental she told those bozos they needed two months ago. Rick Santorum just said that Patty Murray “was right”! Wow. See BooTrib June 23 story, Appalling Shortfall for Veterans, for background.
Recent Posts
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Passing faster than Al’s kidney stone … it’s unanimous … there are no nays. Not a one. Woohoo.
Kick ass Patty, even with a yea vote, santorum is not a very viable human being to me. Just a passing thought.
I was just getting ready to submit a diary with the CNN.com article showing Santorum admit that Murray was right. The link is here
not CNN, rather the AP via Yahoo. Yeesh
Really! Oh do. And I told Ray aka Switzerblog, and he replied:
“He’s been doing stuff like this lately – I think he’s realized he pushed the conservative crazy-ass envelope too far for his “home” state.”
(Ray worked on Patty’s campaign last year.)
I’m in a good mood now. Boxer and Murray came through for us today!
Just called her local office and passed on a big “thank you!” If you’re local, her number is 206-553-5545. What a woman!
Leave it to the Democrats
–oh, wait, they did.
isn’t the Conyers group supposed to speak before the House today? When?
from what I just heard on the AP Network News on Seattle 1090 Air America news break.
AP Network News has fact problems pretty regularly. I recall a whole day of mentions of Social Security going “bankrupt.” I hope we don’t need to divert a rapid response team to fact check Republispin on Air America.
has a post up regarding Senator Reid’s take-down of Santorum today on the floor of the Senate.