I think his words are valuable today.
“walk into the shrink wherever you are and just walk in and say, shrink: You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant and walk out.
Y’know if one person, just one person does it they may think he’s really sick and won’t take him.
And if two people, two people do it, in harmony, they may think you’re both faggots and won’t take either of you.
And if three people do it, three people, can you imagine three people walking, three people walking in and singing a bar of Alice’s Restaraunt? They may think it’s an organization, and can you imagine fifty people, can you? Fifty people a day, I said fifty people a day walking in and singing a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and walking out, and friends they may think it’s a movement…
And that’s what it is, the Alice’s Restaurant anti-massecre movement…and all you have to do to join is sing it the next time it comes around!”
A song that should live in our hearts, it’s time to revive the Alice’s Resteraunt movement!
Thanks for that soul-warmer this morning! 🙂 Hugs.
thanks for that reminder, and it just brought back something else for me, I just pulled out the ol’ song rack, and found Woody, and Arlo ; )
It’ll be ring’n through the swamp today…
also, let us not forget this: “and it’s 1,2,3, what are fight’n for, don’t ask me I don’t give a damn, my next stop is Viet Nam,”
Hooooooo Laaawwwd, de’ja vu ; ) LOL
man after my own heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and remember CCR, fortunate son????
Aaaahhhh yes,,,you would not beleive what is play’n on the stereo of mine, (the one my kids call a dinasour, 1969 Sansui GS 22000, 950watts of power, through 4 ea. 4′ speakers, hell the gators in the swamp are hid’n,) LOL
This diary had me break out all the oldies, that most fortunately through an old muscian friend of mine that we have converted to cd via digital…Hoooooooo Laaaaawwwwd,,,da swamp is a rock’n today…..Now all my neighbors, only a few for several miles will really be say’n, “dayum, that ol’ hippie must be tripp’n today, cuz he’s back dare in da 60’s again” ; ) LMAO
Rock’n right now as we speak: CCR “Bad Moon Ris’n”
yea, and my “friend” that I spoke of in a different post, the MACVSOG guy: :Run through the Jungle was his song. Listening to it now and find that my thoughts are going out to him as he’s deployed. I hope he’s got a good team! Ed, we got yer back!
I remember the MACVSOG groups well, spent time with and around them, I hope he’s do’n well.
I remember listen’n to “Run Through the Jungle” especially one night when the convertible Camaro left the blacktop at about 110, cleaned some brush that night…LMAO….waaaaaayyy tooooo much Vodka ; )
If it’s vinyl, I’m extremely impressed…even more so if it’s 8-track!
the ex took custody of the vinyl, (&^%&#&%%(&^%) anyway, I do have some 8 tracks around, and a player that came out of my ol’ CJ7, and it still works !!!
even some ol’ Kenny Roger’s and the First Edition, “Ruby, Don’t take your Love to town”
If you’re destined to die a dinosaur, ya might as well be a Tyrannosaurous Rex. I already figured, from your earlier posts, that you may have been involved with the MACVSOG guys. It was a little before my time (actually when I was born) but I can tell you that I learned quite a lot on the demo range from them, and not the stuff in the training manuels. Nevertheless, I was always “junior” as my nickname…always proving myself – even when walking point.
The 8 tracks and the player are in my shop/shed, and I’ve had a jeep around for over 30yrs.
LOL, yeps that’s me, the dinosaur, including the stereo system, no new one’s can compete with it ; )
Hope you hear from your ol’ buddy before long, but one thing I know for sure, those WV boys, hillbilly bred, are hard to keep down, I know, was born there ; ) We can shoot before we can walk good….that’s why they liked us so well. Stepp’n through the bush’s comes natural.
get folks a’rockin! Dylan, the Stones, CCR, Jim Morrison…
Man, looks like we’re in for nasty weather!
Yea I was remembering CCR today and thought of Susan Hu:
Suzy Hu = Suzy Q
I hope she didn’t take offense! After reading her diary I thought:
“Oh Suzy Hu, baby I love you, of Suzy Hu…”
That was my John Fogerty moment today.
Yea, I can’t figure out whether I’m a father-raper or litter-bug.
This is why I called myself Alice here, trying to have a revolutionary tag. The music is still where it’s at, isn’t it?
You tag line reminded me of Arlo last week, the only question I have is:
“Kid, have you ever been arrested?”
This is the one I broke out the other day:
It’s been a long time comin’
It’s goin’ to be a long time gone.
And it appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long time,
Yes, a long, long, long, long time,
Before the dawn.
Turn, turn any corner.
Hear, you must hear what the people say,
You know there’s something that’s goin’ on around here,
That surely, surely, surely won’t stand the light of day.
And it appears to be a long, (yes it does)
Appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long time,
Such a long, long, time,
Before the dawn.
Speak out, you got to speak out against the madness
You got to speak your mind,
If you dare.
But don’t, no don’t no try to get yourself elected.
If you do you had better cut your hair.
And it appears to be a long, (yes it does)
Appears to be a long
Appears to be a long time,
Such a long, long, long, long time,
Before the dawn.
It’s been a long time comin’,
It’s going to be a long time gone.
But you know, the darkest hour,
Is always, always just before the dawn.
And it appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long time,
Such a long, long, long, long time before the dawn
…..I wish I could hang out with you all today in real life (whatever the hell that is anymore…oh, wait, I see it: my 23 month old chasing bubbles fromt he bubble machine out here on the back deck! Gonna go help him!)