Sad but true, from Kurt Nimmo:

Big deal. It appears Evil Karl, the demented genius of the Bush machine, is the leaker who outed Valerie Plame to Matt Cooper of Time Magazine, according to Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher. Karl, of course, wanted to burn Joe Wilson who came back from Niger saying Saddam wasn’t there picking up discounts of yellowcake uranium. So Karl outed Joe’s wife for payback. It is illegal under the Intelligence Identities Protection Act to reveal the identity of a CIA agent and a conviction can bring a maximum sentence of 10 years in the clink. Do you think Karl Rove will see the inside of a jail cell? Do you think he will actually be prosecuted? Judith Miller (the Mistress of Propaganda) may waste away in the jail because her employer refuses to spill the beans about her source to a grand jury, but chances are slim to none Evil Karl will ever have to watch the soap or wear an orange jumper. People like Karl Rove don’t go to jail, not unless they are caught red-handed killing six year olds and cannibalizing the remains.

Rove may be forced to resign from the Bush administration and even if he is prosecuted the next president will pardon him just like Dubya’s daddy pardoned all those Iran-Contra criminals. Meanwhile, if you’re a black male in the Queens neighborhoods of Cambria Heights and Laurelton, you get racially profiled, dragneted, arrested, and interrogated because a cop was shot (or stabbed) in the leg while attempting to arrest somebody for smoking marijuana…