While I was doing some research on the web, I ran across this stunning piece from the University of Washington.  

I have excerpted a couple of quotes here, but you really should go and read the whole thing by Clicking  Here

We need help in fighting this Liberal Intellectualism. !

The “State” Of Idaho: The Case For Open Debate

If you would ask any schoolchild how many states there are in the United States, you will get the same answer: 50. Fifty states in the Union. It is simply an accepted “fact.” If you would disagree with this supposed “fact,” you would be branded insane or worse.

However, mounting evidence shows that there are in fact only 49 states in the US, and the “state” of Idaho is a baseless myth.

A bit further on, it continues with this

It is important to note that a photograph without a caption is often meaningless. A picture of people in boats surrounded by mountains could have been taken in Colorado or Nevada, but when the holy caption says that this is a picture of the “Salmon River” in “Idaho,” gullible readers tend to swallow this information whole without any further examination.

I hope you read all of the acrticle linked.  After yesterday’s bit of a bumpy ride, I enjoyed throwing my head back and having a good hard laugh.  This is great snark and I hope it lightened your day.  I know the rest of us I-Dee-hoans are laughing out loud. . .hopefully it gave you a smile too.