While I was doing some research on the web, I ran across this stunning piece from the University of Washington.
I have excerpted a couple of quotes here, but you really should go and read the whole thing by Clicking Here
We need help in fighting this Liberal Intellectualism. !
If you would ask any schoolchild how many states there are in the United States, you will get the same answer: 50. Fifty states in the Union. It is simply an accepted “fact.” If you would disagree with this supposed “fact,” you would be branded insane or worse.
However, mounting evidence shows that there are in fact only 49 states in the US, and the “state” of Idaho is a baseless myth.
A bit further on, it continues with this
I hope you read all of the acrticle linked. After yesterday’s bit of a bumpy ride, I enjoyed throwing my head back and having a good hard laugh. This is great snark and I hope it lightened your day. I know the rest of us I-Dee-hoans are laughing out loud. . .hopefully it gave you a smile too.
There is a long running debate that the panhandle of Idaho actually belongs to Washington. . .and a parallel discussion of those in the Northern Panhandle wishing to secede from Idaho and join Eastern Washington.
Maybe Idaho is a tater state of mind.
then where the heck am I?
That is indeed the question, Where are we then?
I’m in Moscow, and a cartographer told me this is Idaho. He surely coudn’t have been lying. Could he?
I also have heard about various “border disputes” over the Oregon border and the Montana-Idaho border (still not sure if this one was a surveyor’s mistake or an act of Congress)-
I think I might move to a border region and start disputing! Maybe I can get my own private… um… “state”.
Nobody ever listens to us, they just want to eat our potaoes.
It’s very interesting how physicists become spiritual when they start understanding how the building blocks of the universe are not really blocks, but interacting fields. I am not a particularly spiritual person, but that aspect of science has opened the door to my acceptance that there is a level of interconnectedness that could be interpreted spiritually. And then there’s Quantum Mechanics…
Thanks. It seems the more you learn about how the Universe really works it is inevitable that you expand your vision and thoughts. And YES, there’s quantum Mechanics. . and String Theory…seems like it is pretty hard to deny that we are all connected. JMHO
My email address is in my profile.
Hey back at ya. I’m in Rigby. . .20 miles North of Idaho Falls. Over here in watchin the spuds grow country. When I get a few minutes we’ll talk.
Yeah, and sophiebrown is up in Deary, IIRC. Nice to meet my neighbors!
morning meet-up at the Farmer’s Market. I’m thinking about heading up there this Saturday in search of fresh produce and other goodies.
My family and I may try to make it over to the Moscow Farmers Market. I’m not sure when we’ll make it over there at this point, as having a two-year-old makes scheduling difficult!
If you let me know when you think you’ll be heading up there, we can try to establish a meeting place, time, etc…
but I will probably going up there maybe every other week now that things are growing and ripening.
I haven’t seen Sophie Brown posting for a while. Is she still around?
I’ll be there, probably ’round 10:30 or 11:00, with my wife (pregnant) and a two-year old girl. I’ll be wearing a green baseball cap with a cup of coffee on it.
Say “Hey Stephen” if you see me.
If I go, it will be early, about 8 or so. Maybe next time. I would really like to meet.
I read your profile and your grad studies sound very interesting. I work in a pathology lab myself.
Have a great weekend.
Primordial, I will be looking around town for a hat with a coffee cup. Although I live in Deary, all my peeps are all in Moscow. I go to the unitarian church there and my kid plays baseball there and goes to moscow charter school.
We really should do a Moscow farmers market meet up with shirls and hoosier. I didn’t make it today and I am actually off to hawaii for a week so I can’t make next week either.
But after that I’ll be around all summer. We should look for a weekend we’re all around…