Today, I was treated to the spectacle of Sen. Rick Santorum drawing a crowd outside my place of work.  They drug out a nice podium and all for him, and news crews were illegally parked hither and yon, disrupting the  day to day business of the state office building here in Pittsburgh.  What was the occasion?

He got away with it.

You might remember reading about Sen Santorum bilking money from the Penn Hills school district to pay for his children to attend Cyber School when they didn’t even live in Pennsylvania, let alone in Penn Hills, PA.  Today, a preliminary report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education said that the school district waited too long to pursue legal action against Pennsylvania’s junior senator.

Does nothing stick to this guy?  There’s more, including something that Might Stick.

Of course, Santorum claims that the attempted recovery of tax dollars from a working-class school district was politically motivated.  

“Coincidentally, not until it was time for my re-election campaign did these questions about our children’s education arise, and it was even less of a coincidence that these allegations originated from the Democratic chair of Penn Hills who is also a member of the Penn Hills school board,” Santorum said in a statement he read today outside the State Office Building, Downtown.

Santorum did not answer questions after the statement.

Dog-and-senator show, anyone?

In the meantime, back at the ranch, or should I say back at the homestead….

Santorum ‘s quaint two-bedroom home in Penn Hills carries a
homestead tax exemption.

Homeowners can realize a $15,000 reduction from the total assessed value of their residence. The only requirement is proof that the property is the homeowner’s primary residence.

Now, Santorum has as much as admitted that he does not live in Penn Hills.  Why is he getting a tax break he is not entitled to, thereby bilking yet more tax dollars out of the residents of Penn Hills?

This Penn Hills resident would really like to know.