Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Done! Is anyone here sick to death of hearing the name Rove? Yes, I want the scumbag fired and jailed but did we ever think we would write or read the name Rove so much in one day. Guess I am just crabby. Been up since 2:30am!
As I told MilitaryTracy, benedryl always does the trick for me. 🙂
I agree about the Rove thing, but that word is more than his name, it’s a huge identifier for anything related to the Bushistas. Let’s bring them all down!
Exactly! Hey Manny, I have a favor to ask. I just wrote a diary about Biden interview tonight. Could you check it out and give me feedback. I value your input.
because he is used to being like that…he back in the early 70’s left his post in a time an dwar an ddid not return to it and thumbed his nose at the military in such a way and did went way beyond absent without leave…he deserted his post and the military an dnever finished his commitment. That deserting in a time of war is punishment by death..soooooo, to say he is used to it is just SOP for dubya.
Oh God, what a beautiful sunrise. I had to go back to find it. I must thank andif for that one. I am simply amazed on the loviness of such a place. Thanks Kansas for heads up on this.
Michael Medved, Conservative Radio Host, just blamed Joe Wilson for the outing of his wife. “If he was so concerned about the covert status of his wife then why did he return from Niger and make such a public condemnation of the Bush Administration in the NY Times.” (paraphrased)
As widely expected, the Australian Government has announced this morning that Australian SAS troops will be returned to Afghanistan (they were there for about a year when the US first invaded Afghanistan). The 150 SAS soldiers may be followed later by an additional 200 troops to work on reconstruction.
Done! Is anyone here sick to death of hearing the name Rove? Yes, I want the scumbag fired and jailed but did we ever think we would write or read the name Rove so much in one day. Guess I am just crabby. Been up since 2:30am!
As I told MilitaryTracy, benedryl always does the trick for me. 🙂
I agree about the Rove thing, but that word is more than his name, it’s a huge identifier for anything related to the Bushistas. Let’s bring them all down!
Exactly! Hey Manny, I have a favor to ask. I just wrote a diary about Biden interview tonight. Could you check it out and give me feedback. I value your input.
I put down “treason” as the reason for termination.
me too Sandblaster! It was kinda satisfying.
Off topic- but did you get your name from that fabulous kids’ book?
I love that book.
I can’t guess where yours came from though…
From deep in my psyche, where wind blows over the sandstone. ;^)
me too!
TREASON!!! is a Federal offense particulary in a time of war.
Now that the White House has indicated Bush still “has confidence” in Rove, tomorrow’s question needs to be:
“Why does the president still have confidence in someone involved in an act of treason?”
because he is used to being like that…he back in the early 70’s left his post in a time an dwar an ddid not return to it and thumbed his nose at the military in such a way and did went way beyond absent without leave…he deserted his post and the military an dnever finished his commitment. That deserting in a time of war is punishment by death..soooooo, to say he is used to it is just SOP for dubya.
Psst. . .be sure to visit this morning’s cafe. Somebody left a really nice gift for you. (First cafe, not second.)
(Sorry about the OT)
I’m lost on these virtual coffees…
Oh God, what a beautiful sunrise. I had to go back to find it. I must thank andif for that one. I am simply amazed on the loviness of such a place. Thanks Kansas for heads up on this.
that felt good. I wanted to say for being fugly, but that’s not a good reason to fire someone. I could lose my job for that reason.
Done, I just wish that I could personally deliver it.
Poop! I’ll give someone my proxy since I can’t sign because I’m a canuck. Someone – find a friend or relative to sign for me please!
Michael Medved, Conservative Radio Host, just blamed Joe Wilson for the outing of his wife. “If he was so concerned about the covert status of his wife then why did he return from Niger and make such a public condemnation of the Bush Administration in the NY Times.” (paraphrased)
These people disgust me.
didn’t have the cojones to go after Wilson directly…so they made his wife “fair game”.
Like any terrorist, the weak have to target the innocent bystanders…
Here’s the law that will get Rove’s butt frog marched out of Washington – hopefully!
Apologies to Code Pink!
oh. my. god. That is truly scary.
As widely expected, the Australian Government has announced this morning that Australian SAS troops will be returned to Afghanistan (they were there for about a year when the US first invaded Afghanistan). The 150 SAS soldiers may be followed later by an additional 200 troops to work on reconstruction.
If I can manage, more later on the implications.