The Bushies keep ignoring the noma,
As their polls ever deepen towards coma.
But gangrene is unique,
The sense of smell often piqued,
By that distinctive Turd Blossum aroma.

(five more after the fold. Plus, at a reader’s suggestion, I’ve added references…)
The launch of Discovery’s upstaged
By a redundantly placed hydrogen gauge.
Pity NASA’s no Jordie,
On call for this sortie,
Then Picard could say to Riker “Engage!”

Iraq’s shown with a new body count,
Innocent death rates continue to mount.
But when it comes down to “Freedom”,
Bushies say “We don’t need `em”
No polls or tolls cause these trolls to dismount.

Moniz won the ’49 Nobel Prize,
For his controversial brain surgery franchise.
But families contend,
To rescend and amend,
With end result, his Nobel lobotomized.

Barely a week, sense of security blown,
British find terrorism’s homegrown.
This Al-Qaeda is sly;
It’s our tolerance they ply.
Can Brits avoid the religious touchstone?

This item never made it to the tubes,
“Implants Stolen by Brazilian Rubes”
The risk of infection,
From this stolen selection,
Adds new meanings to the come-on, “Hot boobs!”


Poll suggests drop in Bush’s personal credibility

NASA engineers race clock to fix shuttle flaw

Data Shows Faster-Rising Death Toll Among Iraqi Civilians

Lobotomy Back in Spotlight After 30 Years

Britons Mark One Week Since London Attacks

Must be bad news for local beauty pageants…