Wowzers, an NYT editorial I can read:

Surely no one can approve turning an American soldier into a pseudo-lap-dancer or having another smear fake menstrual blood on an Arab man. These practices are as degrading to the women as they are to the prisoners. They violate American moral values – and they seem pointless.

More on the flip…
The Times has developed an interesting meme to work with here: Women who join the military are asked to perform sexually degrading work (all the while, doubtlessly being told that they are “serving honorably”).

The editorial staff rightly casts doubt on the utility of these techniques

Does anyone in the military believe that a coldblooded terrorist who has withstood months of physical and psychological abuse will crack because a woman runs her fingers through his hair suggestively or watches him disrobe? If devout Muslims become terrorists because they believe Western civilization is depraved, does it make sense to try to unnerve them by having Western women behave like trollops?

No trained terrorist would crack under these conditions, and you might create a few more along the way.

I know the logic is to play on the cultural beliefs of Muslims and humiliate the prisoners, but by that logic, shouldn’t men be performing lap dances, as homosexuality is taboo in Middle Eastern cultures?  Is that happening?  I sure haven’t heard about.

The Bushco Pentagon is using the brave women in our armed forces as sexual objects.  They are purposely creating an environment which puts women in a dangerously hypersexualized environment.  Check out the increase in sexual assaults within the Army, not to mention the violence perpetrated against female prisoners.  

I want to know the answer to the question implied in this editorial?  Knowing that your daughter/sister/loved one might participate in the actions depicted in the Abu Ghraib photographs or those mentioned in reported cited in the Times editorial, would you want her to join the Army?

Are they deliberately trying to destroy our Armed Forces?