See the cast below:
Angelina Jolie as Valerie Wilson | Val Kilmer as Ambassador Joe Wilson |
Abe Vigoda as Robert Novak | Vin Diesel as Ari Fleisher |
George Clooney as George Tenet | Kevin James as Matt Cooper |
Barbara Hershey as Judith Miller | Ralph Fiennes as Stephen Hadley |
Stephen Root as Karl Rove | Patrick Cronin as Scooter Libby |
Laurence Fishburne as Colin Powell | Brendan Gleeson as Dick Cheney |
Any other suggestions?
might I suggest you contact Mike Moore and see if he can help you get this thing off the ground. Sounds like something he woudl be in favor of….:o)
Robert Redford would also be great … i’ve seen him interviewed recently re Deep Throat. Redford was deeply involved in getting the movie made about Woodward/Bernstein.
Bush will have to play himself, no actor could adequately portray that depth of stupidity.
Chris Cooper would make a good Bush…though it may leave him with lasting emotional scars
Tom Hanks as Bush.
I was hoping you could get Porky Pig to play Karl Rove. Maybe in the animated version?
You know that half money, half man character that Chris Kattan plays on SNL? Yeah, Mr. Peepers. That’s the guy that could play Preznit Bush.
Wow! Kattan would be a great choice! You have my vote.
GOT TO BE Will Ferrell as Dubya!
Could be very useful casting if the story goes back in time to the beginning of the Bush dynasty with Nazi GrampaPreston, and we show W as a kid
He’s too good looking for the role.
Awww, crap, that’s really good too! Maybe Kattan for youneger, and Ferrell for older.
How about
Elsa Lanchester as Judith Miller?
Too funny!! This was a great thing to see first thing in the a.m., Boo!
I can’t find a picture of him, but do you remember Larry “Bud” Melman from the early Letterman days? I think he’d make a better Rove than Root, but he’s probably too old at this point! Maybe he could be Robert Byrd?