This is where I see the ties with what Camp Casey is achieving. We must RESIST in a MASS movement. Aside from that, do you agree with Dr. Loo’s thesis that the elections were stolen? And what about those “A-list bloggers” allegedly blowing off the issue?

“The 2000, 2002 and 2004 elections fraud underscores the critical importance of building a mass movement, a movement of resistance that doesn’t tie itself to the electoral road and electoral parties. In addition, as Robert Parry has eloquently argued, a counterforce to the right-wing media empire must be built by the left and by progressive-minded people. As it stands today, the right can get away with nearly anything because they have talking heads on TV, radio, the Internet and other outlets who set the tone and the political agenda, with mainstream media focusing on sex and sensationalism and taking their political cues to a large extent from the right.”

The concluding paragraph of
“No Paper Trail Left Behind:
   The Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election”

By Dennis Loo, Ph.D., Cal Poly Pomona

Published August 2005 at Project Censored

Here’s how Dr. Loo begins the article:

In order to believe that George Bush won the November 2, 2004 presidential election, you must also believe all of the following extremely improbable or outright impossible things. … Read All

Update [2005-8-13 12:42:34 by susanhu]:80 Million Reasons To Ignore Election Fraud“:

“Forget this election. Plan for the future.” Those words are a large reason why I believe the A-list bloggers have done little to advance the cause of election reform, and why they mostly ignored the work of Congressman Conyers (and many others in the blogosphere) in compiling evidence of possible/probable election fraud and disenfranchisement. …

Thank you to Lisa Pease for sending me this article. Lisa comments here as Real History Lisa, and at Real History Archives Blog: “Is it news or propaganda? How can you tell? Read and learn how Real History informs the present, empowering you to wake up and smell what’s brewing. For more permanent information, check out Real History Archives.”