Susan is feeling under the weather and I went out for dinner and some drinks. So, sorry we haven’t put up any new threads for a while. We’re excited to see pictures of Alohaleezy, who doesn’t look Hawaiian at all, but sure looks fantastic modeling the BooTrib t-shirt. I don’t have anything profound to say, other than I hope Susan feels better and that you all are enjoying your weekend.
Use this as an open thread.
Now I’ve got to sign off and finish packing, including the computer…
Tell Susan we hope her weather improves soon!
that I missed getting in on the metal thread. You all rock out there in the community more than I suspected!
You haven’t missed it yet. There’s still beer left in the keg!
before you drained it. And from the thread, I’d say it’d be Bud, and the tunes would be rockin.
Anytime you want. Beer and rockin jams, on tap 🙂
Here is some cake:
And here is hoping we get to eat it too:
(ERRRP) “Excuse me!”
When I read that first headline, I immediately thought:
<Jon Stewart>Whaaaaaaaaa??<Jon Stewart>
Yes, that’s how pathetic I’ve become. I think in HTML tags.
I was wondering when ole Karpinski was going to bite them in the ass. She broke ranks by saying things to the press when Abu Ghraib first broke so they “spanked” her soundly and sent her to bed. Scribe’s latest dairy though clearly states that we women will survive though and usually at some point it becomes clear that we should never have been fucked with. Go Janet Go! Thank you for this information. Being one of the “military affected”, it is wonderful news to hear. Can’t wait till my husband takes it to work!!
Oops…mean Janis
On this site:
There is a “Damnit” that responds to “Janet”.
There is a “Jackie” that responds to “Janet”.
I am sure, if you ask “Janis” nicely, she will respond to “Janet”.
I changed the title so it wouldn’t read:
Just didn’t seem right? lol
Currently out in beautiful Sedona, so maybe no painting diary tomorrow. Oh well, the scenery is great and I’ve started 2 new paintings. Regards to all!
Waving to you from down south in Tucson, boran2! Hope you’re enjoying your time in Az. Make sure you take the drive through Oak Creek Canyon between Sedona and Flagstaff, it’s breathtaking.
Yep, it was great, thanks!
Enjoy! My mom lives in Pheonix and we visited Sedona when my eldest son was 2 — he saw his very first snowflakes there! beautiful scenery to paint — can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I second Man Egee’s reco of Oak Creek Canyon — more beauty!
I love Arizona — when I was 9 we moved to Sierra Vista and then moved to Tuscon where I lived until I was 12. Mom lived in Flagstaff for a while beofre she moved down to Sun City — just an awesome state all the way ’round!
Are you going to Tuscon? I highly recomend Kitt Peak if strgazing/astonomy interests you in the least bit — it is a beautiful drive and the facility is awesome (in every sense of the wrod)!
I’m leaving MN for Sedona a week from today – can’t wait!! I’ve never been there before. I think you gave me some suggestions of things to do in a previous thread. If you’re still there and see someone wearing a Booman t-shirt – it must be me, so be sure to say hi.
So… I was going to go to the library this weekend, BUT after reading this I am not sure that it is a good place to go if you don’t like the present administration:
an organization that possesses “a wide array of sensitive information about library patrons, including information about the reading materials borrowed by library patrons and about Internet usage by library patrons.”
HMMM… AKA: a Library
SHHHH! No talking in the booman library… Only reading allowed.
So here is a comment/question. I see where the cindy crowd has decided to split into 3 seperate routes converging on DC. HMMMMMMMM! I gotta say, I ain’t pleased. Focus! Focus! That’s my comment!
Now the question– Am I alone or are there more folks out there that feel that we will be spreading ourselves too thin?
Also can cover more ground, and hit more people with the message. That can’t be too bad…
I liked the idea of them “spreading the word”.
Susan, hope you are feeling better today. Take it easy and do what is best for Susan. Hugs, Girlfriend….take good care.
Are ya’ll still coming to San Antone next month? I was just wondering how that’s gonna square with your trip to DC as you said they were both near the end of August….if you don’t wanna reply here, just email me or call!
Don’t ususally do this, but for those of you looking for a Crawford update — I posted a new diary called “A Call from Crawford” — you get two for the price of one if you read the comments!
Since I can not write . I want to put together a list of road trips for the fall. I know gas costs a lot but fall road trips after the tourists are gone and the colors are changing produce some great memories.There was a question if we wore glasses so thought this would make a great diary question. Boo put up somthing where people can put up road trip routes and stories.Canada,US, Europe , anywhere