The following is an exerpt from my book on “Down to Earth Gardening and Survival living” and I thought it would be good to cross post part of this on Booman.   The  full diary can be found at Village Blue

The most critical need for help after the disaster is during the first 72 hours, yet community and government assistance will probably not be available during this period.
With a minimum of expense and trouble it is possible to bring together a few basic items which will ease the stress of a difficult situation and may even save you and your families life. In any form of emergency situation, several things take place: both physical and emotional.
[ITEMS FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT – After the initial response to an emergency, the disrupted life style and disorientation can cause undo emotional stress and feeling of insecurity. Items that are emotionally reassuring should be included in the emergency kit.
These can include crayons, coloring books, story books, puzzles,soft small toys for children. Personal items for adults should be included such as books, handiwork, musical instrument, or sports equipment.]

It is important that you take a comprehensive survey of your own family units needs and insure that you have included any special items that are unique to you.
Your needs could be very much different than the suggested lists, only you can decide what you and your families needs are based on your resources and experiences.
Once you have established and gathered together what you feel are necessary requirements for both an Emergency Preparedness Kit and a substantial First Aid Kit;
You will need a container that these items will go in.
1- Fishing Tackle Boxes
2- Tool Boxes
3- Rubbermaid Tote (recommended)
4- Plastic Garbage Cans

These kits do not have to be complicated! Rather, simple is better than complex, however, the need of quality and durability should be one of the major criteria for any items included. Don’t spend a lot of money. This is a survival kit. You will want to be comfortable but not extravagant.
The Boy Scout Handbook covers every BASIC topic that a novice can handle and it readily available in almost every city. It also has a list of scout equipment ( stoves, lights, water cans, etc.) that are available in most scout supply centers.
{The complete list can be found at Village Blue as it is way to big to put here.)

Corned Beef HashSoup-for-OneRoast Beef ,HashCanned Pasta
Canned RavioliFruit Cups, ApplesauceVienna Sausages
Bread Sticks, Pudding Cups,CookiesSnack, Pack Cereal
Canned Milk, Powdered Milk, Fruit Rolls, Fun Fruits,
Packages of Raisins,
Packages of Peanuts
Granola BarsCambells
Hungry/Hearty soups
Box Juices
Hot Cocoa Mix
Hard Candy
Tang powered OJ
Trail MixPower Bars,
Saltine Crackers,
apple drinks,
bouillon cubes,
Large cans of fruit juices,
B&W baked beans,
Dinty Moore beef stew,
fruit cocktail
macaroni & cheese
rolled oat cereal(
instant)vegetable soup
Minute rice,
scrambled egg mix,
applesaucedessert mix,
mountain stew,
Spanish rice entrée,
baking soda.
A large container of trail mix from Price club
Progresso lentil soupsRamen
Dehyrdrated soups, ministrone and bean soups.
Baking soda.serves many purposes just send away for their (Arm & Hammer) tips book.

Much more info can be found at Village Blue if you are interested.  
It is my feeling that everyone should be prepared with some kind of disaster pack, even the small one  I have outline above.
What are your thoughts about disaster preparations, have you made any?