Good Sunday [time of day] to everyone! The Café is open once more, or did it ever really close? The newspapers are fresh from the press, the pastries & other goodies fresh from the bakery, and the coffee beans straight from the farm. Oh wait, was I supposed to roast those before making the coffee?
If you hadn’t yet heard, we’re organizing a fun photography fair for the weekend of September 10th & 11th. Katiebird published a diary a couple days ago wherein she put out a call for volunteers to help organize the fair and come up with some guidelines. (I’d also like to interject here that we, the Café staff, or always looking for fresh meat, er, enthusiastic people to help host the Café. Email a host for details.) The time and energy requirements aren’t strenuous, and geez, you’re here so much already….
We’re open for business, so c’mon in, and take the poll if you’re so inclined.
What will the Minutemen along the border do to stop this?
Good Morning BrotherFeldspar!
I’m so glad you mentioned the volunteer issue in your diary. The fair is just 2 weeks away and to give the artists time to prepare their displays, we have to get the guidelines finalized sometime this week.
Then next week the committee can work on designing the Fair Diaries and working on the details of how to link them together.
Then the weekend of the Fair we will take shifts in moderating the diaries — Adding more as they get full and keeping the links vital. Since the mechanics of this process hasn’t been worked out yet, I can’t be more specific.
This is the list of volunteers so far (I think — let me know if I’ve got it wrong):
We’d love to have 2 more volunteers, so if you’ve got ideas for how to make this a thrilling experience for the BoomanTribune Community, step up and speak your name!
Consider this comment the place to volunteer or make suggestions about the processes mentioned here.
You can put me down for a moderator shift any time on the 11th. More than one shift, if you need me.
Thanks kansas! It’s done!
(are you feeling any better?)
As a photographer would you be interested in using (something like) CafePress to sell products (posters, mugs, whatever) using your images?
CafePress (and a couple of other similar sites) lets anyone create links from a site (say here) into virtual stores that can be created by anyone with no upfront costs at all. If you’re interested in this at all read all about it here.
I know that a lot of people used CafePress to create grassroots buttons, posters and bumperstickers during the election. But, I don’t have any broader experience with them.
I was hoping that they would have an affiliates program in place that would let booman get a share of the profits made from sales originating from this site. It turns out they will be unveiling such a program in mid-September — just a week or two too late for us!
So, one of the issues to work out (if we are interested in doing it at all) would be if/how artists could share profits with Booman.
Booman asked me to bring this up with the community and said that whatever we work out is fine with him.
I would like this comment to be a place for the Photographers to discuss their feelings about the concept of selling products with their images, whether CafePress is the best way to do it, and whether they would actually set up such a shop and do it.
Because if no one wants to do it — we don’t have to worry about the details!
I’m going to set up another comment so the rest of us can talk about whether we would buy posters (or whatever) at the fair.
I like this idea! I can’t imagine someone wearing a t-shirt (or thong! hah!) with one of my pictures on it, but I suppose stranger things have happened. Frankly I’d be happy to see any and all profits go to BooMan for site upkeep: I’m not looking to generate profit from my photographs (not yet, at any rate) and it would also lend the whole exercise a fundraising angle.
That’s the kind of thinking I hoped would come out of this.
I like the idea of your idea — if we can work out the details.
IIRC BooMan has someone handling the CafePress store for him. It’d be simplest if we could just pass along pictures (chosen how?) to him with permission to make those pictures into items to sell. Selling Photo Fair merchandise straight from the BooTrib store, that is. It would save us from having to set up a store ourselves, and we wouldn’t have to contrive any sort of affiliate program to make sure Boo cut his cut. In this scheme, he’d get the whole cut. Heck, if Boo were to sell a t-shirt with a picture of mine on the front, and “” on the back, I wouldn’t complain.
One other thing: if we’re going to sell merchandise, under Boo’s store or not, we should make clear that selling anything is purely voluntary for the photographer. If someone doesn’t want their pictures being sold, or wants to make their fairly-earned profit from them through their own efforts, that’s totally OK. My sense is that most of us are purely amateur photographers, which is why I suggested having profits to go BooMan.
Or if the profits don’t go to BooMan, how about if they go to something Camp Casey related, or maybe to Code Pink or other peace organizations?
An excellent suggestion of your own! I might like that idea better, provided we can come up with an effective/efficient way to do it.
I do not know much about CafePress. Could you tell me more, Please.
Here’s a link to the Seller Page. I’ve been poking around the site and know some people who use it — but I don’t want to accidentally misrepresent something.
In another comment (depending on your display it could be either above or below by the time you read this!) I opened a discussion of the possibility of photographers selling posters (and other products) made with their images. (please keep discussion about whether you would open a shop in that thread)
I’m not going to repeat the complete idea here.
This is a place for us to discuss whether we would be interested in buying posters (or other products) with links from our fair.
Each artist would create their own products and be setting their own prices. So this is very much a what-if discussion.
But, I think it would be helpful to the photographers to know if there is any interest from the community as customers.
Read more about CafePress here.
Katiebird, this is a very interesting site. I have made it a habit not to do shoping online. Is there a way to do it otherwise. I would buy but not online..Others might tho. Like for the booman products I am thinkinig of orderinng offline. I simply do not give my card numbers online what so ever. Had a bad experience doing that once, so stopped.
I am certain, tho, I would buy products if I could otherwise. This might be fine for others who do such, tho.
Brenda — CafePress accepts phone orders (Read This), does that make a difference?
yes it does make a difference. go for it, Babe…….
I’d do it just in the spirit of fund raising for the site, though I certainly have nothing against the $ going to the photographers, either. (I feel as if they and the committee should decide that, so I’m staying out of that discussion.) Of course, this all depends on the cost. 🙂
Morning/evening everyone…
Is there anyone of our members who is in danger with the hurricane. Let us know if you are and how you are doing.
FYI just Friday I did a diary on disaster preps for Village Blue. and I think I will post it here on this site in a few.
Going to be a hot one in the Southland today — about 93 degrees. Good day to ride the Red Line and Gold Line trains here in LA, and see the sites. Fortunately the room’s got a decent air conditioner so we can cool off the room when we get back tonight.
It’s still strange to be this far from home…it’s been a long time since we’ve traveled together. We pretty much crashed last night — we did change into our PJs, but fell asleep on top of the blankets till about 3am, then got under the sheets for a few hours.
Will try to post a couple of photos from the trip down tonight; still need to unpack my camera cable to get the photos out of the camera and onto the computer…
Hi Cali, you are in the southland,!!! welcome, are you going to get to Disneyland or to Orange county at all, which is where I live about 10 min. from D-land.
For the LA area I rec. Olivera St. and Chinatown.
We’re within spitting distance of both Olvera and Chinatown; our place is just about a 5-10 minute walk (depending on lights and how much luggage you haul) from LAUPT. Ideal location for non-car renters! We’ll probably head over to Olvera to see what we can dig up for brunch today; the spouse is thinking we might head over to Pasadena later today, or just general transit riding.
We’ll be heading over to Anaheim on Tuesday, but when I suggested getting together with folks, he wasn’t too enthusiastic; he really wants this trip to be for us, since it’s the first real traveling we’ve done together in several years. I can sort of understand his feelings on that; we went through a rough patch in the marriage a couple of years ago, and are still trying to put a few things back together. We’re hoping to make it back down here more frequently though, so maybe on a future trip we can get together with the Southern Frogs. 🙂
Got to hand over the computer to the spouse…he wants to check some transit schedules…
That’s fine about a get together, I don’t go out much at all, but maybe you could give me a call when you get to Anaheim, if you have the time, no biggie. Email me for phone no. if you want to.
My favorite recollection of food in Olivera St. is taquitos, never had any better than there.
A wetsuitted windsurfer in Puget Sound in winds of 30-35 knots. At this speed large whitecaps are everywhere, and the region just above the water is hazy with salty mist. Thin streaks of foam are seen on the surface stretching along the direction of the wind. It’s noisy; the breaking foam crests make quite a lot of sound to have to shout over if you choose or need to be out in these winds.
From 35-40 knots, the foamy crests begin to be blown off the wave tops making it hard to look upwind, and greatly reducing visibility in all directions.
The force of wind in Katrina right now would be almost 25 times as great as the force you would feel in the scene above. Of course, it’s a little problematic to figure where you could be positioned to feel that force and survive. Judging by how it’s felt to me at 60-80 knots, I think by 150 knots the spray alone might be hitting hard enough to endanger exposed flesh.
OMG! That’s what my husband loves most to do in the world.
When working for NWA, we’d get messages from the Narita office telling us of typhoons (Guam is always at condition 4) and then a pause and then… “Is Janet’s husband out the door and in the surf?” 🙂
I have nothing to say other than: it’s been another fab day here in the T-dot and I just got back from a round of 18 on the golf course… nice, nice, nice. 🙂
I have one request — I’ve been offline so much recently I have no idea where my good friends IP, Ghostdancer, Anomalous, Sven T, etc. are… come out, come out where ever you are…
If I missed someone, don’t take it personal, it’s just ’cause you never recommended banning me is all… 😉
Happy sunny Sunday to y’all!
Hi Spider, Ghostdancer is on regularily, but rarely on weekends. Ipig is off working and out of touch of computer, anomalous has not been heard from for a few weeks, but I think is very busy, Sven has been on board recently, seems a lot of peeps are on vacation or otherwise occupied.
but I am here and missed you a lot Spider.
Merci buckets Diane! Thanks for the updates.
I missed you too… every once in a while I’ll pop in, but the last month at work has been insane and my time online has been spent researching certified pre-owned vehicle ownership and it’s relevance to driving new vehicle sales…
(yes I know I’m a tree hugger and really can’t believe I work to develop ad strategies for one of the big three… mea culpa…)
I’m on and off today but next week should be better for me to stop into Village Blue as well and reconnect with you guys. So glad you are still holding down the fort!! 🙂
The Pro-War people really like to smear anyone and any group who tries to help the troops…
The insanity… I just don’t understand my country anymore.
Greetings…lazy day at mi casa, sleep late, gadening, BBQ this eve and early to bed…Ahhhhhhh
Take the Worlds Shortest Personality Test
You are dignified, spiritual, and wise.
Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself.
You are a seeker of knowledge…
You tend to be philosophical…
You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world.
A good friend, you always give of yourself first.
Gotta like that!
Enjoy…later…maybe :{)
Oh … kay …
You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.
A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.
Nice find, dada, a fun little diversion. I suppose the above description would jive with the INFJ result I got on the Meyer-Briggs thing a while back.
The paste didn’t work for me, I picked the Blue one.
“You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don’t mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!”
Whew it didn’t say anything about me being a psychopath with a tattoo of Mr. Magoo on my bum. DOH! 🙂
You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don’t mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
Oh dear…back to the drawing board
Oh Sven that was mine also….
Hey how ya doing there in finland, hot or cool, really hot today in Socal…and watching the storm all day on cnn, gonna be a long night tonight.
blogging in bed. should be asleep in 10 minutes ,-)
I’m going to put the Café on overnight autopilot. Self-serve will be the rule until the next Café gets going. Please hold all those in the path of danger in your thoughts and prayers, as appropriate.
Finally got the first batch of photos out of the camera and onto the computer; don’t know how many will see them tonight so if I can, I’ll repost in tomorrow’s Cafe:
This first one I call a Gooserock Special; it’s not Puget Sound, but somewhere along the Central California Coast:
We broke out of the fog somewhere around Point Arguello. Near Ventura, just before the train turned inland, we came across kite-surfers; I’d never seen them before, but the kites were so beautiful and colorful, they looked like a strange variety of bird:
Today, we got a bit of a late start (the spouse’s fault), but we did make it over to the Hollywood & Highland Shopping Center, adjacent to the Kodak Theatre. It’s one of the best places to shoot the Hollywood sign, and it’s right on the Walk of Fame with all the stars. I took this one in honor of all of the Ribbits and Ribbettes:
Finally, the spouse and I ate on Olvera Street, at a wonderful little restaurant called La Golondrina (which means, according to the menu, “house of the swallows”; Spanish is so much cooler than English…). This was one of the paintings on the wall…now if I could just figure out how to squeeze it into my suitcase:
Tomorrow is King Tut over at LACMA, then coming back here to pack for our transfer to Anaheim and Disneyland. We feel like we’ve barely scratched the surface of LA — most of America thinks of it as “La-La Land”, shallow and out of touch with reality, but when you get beyond the glitz and tinsel, it’s actually a wonderful place to explore! We’re thinking of spending a couple of weeks here in the spring, maybe 4-5 days in LA, then going down to San Diego for 3-4 days to explore down there and visit my niece and her husband, then come back to LA for the duration.
Have a great evening — wish you all were here! 🙂