As the 90’s wore on I began to have a kind of grudging respect for Mayor Giuliani. There were many things I didn’t like about how he ran the city. Many, many things. But I couldn’t deny the amazing transformation in Manhattan. It was cleaner, it was safer, it functioned better. And a lot of the reasons it was better were the result of policies that Ruth Messinger or David Dinkins never would have implemented, and that I thought were lousy policies beforehand.
But it wasn’t until the day of 9/11 that Giuliani finally made me give him my full respect (and he would go on to lose most of it). As Bush disappeared and referred to the hijackers as ‘these folks’, Giuliani was calm, prepared, in charge, and competent. He filled the gaping hole of leadership left by an administration in hiding. Rudy’s performance wasn’t surprising to those of us that lived in the New York area, but he gained iconic status in the sheer discrepancy between his ability to function and the federal government’s invisibility.
But we have no Giuliani now. The mayor of New Orleans has been complaining, but he hasn’t been leading. The city of New York was amazingly prepared for 9/11 (even though there were mistakes), while New Orleans appears to have been caught flat-footed despite three days to prepare. Where is the water? Where are the toilets? Where is the food distribution, field hospitals, and temporary shelters?
Bush has failed again. Utterly. And with no one to pick up the slack, we see what a complete failure he is for the first time.
There can be no alternate plans for Iraq, for Social Security, for immigration policy, for Supreme Court judges. There can only be a total insistence on Bush’s removal from office. The scales have finally dropped from the eyes of the press, from the eyes of the South, and from the eyes of most of Bush’s staunchest supporters. He cannot be allowed to continue in office. It’s up to the people now. We should descend on Washington with Cindy, and we should demand that Congress remove this man from office. We can’t afford another three years of criminal incompetence, of a lack of accountability, of an inability to correct course in Iraq.
He failed to protect us from 9/11, he failed to capture or kill bin-Laden, he lied us into a war that he had no plan to win, and he has fiddled while we lost a major and beloved American city to complete ruin. What more do we need to see?
We need to see him resign.
Bush and Cheney to either resign or be impeached. We need Hastert to be indicted based on Sibel Edmond’s testimony, we need Tom DeLay indicted based on the testimoney of Abramoff, and that leaves either Sen. Ted Stevens (Senate Pro Tempore) or the newly elected Speaker of the House as our next President. I don’t really care who it is.
Ted Stevens is a anti-environmental redneck but at least he has a brain.
It doesn’t matter that Bush is surrounded by smart people…. this is the kind of event that exposes the lack of a top person to make orders and get things done.
With all due respect, we NEED Bush to resign. We do not need to bring down the entire administration (formally, anyway). As icky as it sounds, we need President Cheney, not President Bush, for the next three years of this sorry administration’s term. I know — I hate Cheney too and he’s only a marginal improvement. But Bush is damaged goods. His international standing will NEVER recover from this. He needs to be gone.
The point is not to bring down this government formally or to frogmarch everyone, even though they ought to be. The point is that we, the American people, must demonstrate to the world our seriousness at what has happened to our country and how we intend to take responsibility. We do that by holding the leader of the country accountable, and getting him to step down. The frogmarching can wait.
we need to go to DC and demand both Bush and Cheney go. Both. If we need to let a drug trafficker like Hastert run our government (and let Sibel talk and we’ll decide whether Hastert is taking bribes from drug runners), then so be it. It’s time for a new demonstation in DC. A huge one.
I aghree with Boo . What’s the difference between a heartless bastard with no clue and a heartless bastard with an agenda?
Beats me but I bet it comes to about the same
You cannot realistically get rid of Bush and Cheney at the same time.
The American experience with bad leadership has been to make the president pay. We have mechanisms for impeachment; we have had a president resign. This is somewhat familiar and can be accepted.
The American people will not accept something totally outside that experience like removing the president AND vice president. As foul as Cheney may be, the American people will never adopt this idea, especially not in a very uncertain time.
If you are really serious about the need for Bush to resign, you will want it to actually happen — and not waste time calling for something “poetic” that the American people will never accept because it is outside their experience. The best thing you can do is get Bush to resign, install President Cheney, and let him live out a miserable lameduck presidency closely watched by a reinvigorated media and citizenry.
on all counts. We had Agnew and Nixon resign in order. No one thinks Cheney is less culpable than Bush, no one will think the problem will be solved by Cheney. If Bush must go that goes double for Cheney. People in the streets should demand justice, not what is digestible.
First they got rid of Agnew.
Then Nixon resigned.
You can get rid of two crooks at once.
We’ve already done it.
Hey, hey, whadaya know?
Bush & Cheney got ta go!
I’m having a 60s moment.
But I’d be more than happy to carry the torch and make that an 00’s chant.
And we’d better do it before they get those electric bullets operational. (Seriously.)
I just hope to hell we can keep out the “Free Mumia” and “Socialist Workers” et al. to FOCUS on demanding Bush out and demanding us out of Iraq. (Dn’t beat me up for saying that — those off-topic groups really hurt the message.)
Really and no anarchists we’ve had enough anarchy.
what’s wrong with anarchism? (as opposed to anarchy)
That mayor of New Orleans is lousy.
I kind of believed the head of FEMA — Mike Brown? — when he said today on TV hat NO ONE TOLD FEMA about the thousands of people at the convention center until today.
That mayor is not the sharpest tack in the room.
I don’t think you can blame the Mayor. It’s the federal government witll all thier agencies. What can a mayor do. They wont listen to him because he’s black anyway.
The head of Fema was appointed by Bush…and he is/was a lawyer with a few other useless qualifications on his resume that in no way qualified him to be head of Fema..big surprise right.
Total, absolute BS, The whole fucking country knew about the people in the convention center… who are these people?…the boldness of the lies is mind boggling. What, no TV in FEMAland? Bah!
I thought we might have to wait to 2006. But, I’m ready to go forward with summary proceedings.
200 people are in Salvation Army headquarters — wtihout food or water for four days — and nobody can get to them.
on Larry King right now
He needs to be removed. Bodily if necessary. I personally would prefer the Military running the government to him. I don’t like the military but a coup would be prefererable and less dangerous.
On to Washington on the 24th. I cannot take this guy. I don’t want the blood of his incompetence and pride on my hands. Damn this man we cannot ever forget what he has done to this nation. His siren song of tax cuts and nationalism that sucked in the dim and evil. His love and worship of money. This is the final straw. If we don’t stand now we are the guilty ones.
I agree Booman. Bush must fall. His neocon allies must fall. The time is now!
But but Fema is running things..and this report is yet another hidieous story to my way of thinking. On Fema’s web site they have listing for charities to donate to. Red Cross is number one..ok fine..the second listing is Operation Blessing run by none other that Assassination man himself. Operation Blessing is more of a ripoff for the Robertson family to scam money and now Fema wants people to donate money to that fucker..this is down the rabbit hole time and I guess it also means Bush never did ask for any apology from that prick-surprise surprise. explaining the nefarious Operation Blessing.
Operation Nightmare.
If Pat Robertson gave me a cup of water, I’d take a deep sip and throw the rest in his face.
I think Homeland Security is in overall control and that FEMA has specific emergency task.
about the local and state governments taking the lead? FEMA is under the auspices of Homeland Security which has full legislative authority in the event of any national disaster. The feds are blaming local and state governments to cover their asses period.
Imagine each local and state government calling the shots on any disaster as large as the average hurricane? Recall Bush rushing emergency services and passing out money like candy during Florida’s hurricanes last year. Bastards! Evil, evil bastards!
from Katerina in polls taken up until 29 of August. Of course the poll leaves out thousands of people now without phones who would not give him a vote of approval.
… saying relief agencies and faith-based charities are working hard. Then he lies and say FEMA has done a good job getting basic sustenance to victims.
Emergency senate session on c-span now.
Okay, I just watched the whole thing and they of course passed the appropriations bill — $10 billion for the Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) and $500 million for Department of Defense.
Frist spoke, then Harry Reid who was good. Then Thad Cochran, R-Miss, and finally, Chuck Schumer, D-NY, who I thought gave an excellent speech. Paraphrasing:
New York is standing with their fellow Americans on the Gulf Coast in their time of crisis. His office has been flooded with calls from citizens asking how they can help, but also what’s going wrong. The time is now to act and save lives, but that question will be asked and answers will be found.
Been writing and calling these bastards all day. Dems even.
Democrats have to come out swinging and kicking ass. We can no longer afford to have them and the media not speak up and out against the Bushshit of Bush Inc.
Sorry about the cussing. I do it here so I won’t do it on the phone (they might shoot us folks now for that offense LOL) and because… I have kids in the house and swearing here, I dunno, prevents me from doing it too much here at home.
We can not let this one fade away.
War Criminals are not leaders. We have to show them that.
And don’t think redneck republicans aren’t waking up. They are. I went to the store and an old customer was there of mine and Whooooooooooooo Boy was he fired up about how “it took Bush two days to get off his ass and do nothing” then he asked me to get a rubbing for him when I was in DC marching.
I love your voice … even the cussing. We have to vent somewhere, right?
I read your letter you sent and thought it was great.
I’m so sad to see what is happening, and I hope that people wake up.
There aren’t enough quantifying words to describe it anymore, but I don’t think that’ll stop the diaries or the comments.
I think my kids think I’m totally nutzoid today. Dad is away on business so that’s a real nutbuster for my son who gets upset if his dad is 30 minutes late…
So we’re just flipping out and using that energy to “holler” and “comment” to these so called “leaders”.
September 24th can not come soon enough.
Yeah thanks janet..for holding down the cussing fort..I’ve only been able to make a few posts-woke up with migraine and some other problems -I feel like screaming and can’t even write really. Maybe I can do some fucken screamin/cussin tomorrow.
The worst wpord in the English language to me right now is “Bush”
My apologies to all well intentioned shrubbery out there.
Really good, Janet… I also contacted politicians today and sent what I wrote/said to mailing lists whose menbers also did a lot of calling today.
Couple things:
I’m not impressed with Gov Blanco either. When challenged about why they weren’t better she prepared here reply was “We begged them to leave. We begged and begged them to leave.”
Begging is not a plan.
I don’t know where the blame lies for sure on the front lines. My guess is there is plenty to go around. The fact is that our society is simply structured this way. The wealthy, mostly white folks, have the resources to take care of themselves. The poor, mostly black and other minority folks, do not have the resources and are left to fend for themselves.
In a Republican economy these problems only get worse. In a Democratic one they genreally get better but the basic problem still exists.
Had New York been wiped out by a cat 5 hurricane Guiliani would undoubtedly done better at managing the problem but the folks in Manhatten would have left for upstate already and the folks in the south bronx would have been left behind to die and suffer.
It is just the way it is in America. My home city of Chicago wouldn’t have been any different in that regard.
The Federal Government however is missing in action. FEMA may not have been told about the convention center but that doesn’t change the fact that they have not been able to successfully manage the Superdome which they did know about. There aren’t enough National Guard on the ground to take control of the city. There aren’t relief ships in the bay. There aren’t relief camps set up. There aren’t stockpiles of water and there weren’t stockpiles of water and the Federal Government, Bush and Brown and Chertoff, are all saying…
“Help is on the way.”
Great. 3 days too late and thousands more will die because they didn’t take proper actions to prepare for this even with full knowledge of what was going to transpire. Even having declared a disaster area before the storm even hit.
They weren’t prepared. Ships are leaving Norfolk. National Guard are being called up. Supplies are being gathered.
All that could and should have been happening Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Not Wednesday and Thursday.
Tuesday, when the enormity of it became clear, additional troops, additional supplies, additional refugee camps, additional supply and hospital ships, additional assistance should have been called up.
Wednesday morning the Army Corp of Engineers was working to locate the materials it needed to rebuild the levees.
Working to locate the material!
The levees are a known problem. The material necessary should have been known and it’s whereabouts knows. Tuesday morning when those levees started to go that material should have been commendered and the Corp should have been moving trucks and cargo planes/ships to move it. By Tuesday night they should have been working around the clock with material and machines necessary in place.
It is late Thursday and the levees are still broken.
This government is broken.
Homeland security?
Don’t make me laugh. I’m too angry and anguished to laugh.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that the feds are missing. The bush has been telling us for five years he wants to shrink government. I just didn’t think he meant down to nothing. What an idiot.
at the beginning and she still is too focused on looting but I have come to admire her. Like Woody Allen said, the most important thing about a job is showing up. She shows up unlike GWB/Cheney/Condi. She shows up and she is involved and committed. She also showed some courage when she kind of disparaged a Bush visit.
Quoting you now:
I’m sorry, but Giuliani could lead because essentially two buildings collapsed. Nearly every single police and fire station was manned and operating. Power, water, sanitation, and communications were not compromised. Shock and the ghastly images of those collapsing sky-scrapers signifying instant death to thousands were his two main problems. And they were everwhelming, admittedly.
The mayor of NO doesn’t have a city to lead. There is no infrastructure; no first responders; no communications. There is no New Orleans in the sense that there was a NY after 9/11.
The water is flowing out of the broken mains; the transportation access is all under what water they do have. If there were any toilets (and I freely admit I don’t know and probably feel, like you, that there may not have been any), they’ve been washed away.
If you’d like to distribute food to a city where the people who need it can’t get to it because they’re trapped and isolated, and do it when the city is under 3-20 feet of water in any given place, then you need amphibious vehicles and those 2 1/2 trucks jacked up on gigantic wheels in order to navigate. Or you have to be able to walk on water. Inflatables would get torn up on the debris and are useless.
To establish a field hospital takes dry land, as do temporary shelters. Dry land and cleared space.
Even after Andrew it took weeks to establish Tent City in Homestead Athletic Field. The water had to recede, the ground had to dry (for safe electric), and the piles and piles, tons and tons of what had been trees, buildings, fences, and homes had to be removed. Imagine, removed. You can’t even remove anything if water is everywhere.
So, I think you need to get a grip on smacking accountability on any municiple leader who no longer has any municiple resources.
Believe me, there is no plan any city could make that could put a dent in what NO is experiencing. No plan, no stockpiles, no reasonable expectation.
But when it comes to the preparedness of the Federal Gov’t, the accountability of its leaders and their much-touted Homeland Security and FEMA programs, then I’m with you all the way.
Hang the bastards, every one. With the exception of the USCG that seems to be the only functioning arm of the Federal Gov’t. at present.
I’m sorry, but Giuliani could lead because essentially two buildings collapsed. Nearly every single police and fire station was manned and operating. Power, water, sanitation, and communications were not compromised.
Agreed. Despite all the death and shock, 9/11 was a trifle compared to this. And I am afraid that we got a very distorted perception of ourselves and our readiness for crisis because of 9/11.
New York City got a bloody nose on 9/11. New Orleans is dying.
that New Orleans is far worse than New York, but a bloody nose? My god, lower Manhattan was on fire for 5 months. We lost more office space in two hours than Louisiana has in the entire state. 9/11 was a not only a disaster for New York, but for whole industries. Let’s not downplay the extent of the damage on 9/11 just because New Orleans is worse.
Plus, Rudy was able to function despite losing many personal friends. I will always admire what he did that day and in the aftermath. He showed what a true leader is. Of course, he totally squandered and undermined his performance in the ensuing years.
Bush was warned in plenty of time to prevent 9-11, he didn’t. BUSY, on vacation. Rice babbled something about who could have imagined.
Bush was warned in plenty of time, that the Flooding of New Orleans would happen. He sent National Guard and neccessary equipment to Iraq, he cut neccessary funds. Let’s not forget that bush is oblivious to global warning. Need we talk Homeland InSecurity, they pocketed some of the taxpayers loot, and made FEMA’s job tougher to do. Bush babbled something about levee break, who could have imagined. This was predicted. Bush again lies repeatedly. Failure after failure leading up to 9-11, guilty parties protected, even promoted. Suspiciously seems like 9-11 went as planned. The Iraq War, tax-breaks to the rich, protection of the credit card as well as housing industry by the bankruptcy bill. Now New Orleans, America is being detroyed from within. Step by step, the destruction of America, is nearly complete, while America bickers.
Yes, NO is in much worse shape than NYC was after 9/11. Though you seem to forget what did happen – Fire Department decimated and overstretched in the rescue and recovery operation, city government cirppled because it is based downtown, major economic crisis etc. However, as much as I dislike Giuliani, I am confident he would have done a good job – or as good as humanly possible – in an NO type situation.
There were few things I liked about Rudy, many I disliked. I didn’t live in NYC when he got elected. I chose to leave the mayoral line blank when he was up for reelection. The things he was good at had been mostly accomplished – security, making the city seem more pleasant. Stuff like education he was mediocre – not horrible, but nothing special, just routine. I didn’t see Messenger as particularly good either, however. By 2001 I hated the guy. His second term until 9/11 was an excercize in vicious mediocrity.
But Giuliani did excel in crisis situations, as shown on and after 9/11. I have no idea how good a mayor Nagin is, but for crises, he sucks. He seemed completely out of his depth in the runup to the hurricane. He doesn’t seem to be able to do anything to try to coordinate even a minimal response. The fact that the Feds should be doing it for him doesn’t change the fact that they aren’t, and he should be doing everything to provide some minimum of crisis management. Instead he just begs for the help. Help that should be there but isn’t. Giuliani would have been able to at least provide a modicum of safety for the major refugee camps in the city, create organized ‘looting’ to supply what could be supplied. Bandaids, but ones that could save lives until the bunch of negligent bastards in Washington get around to doing something. Giuliani would have also been more effective in using the media as a bully pulpit to America. The fact that he was a Republican wouldn’t have mattered – he would have ripped the admin a new one. This is the guy who endorsed Cuomo on the purely pragmatic reasoning that while he had more in common with Pataki ideologically, Republicans are worse for NYC since it is a Dem city.
but I agree that criticizing the mayor of New Orleans is going too far…I don’t think he has the logistics to do anything other than beg the Feds to get off their asses and shift into gear, which he’s been doing…
or maybe they are in Baton Rouge
A volunteer obs/gyn doctor is talking about his experience. He broke down and cried when he told about a woman who had a C-section and then was transferred to 3 shelters. She refused to get on the bus to Houston because it seemed too dangerous. So she and her husband walked to their destroyed home and found their car. They then drove to Baton Rouge to the hospital where Dr. Kennedy met her. He said she is doing remarkably well and has been released. I believe her baby was kept in the nursery.
Giuliani lost barely 6 city blocks and had available one of the world’s largest municipal service systems with 99.9% of his city intact, and almost as much of every resource and logistical aid imaginable, and a vast intact population and economy. As I wrote elsewhere, the reason fire & police were lost in the 2nd tower collapse was that they had been available to be engaged during the first minutes of the attack.
Tonight’s network news reports Katrina’s destruction being the size of Great Britain, and all the infrastructure and communication & command/control systems gone.
This mayor and the LA governor have almost nothing at their disposal. On Aaron Brown a reporter says up as I write that to 60% of police have walked off the job in some parishes.
This is a federal problem and it’s a political party problem. One party stands for infrastructure and safety nets. The other stands for tearing them down, they’ve been tearing them down, and now we need them to pay.
“The scales have finally dropped from the eyes of the press, from the eyes of the South, and from the eyes of most of Bush’s staunchest supporters.” Not my sister. She called tonight to talk about it and she was saying shoot the looters and defending Bush and I told her this administration is incompetant and bungled the war and now they bungled this disaster and anyone that can still support them has totally lost my respect. She said, Oh shit, here we go. Then hung up. Her usual mo when confronted by the truth.
You have many many sisters here. 🙂
Oh Janet, haven’t I cried enough for one day. Thank you. It has been an incredibly distressing day. All our emotions are raw and we are suffering from(wasn’t it you that came up with this term?) BTSD…Bush traumatic stress syndrome.
but a little comic relief may help.
Like the ad says. . .You can’t choose your DNA, but you can choose your jeans.
Go out and buy yourself a pair. Wear them proudly.
I fell asleep on the couch. Thanks to all for the love. You are the real deal here. We have all built a family, a community here. We will need each other in the coming months, maybe years. I am amongst the angels.
Aloha, my brother works on the hill for a republican. We’ve had some tense moments the last couple days also. What are you gonna do its life. 🙂
I know, I’m getting that from my right-wing parents too. What really shocks me is that most of these people aren’t “looting” things like TVs or jewellery. Most are “looting” food and water – the basic necessities they need to survive, because FEMA and the Federal Government are doing dick all for them. If you’re trapped in a flooded city and the relief agencies that are supposed to be helping you are leaving you to die of thirst and starvation, what the fuck are you expected to do? Sit around and let the food in the stores rot?
I think that a lot of people are latching onto the “looting” issue and the idea that New Orleans residents “chose” not to leave before the storm hit so that they can avoid feeling guilty for giving nothing and doing nothing.
These are the wonderful folks who will fill up their SUVs (while bitching about gas prices) and take a nice little vacation over the Labor Day weekend, having settled their minds on an excuse for ignoring the screaming needs of hundreds of thousands of desperate people.
Blame the victim–the usual approach of the selfish and heartless.
WE can demand accountability. But will it matter?
Bush’s true base, his corporate/wall street buddies couldn’t ask any more of him.
On the other hand, Bush has made decisive actions to keep the GDP safe. We’ll tap the reserves, we’ll put every effort into repairing the pipelines, and get the oil production capacity back online. In the meantime, we’ll remove all pollution guidelines everywhere, to encourage the energy industry to keep production up without cutting into profits.
So, ya got the GDP protected, ya got the energy industry protected, ya got the oil production being restored.
Wall Street will survive! The economy will be rebuilt!
(Who the hell cares about a bunch of poor people? Fewer of them that survive, the cheaper it will be to care for them. Damn entitlements. Besides, they are mostly black, so probably vote Democratic. That’s just a bonus tho — not like that was actually planned… track record on planning isn’t so hot, after all?)
Bleh. I hate thinking like a Republican. Its so cold, so selfish, so ruthless.
Even the report of a $10 billion appropriation only makes me wonder which buddies are going to get the contracts, and how little is going to go to benefit the victims. You know, the people who suffered real loss, not simply a decrease in investments.
Still, every tragedy has a silver lining. Now’s the time to get in on new real estate development — a chance to rebuild a great chunk of land near the Gulf. Just pick your parcel — it’ll be a steal. The magic words are “economic development” and “eminent domain”. Just remember, ‘fair market value’ of polluted destroyed land is near zero — and the Feds will clean it up for free later, if you have the right connections.
</sadly cynical>
Levee Breach is being reported now on CNN.
They said that 7 years ago several drowned so legislation was written WHICH BUSH STOPPED!!!!
Finally they are reporting investigative material!!!!
Holy shit, I just about fainted!
has just passed a $10.5 billion relief bill for the victims.
I don’t know the details.
If I were a Senator, I would next propose the following resolution/amendment/whatever:
Should a natural disaster of biblical proportions strike the United States at a time when the Federal government is on vacation, in recess, or both, all elected officials will im-fucking-mediately report back to Washington DC and get BACK TO WORK.
It is a 12 hour trip. Can you imagine taking a long bus trip like that after 4 days in the Astrodome.
already and there are only 5,000 people there. The plan is to bring in 20,000 more. It will be impossible. Whose plan was this? To trek people, some of them disabled and sick on a 12 hour bus ride and then pack them into the Astrodome. People are overjoyed when they finally reach Houston only to be let down when they are put inside the Astrodome especially now that they are ‘packed like sardines.’
NYCO gets it!
Bush Must Resign
Bring Them Home Now Tour
traveling from Crawford through various America cities culminating in the peace rally Sep 24-26 in Washington, DC.
Organize, organize, organize.
Monday, Sep 26 will be a lobby day with our Senators and Congressmen in Washington. We use this rally and this time to demand the resignation of the worst most incompetent administration in the history of this nation.
Don’t let up.
Don’t ever let up.
My birthday is Sept. 26 and I can think of no better fucken birthday present than to have this march end up forcing these pricks out of office or at least so damage the repug party that no one votes for them for a long long long time to come.
And it seems like it’s up to ‘us’ as no fucken democrats have showed their faces this week basically except for Sharpton.(I don’t count senator from La. as that’s her state)
So an enormous disaster bigger than the WTC 9-11 one happens, entire cities destroyed and all I see on our local news is 10 minutes of helmet-heads standing in front of wrecked resorts and casinos, then a little about looting, then how gas prices are rising and finishing up with Martha Steward getting off house arrest. Where the hell is the 24 hour coverage and the flags lowered to half-staff in honor of the victims? Oh wait, they were poor and working class (not that there’s much difference these days), black (yeah for some reason there ARE a lot of black people in the south) and by golly they didn’t even own cars to escape in!
I happen to be of an anarchist and a socialist bent(if that’s possible) among other things and suggest that y’all read up on them before you go slamming us-it just makes you sound real ignorant. I haven’t seen much in the way of valid alternatives here. My favorite definition of anarchy is “order from within”-how American!
Let the commentary begin:
One thing the Bush admininstration did that was partly good. When they appointed a bunch of ignorant and untraned political hacks to FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security, they specifically refused to give them Civil Service protection.
That means that the day after a Democrat takes back the Presidency every single manager in DHS and FEMA can be fired.
As they should be.