This is a short video that Madman sent me yesterday that I haven’t been able to get out of my head (and considering how much info that gets crammed into it every day that’s saying something).
HERE IS a piece set to Pink Floyd’s “Us and Them” and beautifully shows the entity known as Bushco in all their rotten slendor.
I’m sending this on to Cindy Sheehan’s people and also to the people at the September 24th March on Washington as this piece should be played at the Rally after the march, nothing will say it better for all of us after a long day of screaming and walking through the streets.
Wilfred, thanks for the idea for my sign for the DC march! “It’s all been a pack of lies” with George playing the guitar, a flooded New Orleans, and a mushroom cloud…
And the video is EXCELLENT…I’m emailing it far and wide!
it says eveything i’ve been feeling, and we all could use some catharsis, but it haunts me also.
Thanks for the link. It is the third great little movie I have seen in the last 2 days.
This movie made me realize that this disaster is going to initiate a rise in populism like the world has never seen before.
I can’t remember ever being so angry about racism before. I worked in a poor neighborhood as a pharmacist for years, and when I see some of the pictures of the people in NO, and I’m reminded of the folks from that neighborhood…the brothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, young parents, dialysis patients with multiple amputations…who all called me “doc” and trusted my advice, and it makes me furious that people in similar situations were left behind to die of dehydrations and neglect, and that help was actively prevented from reaching them!
I think this is going to be a turning point of some sort.
had a higher percentage of disabilities than the national average. I have the reference somewhere on my hard-drive. Now these stats were known to the officials at City Hall.
Not only poor, black, but disabled and expected to get themselves to a fake shelter in a flood.
That to me is the real kicker…that we (as a nation) left our poor, elderly, disabled, women and children, and hospitalized citizens to fend for themselves. The poor tend have more health problems because of their lack of access to health care. ROund and round we go with what Republicanism has wrought…
Can someone email it to me? or am I just doing something wrong when I click on the link?
was able to see it…
I have always loved that song.