by Pat Lang
“They Shoot News Anchors, Don’t They? – Media moguls, not looters, killed Katrina’s truth tellers,” by Nikki Finke, Los Angeles Weekly, Sept. 16-22, 2005
People need to read this article. I have been around the national media enough in the last few years to recognize the essential truth of much of what this man has to say.
I found the quality of reporting in the Katrina crisis to be very good, amazingly good, but I suspected that once the shock of the disaster wore off, television news would be back to “softballing” criticism of the White House and repeating the “talking points” of the day.
With a few exceptions we no longer have a press/media in this country that functions as a “fourth estate.” Instead, we have an industry that functions as all industries function. In business the Bottom Line is all, and advantage must be sought where it can be found. If that means that you have to muzzle your reporters, then, from the point of view of corporate “rulers” of the media, so be it!
Excerpt below:
At first, only CNN appeared not to have thoroughly read the proverbial memo. It was the only network, on air and on its Web site, to compare and contrast the wildly contradictory statements by federal, state and local officials, sometimes within hours, but often within minutes of each other. It was CNN that posted the first full transcript of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin’s profanity- and passion-filled September 2 interview on local radio. It was also CNN that first exposed the gruesome nature of the conditions at the Superdome, at the convention center and in the hospital corridors. Its broadcasters were the first to keep a heart-wrenching online blog during Katrina. Even as late as September 6, political correspondent Ed Henry was the first to counter the claims by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay that local officials and not the feds were to blame, by reporting that congressional Republicans, in a secret confab, were giving the Bush administration a big fat F.
Then the fix was in.
On September 8, CNN anchorette Kyra Phillips was chewing into House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for “continuing to criticize the administration, and criticize the director of FEMA. …
Read all of this article at the Los Angeles Weekly.
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
Now, Mr. Lang, this is one damn good diary!!!!!!!!!
I can honestly say this is the truth that you speak here. Amen!!! Thanks for sending it our way. The LA Weekly article is great!!!!
This article is DAMNING.
I’m only half-way through and it’s astounding …
Just like Bill Gates! Who is smart enough to know better but goes Republican because it helps his monopoly more …
THANK GOD for Keith Olbermann and Anderson Cooper.
P.S. Barbara Ehreinbach is on CSPAN2 for an in-depth interview. Her new book is out now.
Wasn’t that the best article yet? I emailed it to several in my address book. I am sure I will ruffel some feathers, I do not care. I am not lying awake at night worrring about how others think of me btw. We are certainly in for big time diffidulties if we can not take these kind of ppl down and soon. BTW, do you see the way NOLA is going to be the military control that is is today, that we see a face of fasism down there? This is really worring me.
I don’t mind some military presence to keep people and their homes/businesses safe. But, my god, were they late in getting there. And it’s clear that nobody was in control of the Superdome — the NOLA police were terrified to go in there. Not good.
But these Blackwater guys. Brenda, do you get a chance to listen to Democracy Now!? They’ve had several reports on the Blackwater and other contractor security guards roaming NOLA, bitching about only making $350/day + per diem.
This is another quote from that LAWeekly story:
Poor Henry Waxman. He’s such a brain and he’s always fighting the big, important fights … and gets so little traction. Sigh.
Yes I do and totally agreed to. I just think the military form of things hopefully will soon be not needed. I really worry about these things…It could get out of control knowing this government as we all do.
I enjoy DN tremendously as do I enjoy reading Juan Cole.
It is a great article, but small correction–Nikki Finke is a woman, not a man.
as the LA Weekly article states, and I am SICK of it.
That’s why we started Ad Nausea. We are determined to stop the Right Wing media’s lies and distortions –one advertiser at a time. (Our official relaunch will be announced today at 4 PM.)
“Disney, parent company of ABC, has turned most of its extensive radio network and owned-and-operated stations into a 24/7 orgy of right-wing talk. (Sean Hannity is their poster boy.)” And WABC also broadcasts, Limbaugh, Ingraham, among others. This “family-oriented” company (supposedly,) is also one of the targets of Ad Nausea, as BAC/Disney is responsible for the hate-filled broadcasts that fill the airwaves, day after day, hour after hour.
The only way these media conglomerates will listen — is when they are financially effected. We are speaking to the only people who matter to them: their advertisers!
How terrific, Barbara. Will you be announcing the launch via a diary?
Yes, at 4 PM — here and at DKos, My DD, and at My Left Wing. I rarely write diaries, but this is very important that we get this info out.
(We were up and running for about a year, with some success.. a couple of advertisers pulled out! I just spent the last 3 weeks redoing the site — in blog form so we can have participation. We need for these advertisers to reconsider their ad placement — unless of course, they want to support hate-sppech!
We could really use some help…. email me if you would like more details.
wonderful and will be watching for it to come next week. I know randi rhodes has topiced on this and so has others from air america.
I can handle that many Americans want to listen to Republican/conservative hosts. But Hannity? He’s just stupid.
Those poor people at Media Matters … he runs them ragged with his lies and half-truths.
for Extra Strength for headaches! I don’t know how they do it.
We are also targetting ABC/DISNEY as they are the ones RESPONSIBLE for giving this asshole (and Limbaugh, O’Reilly, et al) the air time.
Enough is enough. They WILL be held accountable.
We’re officially re-launching the site today at 4 PM. Please come join us and help.
of a very low quality is all our media supplies, and maybe that is all most of our people want. A nice fuzzy warm feel created by inane programs backed up by a sanitized news “protecting” our middle class from any harsh realities outside of their remortgaged, credit carded, SUV’d soap opera life.
The little slip up that was Katrina reporting will soon be forgotten as cute tales of businesses reopening and Bush promising a few trillion more to redevelop New Orleans as a “nice” middle class town abound.