We know now how Republican central command uses torture and rape tactics both in command of the military as well as in command of domestic forces, especially prison guards and wardens.

I hope some liberals in lower-level law enforcement careers would consider “doing some time” as prison guards to help save prisoners from rape and torture; this might include pretending to be Republicans to get the job.  

Double jeapardy treason in a dagger in the heart of democracy every day in a America; I would try to take one of those jobs for awhile to fight this grave injustice but coming from a career as a network engineer who makes 3 to 4 times what a guard makes would certainly raise some red flags. Besides, I fight the fascist machine that is the Republican Party as best I can every day of my life and I know that it’s still not enough.

The NY Times article in the second link above describes how some disgusting Texas guards, whom I allege are Republican paramilitary, take part as accomplices every day as torturers and rapists.

These motherfuckers need to be taken down by any means necessary.  ANY MEANS NECESSARY. They are THE enemy of the fascist Republican enemies; they are the executive branch of the Republican torture machine.

WICHITA FALLS, Tex., Sept. 22 – Roderick Johnson, a former inmate at the Allred Unit, a violent prison a few miles from here, belonged to a gang called the Gangster Disciples, but not in the usual sense, the gang’s former No. 2 man explained Wednesday in federal court here.

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Associated Press
Roderick Johnson says he was kept for 18 months as a sex slave.
“Was Mr. Johnson considered a member of the Gangster Disciples?” one of Mr. Johnson’s lawyers asked the witness, whose name was withheld by the court because his testimony could subject him to retaliation.

“No,” said the witness, a soft-spoken, perfectly bald and quite imposing black man in a prison uniform and shackles.

“What was he considered?” asked the lawyer, Jeffrey Monks.

“Property,” came the reply.

That meant, the witness continued, that gang members could rape Mr. Johnson at will. They could, he said, also rent him out for sex, and they did, daily. A purchased rape, the witness said, cost $3 to $7. Mr. Johnson says the abuse went on for 18 months.

Mr. Johnson, who was in Allred for probation violations after a burglary conviction, has sued seven prison officials there for violating the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. The officials, the suit says, failed to protect him and took sadistic pleasure in his victimization. Mr. Johnson was released in 2003.