… of “criminal conspiracy” in Travis County, Texas … Ronnie Earl, prosecutor, will give a statement later. Perhaps two more associates of Delay face more charges. (CNN reporting on TV.)
Update [2005-9-28 13:13:55 by susanhu]: MSNBC is carrying Scott McClellan press briefing live. You can also watch live via the White House video.
Typing as reporters talk (Joe Johns and, yech, Darrin Kagin): “… about handling of political corporate money … county doesn’t permit candidates to take corporate money and run for office … indictment of three Delay associates … people who are supporters have said again and again that if an indictment were brought against Delay, it would be ludicrous, just politics, and it would be thrown out … One Delay attorney William White, a Democrat, was at the courthouse. Delay believes he is a political target. Ronnie Earl is out for his own political gain.” (Hey, CNN, want to give the other side of this story?)
Jeffrey Toobin on now: “This is immensely serious. … under the rules of the House he has to step down as Majority Leader … enormously significant … he faces at best the distraction and at worse jail time… He wiill be arraigned and then they will start pre-trial motions and set trial date … there were indictments last year and those people haven’t gone to trial yet … this will be a SLOW process … he has to step down as Majority Leader until this is resolved, and this could take a year … THE STRATEGY here is to get the others already indicted to FLIP on Delay … he does have the argument that this is a political vendetta … ”
Joe Johns again: Delay’s chief of staff confirms that Delay has been notified of indictment. Mr. Delay customarily has a news conference off camera but he cancelled that very suddenly yesterday, adding to speculation there’d be an indictment.
Indicted and soon-to-be former Majority Leader Tom Delay walks with his best friend Pres. George Bush. (Thanks to PaulUCLA for the photo.)
WOOHOO!! Yay!! Hale-flipping-lujah!!
The only down side of this is a lowered probability of taking TX-22 in ’06. If he is damaged enough to lose, Repubs will run somebody else in what should be a safe GOP district. But it’s still a good trade. The reverberations from this could cost them other districts. Let’s just be glad to get shut of him for now. And tie him to sex slavery in the Mariannas at every opportunity. TRMPAC is only the tip of the iceberg of his corruption.
comes tumbling down…
From the “it takes one to know one” department:
Catnip, are you watching CNN? Do you want to type what they say? I think they still have JEffrey Toobin on the phone to say more.
I can check MSNBC and/or FOX (oh, that’ll be fun).
Or can someone else check FOX?
Well, I was watching a landscaping makeover on Home & Garden Television but I think I can pull myself away from that for a few minutes to help you out on this little story. ๐
Puleeeeeeze. I hate missing what Jeffrey Toobin has to say but am sacrificing myself to cover MSNBC. And i have to pee badly … somethin’ about 5 cups of coffee.
Taken fromm CNN.net:
Here is a PDF file link to copies of the actual indictment.
now what?
Does he do the perp walk? Does he get a stern talking to? Does he get stripped of his post as majority leader? Or does he get promoted? (This is BushWorld, after all, where the Peter Principle is stood on its head.) What?
I’m as excited as the next frog about this, but I want to know what happens now, other than the obvious — using this particular stick to beat Republicans over the head from now until a year from November.
The phrase “DeLay Indicted” will echo through the country reflecting the cries of a lost people demanding justice in the face of crushing oppression.
or something like that…
The only thing that will happen soon is that the GOP in the House will have to take a vote on wether or not DeLay should step down as leader (that should be interesting, as they do have a rule that people indicted may not hold leadership positions — remember they tried to change that last year?).
As far as the case goes, there are people who were indicted in this investigation LAST YEAR who still have not gone to trial, so don’t expect anything to happen soon — at the arraignment, they will certainly let him out on bail or ROR….
But right now, hearing the words Tom DeLay has been indicted over and over and over on every channel on my TV is enough!
some of those indicted last year have been singing.
in tune…
Ronnie probably has the whole money laundering network figured out and documented. If so, this indictment is just the tip of the berg…
My son just called to tell me this great news and Susan the Queen of the Blogs already has it up!!
All I can say right now is WHOO HOO, it’s about GD time. One by one they start to fall. Who’s next? And how long before Bush will pardon Delay? Any guesses?
Way out – way to go!
An indictment means he got to move??
Who know the immediate consequences.
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DeLay wants to say this a political witch hunt, but Earle has hunted down corruption in BOTH parties since he has been in office, and everyone in Texas KNOWS THAT, so DeLay can just step down as House leader (that vote should be interesting) and freaking slink back to Sugarland, where he is not as beloved as he once was….heh heh.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.
He’s actually gone after more Dems than Repubs. If anybody in the media actually brings that up, the likely Kool-Aid response will be to suggest that Dems are more corrupt than Repubs. To which the best response should be, “In Texas!?” and break into a loud, sustained belly laugh.
MSNBC … the House GOP will put up a temporary person as leader … the #3 is Roy Blount … is whip … (Hastert is #1 — who will be in charge of making the recommendation).
Could take a rank and filer … someone who would not be seen as holding on and not wanting to relinquish if Delay can come back …
any statement from Delay? Delay confirmed directly that he’s under indictment.
AP is reporting that cong. sources say that Hastert will recommend Rep. David Dryer as replacement …
NBC White House corr: Dryer wiill be a good choice .. . on Rules Committee for some time … very articulate … regarded by public as genial and smooth, and very loyal to Hastert …
Monica Crowley: Dryer is a moderate Republican and respected by colleagues on both sides of the aisle … this makes a lot of sense and would make transition easier …
WHITE HOUSE CORR: This can’t be a good day for conservatives …
WA POST DAN DALES (sp?): This is a very significant event … not every day …. this has been a long time coming … questions about how political this is … (asked about Dryer)… David Drier is his own man … that’s not the important question … what is important is what will happen in thie case, and what THIS WILL MEAN FOR THE 2006 ELECTIONS! The Democrats have been trying to make 2006 about ETHICS and CORRUPTION … this gives them a very tangible example … at a political level ,this is a significant deevlopment … there are a NUMBER OF OTHER GRAND JURIES OPERATING … Abramoff, Plame … the indictment of Delay ADDS A VISIBILITY to this and a SPECIFICNESS to this that has been lackign so far.
How will Democrats respond – WH CORR: Democrats have been thumping this issue of CORRUPTION .. like Newt Gingrich did to Dems … paint the PARTY IN POWER as having become TOO FAT AND HAPPY in power, and corrupted by power … yesterday entire House Demo leadership had a press conf. about this issue … they will take thsi for all its worth …
for the past five years, the president has been spokesman for GOP — House has let president do the talking — now left with Hastert who is NOT a good public speaker …. who is left now, with the president facing imminent lame duck status and approval ratings so low, who will speak for the GOP?
Will pres come to Delay’s defense? WA PO GUY: He’ll say soemthing to take some cover that it’s an ongoing legal case … shouldn’t comment publicly … he won’t say much.
CRAIG CRAWFORD: It’s going to be a rough couple weeks … indicted Cong. members tend to disappear rather quickly … it’s a long time before 2006 elections … that’s a lot of time for Delay to disappear, and the Dems had counted on being able to run against him … the DEMS may not have him to run against … Dryer is more genial and might be harder for the Dems to attack.
WASHINGTON – A Texas grand jury on Wednesday charged Rep. Tom DeLay and two political associates with conspiracy in a campaign finance scheme, an indictment that could force him to step down as House majority leader.
Earlier, lawyers for DeLay were at the criminal justice center in Austin on Wednesday, waiting to learn whether a grand jury — in the final hours of its term — would indict the Texas Republican in a campaign finance investigation.
“It’s a skunky indictment if they have one,” DeLay attorney Bill White told reporters before the indictment. “Like a dead skunk in the middle of the road. It stinks to high heaven.”
Yeah, well it takes one to know one. Heh heh.
YAY! Pigface is going down!
Who’s next?
“Dr.” Frist is next, for a little insider trading.
Now that’s a perp walk I’d like to see!
It could only get better with a triple play and Turd Blossom gets flushed!
It is our side’s turn for a Trifecta, don’t you think?
If I had a bookie, I might place that bet. I wonder if Vegas has odds on that Trifecta?
WHO PUT THAT FROG THERE? :):) HEEEEEEEEEE … I love it! BooMan, you naughty. Hugs.
it was too annoying on the front-page.
Oh darn. He’s precious. If i still had my animated GIF application, I could pop him in there and make him stop hopping after about three jumps (unless someone refreshes the page).
Lemme go see if I can download a shareware animated GIF app for Macintosh, and we can display Mr. Frog on the front page.
Had to laugh. And the frog marching has begun. Fitgerald! Fitzgerald! Let’s make this a double march Wednesday.
I’m dancing, too! Hopping up and down with joy, joy, joy! They’re gong down, down, down! Come on Fitz, bring down Rove next!
The frog gets fatter.
I need to check this place for hidden cameras…
Q Tom DeLay, the House Majority Leader, has been admonished three times by the House Ethics Committee, is currently embroiled in several controversies involving a lobbyist who happened to be a pretty big fundraiser for your two campaigns. Do you have the full confidence in Tom DeLay, his tactics and his leadership role in the Republican Party?
THE PRESIDENT: I have confidence in Tom DeLay’s leadership, and I have confidence in Tom DeLay.
–March 16, 2005
WONDERFUL photo, Paul! WTG! I think this belongs on the front page, don’t you?!
Sounds good to me.
A meme should be developing here. Bush prides himself on his ability to “delegate” (i.e., take vacations and have someone else do all the work). But the problem is, who does he delegate to? People like Mike Brown and Tom DeLay.
So let’s here it Paul. How about Delegating Incompetence?
Or Delegating Corruption.
Boy, is this great or what?
I don’t know what will come of this — a lot, I hope — but these days we takes our victories where we finds ’em.
“You’re doing a heck of a job, Tommy.”
Damn. I hope Bush never expresses confidence in me.
Frog March of Delay.
When does he want it?
Frog March! Perp Walk! Frog March! Perp Walk! Yeah, Team! Go Tribbers!
Need a t-shirt now. How can I watch a trial on Court-TV without the appropriate fanware. I wear my Priest Holmes jersey when the Chiefs play. I need a Tribber shirt.
Dang BooMan. Do you know you got some company in Grand Rapids intercepting your t-shirt orders? What kind of mom and pop organization is this? You are going corporate, man. Megalightic. ๐
So, I had to post my note to you here, assuming that you are not going to get it from corporate office in Grand Rapids.
“Please don’t send my shirt to Boston, as I will need it to watch Tom Delay’s upcoming trial on Court-TV. Thank you.”
Frog March! Perp Walk! Frog March! Perp Walk!
my college suitemate is handling the Boostore. He lives in GR.
but do our T-shirt orders have to go through Greece?
Western Michigan. It is somewhere there in the short term memory cells after all. Short term memory cells. Hah! Man, the shit I have forgotten since Psych 101.
All right. It is all family. I feel better.
Yeppers! <repost from last night>
Toobin explaining the history of the case…because it’s a conspiracy count he is not charged with actually using money improperly….he is charged with conspiring w/ others to use money improperly…it’s a weaker charge…(but is still serious)…felony…possibility of prison time (music to my ears)…
Also, they had to go with the conspiracy charges because of juristictional issues — this grand jury from what I’ve read has been bending over backwards to indict DeLay on something — they kept asking for more documents and more info. during their deliberations….
He is stepping aside
Calloo calley
O frabjous day
A criminal indictment
Of Tom DeLay
CNN reporting that David Drier may take over as Leader. I hate David Drier. But Boy oh boy…I am doing the snoopy dance over DeLay.
DeLay Indicted in Campaign Finance Probe
Wave to Tom DeLay
«« click on pic for multiple photos
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Google news story links on the indictment.
May this be only the beginning, of the end, of this ridiculous criminal conspiracy,formerly known as ‘conservatism’.
how about Rove, Libby, and Frist as 2, 3, and 45, or thereabouts?
“GOP congressional officials said the plan was for DeLay to temporarily relinquish his leadership post and Speaker Dennis Hastert will recommend that Rep. David Dreier of California step into those duties.
Some of the duties may go to the GOP whip, Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri. The Republican rank and file may meet as early as Wednesday night to act on Hastert’s recommendation.”
…to talk about NOLA’s police chief resigning.
MSNBC is carrying McClellan live … see link above to White House video (put it in an update).
CNN’s covering Scotty now too.
Frog Marched – Washington DC?
« Click on the Frog! »
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Business group asks for donations for defense
The state’s largest business lobby group faces criminal charges, civil litigation and as much as $7 million in damages and fines.
Ron Luke, a health care consultant and member of TAB’s executive committee, said that the association is thriving. The association was indicted on Thursday.
Luke said the letter was just a call for money for the “extraordinary expense” of the association defending itself.
Charges against the group stem from its use of corporate money in a successful 2002 effort to elect a new crop of Republicans to the House of Representatives.
The use of corporate money to influence elections is illegal in Texas.
This has two parts: the legal; and the PR.
The PR moment #1 is upon us, some percentage of the population will have the wool pulled off their eyes. the mentions of the repeated censures will happen now. Repetition, repetition, repetition.
The legal will take much longer and may or may not generate more PR moments. I’m hoping it will. For sure it will impact Delay operations and make them less smooth and steady, and people surrounding Delay will be running for cover. Maybe this in combo with the Abramoff revelations will start some momentum for real investigations. Come on Fitzgerald, Ronnie Earle just gave you covering fire.
The only part specifically about Delay is some kind of legalese at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page 3. I can’t figure out what it means, and I don’t know beans about any of Texas’ laws anymore. But the part at the top about how he “did enter into an agreement . . . that one or more of them would engage in conduct that would constitute the offense . . . “
It couldn’t have happened to a nicer frog, err, guy.
It’s about time. See, I’m tellin ya, shit is beginning to shift. But watch for Bush and friends to become dangerously defensive, like a cornered rat.
Already happening – Scotty doesn’t look very happy today. ๐
Let us all hope this has a dominoe effect on the corruption AND the treason!
Rot In Prison- great day for America!
I love the smell of indictments in the morning…
Nothing quite like that smell huh? God, this is so great. The PR alone is worth a million votes. Time to get on the Freedom Train. We will be rid of these corrupt asswipes slowly but surely.
Smells like a skunk, eh? I say let the winds of change blow their poisonous rot out of our country. They are going down! down! down!
“he’s got alligators all around him”
general commentary about how delay gave up some of his most republican districts in the redistricting !@#$%& and could be in trouble…
dude just said that it’s never a happy time when a rep is indicted…LOL
what the fuck does he know?!? i’m giddy as a schoolgirl! i smile like little boy with no pants!
and he said it’s a felony indictment.
they’re having an indepth discussion of the bone fragments found that are possibly from a 9/11 victim with that forensic expert … name? … Michael Baden.
Fox’s legal experts say it’s EASIER to GET A CONVICTION on a conspiracy charge …
$155,000 from companies like Sears Roebuck … then to campaign …
poltiical ramification: immediate / Tom Delay must step away from leadership / David Drier will step up to take his place /
is the one that people claim is a closeted homosexual, right? I wonder why this rumor doesn’t effect his position in the no-homo party?
Not that I care. Everyone’s personal repressed sexuality is no one’s business but their own.
High fives all around! Next, Rove and Frist indictments. Then the resignations of the Axis of Evil…..Bush, Cheney and Rummy.
Have any of you seen a copy of the actual indictment yet?
Wonder if Smoking Gun has it ..
“delay has worked very closely with the president”
said that delay had just visited bush the other day
puffy mcmoonface: “tom delay is a good ally”
does a little dance
Yah :o)
The presidential spokeshole looks just a tad bit twisted up in the undergarments area doesn’t he?
Anyone watch C-SPAN? I can’t get it through the firewall at work.
Let me guess…”I can’t comment on an ongoing criminal investigation.”
I started a NEW THREAD above + added a snapshot of the actual document indicting Delay.
From The Smirking Chimp: I guess DeLay can try and use this card now.
republicans “plagued by a culture of corruption”
“ethics issues”
Could be time for an end run. Could be time to Bomb-Bomb-Bomb Bomb-Bomb Iran!