In today’s New York Times, Maureen Dowd admits that she “always liked Judy Miller”; “her tropism toward powerful men, her frantic intensity and her peculiar mixture of hard work and hauteur – never bothered me. I enjoy operatic types”, Dowd wrote. But, the fawning stops there.
After listing Miller’s many failures: her non-stop ego, her complete lack of discipline, her inability to obey her superiors, her devotion and defense of Ahmed Chalabi – even in the face of public knowledge about his lies, her contempt and disregard for her editors and colleagues, her questionable journalistic ethics, her outright lies, and her stonewalling of Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation, Dowd rightly concludes:
Judy told The Times that she plans to write a book and intends to return to the newsroom, hoping to cover “the same thing I’ve always covered – threats to our country.” If that were to happen, the institution most in danger would be the newspaper in your hands.
The sharks are circling all around Judith Miller and, unless there is some divine intervention from wherever divine intervention comes from for her, it looks like it’s time to stick a fork in her. She’s done.
It’s just unimaginable that Miller can return to the NYT newsroom from her current leave of absence to find anyone who will continue to support her.
Editor Bill Keller’s memo to his staff on Friday stuck a few knives in her and twisted them without restraint. The reporters who worked on her story for last weekend’s NYT article about the Miller affair were not even given access to her notes or more details that would have clarified what happened. And even the neocons in the White House won’t be able to save her now. And she should not be saved.
Judith Miller deserves no more than to become a footnote in the history books as a reporter who sold her soul to the devil – and lost.
It’s looking like “Bash the Neocon Women Saturday” here at BT. It wasn’t planned that way! Honestly.
Now – let me get back to that rant I’m writing about Condi…
Cant wait for the Condi expose`…go for it!!!!!!! I am anxiously awaiting it’s arrival……hugs YOu do such a fine job for us all.
Who’s going to fry Mary Matalin?
(great job, Catnip! I doubt that Dowd would have the nerve to write this if she didn’t think that Judy wasn’t returning… wow.)
Judith Miller was protecting Judith Miller and The New York Times.
Every day one sees more comments that links Judith Miller to Chalabi and her job as an operative or an Intelligence whore on The Hill. Notwithstanding the CIA link to Sulzberger at the Times.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Larry, a long time ago, I happen to think little Mary has more explaining to do, if you ask me. I would like to see a good fry diary on her too.
Girl, you have just about made my day!!!!!!!!!
I love to read things like this. I have been thinking all along that “Judy, Judy,” has lost what little integrity she ever had as a reporter over all of this.
I could not think of a better person for it to happen to either…:o) Look at the blood on her hands as of today, not withstanding the rest of the history she has played a hand in with dried blood on her, as well.
Do you really think Judy knows she is toast? I do..she is putting on a good face till it is all done and over with, unless she has something to blackmail someone with…….oh wow would that now be some story to cover for someone……..:o) (knowing her history and all)
She’ll probably join the graveyard of so many who have come before her – the right-wing “think tank” cocktail set.
They’re neither tanks nor do they do much actual thinking.
I wonder if she will be welcome at the Aspen group?
I am sure the AEI will certainly welcome her! :o)
I hope she ends up at the AEI and kicks Danielle Pletka’s butt. There’s another clueless woman of mass destruction.
I certainly agree with you on that one. I have seen her face on c-span way tooo many times to suit me. I cant stand to look at her, let alone listen to her.
Yes, snark-alicious, wasn’t it?
I’m sure JFM will land on her feet in winger land, but I think she’s toast as far as anyone outside that world is concerned. People like my mom who read the New York Times and not blogs will have nothing further to do with her.
Just in case anyone wants to, you can read Maureen Dowd’s entire piece at Truthout here.
I saw the link but since it said New York Times I figured it’d go to the Times Select thingy, which I refuse to pay for. so, I didn’t even click on it.
I wonder how Truthout gets to print the whole thing?
I would like to think Judy is going to sink into the obscurity she so riches deserves.
But I also thought Col. Ollie North would slowly fade away and that guy has returned more times than broccoli and garlic soup.
yeah, another self righteous megalomaniac religious freak who won’t go away and found his niche at Fox-naturally.
But I like both broccoli and garlic! Ollie North, however, is quite another matter.
While I relish seeing any one reporter or media person start to denigrate Miller I’m also pissed off that they act like this might all be fucken news to them. They are going to jump on the bandwagon and get credit for showing what kind of neocon liar Miller really is.
While everyone in the lefty blogsphere have known about Miller for years(some even longer)and were ignored completely by ‘legitimate’ reporters. And where the media actually fawned over her and took her at face value…and instead the media basically made fun of people on the net who were more of investigative reporters than any of the MSM and print reporters every thought of being.
CI, I do so agree with you there! Her history leaves me very sick to know anything about. What a hack for sure…she has been sitting on that treasonous line for some years now. I do think it is time for her to get the ax for all the misdoings she has done.
There’s still the Heritage Foundation or its fellow pimps and whores. There’s the talk show circuit, which has never required integrity, talent, or wit. If she slides far enough, maybe she can start a new Fox commentary as the “liberal” vs Ann Coulter.
I agree…after all look at those idiots who forgave Bennett his gambling addiction and now his racism or O’Reily’s falfel(sp) fetish etc..they all end up in one big incestuous family enabling each other.
Pete Yost just dropped an Associated Press report on Miller:
So it was just casual conversation…
Hold on a second here?
“Except as a source”…. “Casual conversation”
HMMM? Does anyone see a contradiction, just a wee bit of it, in these 2 statements?
So? Judy only talked to him as a source. But this bombshell that Judy was trying to write a story on had only “come up in casual conversation with government officials“. (Remember the “Flame” story she said that her editor told her she couldn’t write? The one the editor said she never pitched, ever?)
And with “government officialS“… Note the plural.
Miller has jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, and now she is dancing around on the coals trying not to get burned.
I want indictments! I am tired of word games… lol
the key word here is games…she is till play them…
I ditto your sediment 1,000 times over.
And I am certain that PFitz is watching all of these word games very carefully.
emmajoe has some solid evidence here that PFitz has been paying close attention to Miller from the very begining.
I read Keller’s memo, and my inference was that the Times has decided to redeem itself by crucifying her. There’s a certain justice to that, as well as some injustice, since the Times was complicit in her crime. We live in hope.