Balance the Power to Stop The Abuse of Power.
Is there any other way?
I agree, there isn’t, and that is why I am running for Congress. Please take a moment and look below.
Also posted on kos and My Left Wing
I have been called `The Evangelical Liberal’ for running as a Democrat against an ultra conservative Congressional powerhouse, on some blog sites. I was put off, until I thought about it.
I have publicly called for Regulation of the Oil Industry and been called a communist.
I have been called a `baby killer’, a `fag lover’, and a `supporter of terrorism’.
I am not complaining or crying, just sharing.
This is what I am. I am a Christian, An American, and a Democrat.
There are some in the Democrat Party and most of the other major party that say this can not be.
I am a pastor of a small rural church.
I respect those that have a different faith, and the rights of those with no faith.
I am a Christian because the teaching is of inclusion and acceptance.
I am a Democrat because of the concept of inclusion and acceptance.
There is no values gap in The Democratic Party. I and many others are proof of that. The difference is, faith, as so many other American values, is something we hold both dear and PRIVATE.
I do not try to convert anyone, but I will share my faith with anyone that asks.
Before you say this should be on Street Prophets and not here, this is about Politics.
If people call me “The Evangelical Liberal” running for congress, I can not stop that.
If being for liberty makes one a liberal, then aren’t WE liberals the good guys, and if so, shouldn’t we start acting like it?
There have always been liberals and conservatives. The liberals wanted a Free Democratic America. The conservatives were called Tories and wanted to keep things under British rule. (No offense to any Brits reading this.) Thank God for the liberals.
If we can all remember that what we have in common is greater than what may divide us, we can take back Congress and we can check President George W. Bush and The Radical Neo Conservative Republicans over the remaining two years of his term.
I am running for office against Congressman Mike Pence. If you believe that the only Congressperson that can impact your life, is the one that is from your district, please think again.
I hate doing this, I hate asking for money. There should be a $150,000.00 limit or campaign spending. It makes no sense to spend two million dollars on a public service job that pays $150,000.00, but that is what my opponent is set to do. One of my proposals is to limit spending. Campaign finance regulations are not effective, so let’s go to Campaign Spending Limits, and level the field and bring choices back to issues, and ideas, not money. But that is then, and this is now, and now, I need the help of 50,000 Americans, each sending five dollars. That’s seventeen cents a day for one month. Is it worth that to you to check and possibly investigate The White House? Is seventeen cents a day too much to check George W. Bush over the last two years of his Presidency? If you can send more, do so, please.
It is your election. It is your country. It is your responsibility. I am just one of you trying to represent all of you!
Barry Welsh
Well I bookmarked the site and will take a look at your site more tomorrow.
Just an observation….be proud of being an evangelical liberal. Your diary sounded a little defensive on what you believe as an impact on your politics. Our spirituality is important to each of us. This Pagan supports Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Athiest liberals – in many political campaigns.
Good luck and keep us updated on what your are doing.
Thank you Sally. I guess the first time I saw myself called an “Evangelical Liberal”, I believe the blog was Blaize or something close to that, it shocked me.
I had never considered myself in those terms together.
Liberal yes, evangelical yes, but keeping the two separate. When they were combined for the first time, I was just caught off guard, and I also want to say that I can understand why it might have read as defensive.
Thanks again!
For too long we have been “told” what the Christian faith is by people who, quite frankly, don’t seem to act very Christian. Support for war, the death penalty, cutting programs for the poor while passing the laws for the bank industry. Makes one wonder just how many “right-wing” Christians have actually read the Bible, and if they have, do they have ANY understanding of it?
I’m sure that the great majority of them are sincere in their belief, but I’m just as sure that many in power (both in the gov’t and the church) cynically use faith to control large blocks of voters.
Thank you for coming forward and providing a voice and an example of simple and practical leadership.