An update on progress:
Lots of mixed feelings about the date. Some people hate it . . . trampling on Pearl Harbor and all. More people like it . . . they say it’s provocative.
And some people think I’ve lost my friggin’ mind.
What do you think?
Constructive feedback and enthusiasm are most welcome.
Gratuitious complaints?
No thanks.
You haven’t lost your mind!! The flier looks nice, clean, nicely designed — I think the day is perfect. Infamy, indeed!
Thank you. It’s been a sloggy kind of day. Support is much appreciated.
Are there other similar walkout activities being planned at a national level, or is this the event to converge upon? I am eager to participate, but got a bit confused with the recent student walkout and what I thought was another one coming up in mid-November…
Any clarification is appreciated.
I like the poster–maybe make the text larger? There’s a lot of whitespace.
I’ll improve the poster this weekend. Thanks.
Are there other events and strikes? I don’t know. None have cut through to my political consciousness on a big scale yet. I guess it’s a function of where the magic of momentum happens. Unfortunately, I don’t have an organization behind me . . . just the wild wild world of the internets.
Thanks for your comments.
I’m just hoping for the One Big Day in the next couple months, rather than lots of smaller activities where the impact is diluted. Your plan and poster are great, and I’m right there with you. Let me dispel my confusion with a bit of research, and then I’ll be glad to promote Strike7 everywhere I can.
Very great!