Time magazine takes a look at a Roveless Bush in its article, A White House Without Rove?, and envisions a meltdown.
He’s weary. His wife and only child, who is approaching college, miss him. He has monstrous legal bills. His unique bond with the President is under stress. His most important work is done.
Awww…poor guy.
Yeah, right!!
Spending your life manipulating people, intel and the public is bound to make you “weary” sooner or later, one would think. Time could have summed up that paragraph in two words: Rove’s toast.
And what will happen if Turdblossom leaves if (when) he gets his grubby hands slapped with an indictment or two by Patrick Fitzgerald?
If he leaves, he will not be alone. Several well-wired Administration officials predict that within a year, the President will have a new chief of staff and press secretary, probably a new Treasury Secretary and maybe a new Defense Secretary.
A new Defense Secretary? Really? Promise? Can we get one for Christmas 2005? Please?
And Scotty? Scotty would abandon ship too? Darn I know I’ll miss him! I hope they find someone just as entertaining. It’s hard to keep a straight face when you’re lying your ass off. You have to give Scotty props for that.
That Snowy guy who heads the Treasury department needs to go too. What’s he done for America lately?
Time makes this assertion:
And he’s [Rove] got one constituency rooting for him, the conservatives who rely on him to be their voice.
Since 1999 Bush and Rove have imagined engineering a decades-long G.O.P. majority in America. But Republicans fret these days about losing the House or Senate in next year’s midterm elections. So if Rove does head out, he may leave behind a wounded President who faces the prospect of having to abandon some of the pair’s Texas-size dreams.
There’s something perverse-sounding about that last bit: some of the pair’s Texas-size dreams. They sound like a couple headed for an ugly divorce after one of them found out the other had an affair. Then again, one did – the Plame affair.
Oh God, Catnip, you are on a roll here with this one…dont ya know it hard work, for heavens sake….just w he knows all about that hard work feces…;o)
In my most famous dreams of which I have had for over 5 years now, a WH without the great rove is a great dream….;o) I do wish him the very best in what ever fed pen he lites in… Maybe he and Libby can send cookies they bake home for the holidays…:o)
But you see my most favorite dream of all is all these hoooooooooodlums out of the neighborhood and for good!!!!!!!!!!!!! every last one of them….
Regardless of what happens with Rove or any of the other high profile criminals in the Bush regime, I predict the Imbecile in chief himself will not finish out his second term due to a complete emotional or mental breakdown.
The neocons don’t really need him anymore, (their scheme of conflict is self perpetuating now); the Evangelicals don’t have either the cleverness or the strategic intuition to help prop Bush up, (they’re too crazy to be effective in pragmatic matters), and the Norquist-style “Mammon worshippers” have already managed to loot hundreds of bbillions of dollars from the treasury in 5 short years, so they also can afford to let Bush slide off into the sunset.
In addition, Bush’s surrogate mommies Rice and hughes aren’t around in the White House anymore to soothe his childish tantrums, so his petulance is only going to grow more and more volatile abnd violent until one day he just snaps.
You certainly make a lot of good points!
Bush has been a hard nut to crack, but his loyalty and his stubbornness will be his Achilles heel. I look for him to be forced out of office much like Nixon. Although in comparison, Bush makes Nixon look like a frickin boy scout. Two thousand six will tell the tale on that one.
Once the trillion dollars these thieves have fleeced from the treasury begins to affect the economy, G Dub’s goose will be cooked. It’s no friggin wonder Greenspan and his little plastic-faced media slut are skipping town.
I keep wondering which one of Dumbya’s idiotic clichés he will become renowned for. His father is remembered for “read my lips, no new taxes” which he later reneged on and this double dealing cost him the election.
I guess G W gets his penchant for lying and cheating honestly.
Adam was created from the earth and Mr. Bill was made from clay therefore Rove must have been formed from an aborted turd. There is no way in hell this asshole was carried to term, let alone the full cycle of the digestive system. He’s probably the outcome of floating a couple of Coney Island chili dogs onto a gut full of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Some evil spirit probably molded Karl from the resulting plaster scrapped off the sides of the bowl.
This disgusting excuse for a human being would sell his mother for a dollar. Karl’s genius, the so called MSM would have you believe, is nothing short of a biblical miracle. When you think about our good ole buddy Dumbya, this awestruck amazement is somewhat understandable. The wet behind the ears reporters are too young to remember and older generation of media whores are already in bed with all of Washington’s political rump rangers.
The genius behind Rove is quite obvious to any swinging dick old enough to remember. In reality this so called genius is nothing more than a fluffed up version of the cheap, sleazy tricks used by the seedy aluminum siding salesmen back in the fifties and early sixties. It’s also used surprise, surprise in an updated version by obnoxious telemarketers Karl is so damn well familiar with. There is nothing these shady dirt balls wouldn’t say or do to make the friggin sale.
Watch the movie Tin Men and I think you would agree that everyone of our corrupt, seamy, liver lilied white house assholes would fit right in. The lines from the movie are the same bull shit these white house jerks have been spewing for six years. The only prop needing changed would be the slick Brooks Brothers suits. In Karl’s case the plaid pants, bright red blazer, blue shirt and yellow tie could probably be dug out from the back of his closet.
Nothing really ever changes it just seems to take a slightly different spin and get recycled again. Case in point is the beer and the growlers. I’m not sure which is worse the evil spirit forming Turd Blossom from the dried out paste or the frickin idiot that ground his plaster up and sprinkle it on the donuts at the local supermarket.
Beef, I can tell, you have to be a vet….it is in your writing….:o) Love it!
That’s another thing that really pisses me off about these silver spoon, white collared scum bags, I don’t think any of them did a lick of service time. Well, that friggin coke head Dumbya was forced into little guard time before he deserted, but most of the rest got deferments and that sleazy slime ball Cheney takes the cake with his five deferments.
If these pansy assed pussies would have done some real service the American people probably wouldn’t have to put up with their stinkin BS today because they would have been fragged.
Wow, the Rovester as a Tin Man. Brilliant. Great movie, too.
Not to worry, I’m sure that the Repugs will find someone else equally “qualified” to hold Bush’s leash.
It sounds as if Time is gunning for a martyrship for Rovey :p I can see all the Republican tears now
being leaders, take away their money and let Rove, Rummy, Georgie, Cheney, Scotty, Condi, and all the rest live in a public housing project with income equal to a welfare check, and all the required bureaucratic nightmares and neglect that come with being on public assistance.
In their spare time they can wait in line to vote.
I’d send them to live in Pakistan under the care of their dictatorial pal Musharraf. They could all move in with A. Q. Khan, the biggest WMD proliferator since Reagan. Khan has a nice spacious villa and these criminals would fit right in.
When Rove leaves – voluntarily or involuntarily – that will open the gates for a huge turnover in the administration, both cabinet positions and White House insiders:
For all these reasons, Bush will have very limited utility for the corporate powers that be who created and installed him as their puppet, and as others have noted in this thread, there will be little use in allowing him to finish his term. His best hope for survival, ironically, is to keep Cheney around, as there will be no big push to remove him as long as “increasingly damaged goods” Cheney is VP. Should Cheney be replaced as VP (with someone the party and their corporate financiers think would be palatable to the public – say, John McCain) there will be little reason for them to want to keep Bush around. After all, that person will then get to run as an incumbent in 2008 (although Gerald Ford can tell you that didn’t count for much).
Oh, his fundamentalist base will still love him (well, like him; the bloom may even be off the rose there, post-Miers), but I expect the business and power-brokers to in the end pay them no more mind than the business and power-brokers on our side of the fence pay the more progressive end of our party. This will be painted as “The public has grown tired with the divisiveness the fundamentalists have brought to the public discourse, preventing movement on critical problems with their focus on special interest causes…”
It’s pretty much like a celebrity that runs out of money. They are usually in shock when they discover that none off their so called friends actually hang around.
When Bush took over, the budget had a surplus in excess of 230 billion dollars. We are now looking at a deficit that probably surpasses 700 billion. That is one heck of a party with one hell of a pile of fireworks.
At this point the cupboard is bare so there is no reason for these money grubbing leeches and so called friends to stick their necks out. These rats will be jumping ship like lemmings.