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In cooperation with the United Nations, Interpol has sent three experts, including an analyst, to work with the investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafiq Hariri¹ in February, the Interpol chief Noble said.

Rafiq Hariri – A Visionary for Lebanon

The police organization is also helping track down the Mitsubishi truck that was stolen [from a parking lot in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan on Oct. 12 last year – Oui] and filled with explosives used in the murder. Tokyo failed to notify Interpol of the vehicle theft, said Noble calling the failure “an opportunity lost to possibly disrupt that attack”.

Source Soj @EuroTrib

More to follow »»

“We submit that had that data been entered into the Interpol data base and had the Lebanese border control checked the data base as they frequently do, maybe that truck would have been prevented from getting into Lebanon,” he added.

Lebanese army soldiers secure a position near Sultan Yacoub close to the Syrian border. Lebanon eased away from a looming confrontation over pro-Syrian Palestinian militant bases that the army has surrounded by vowing to find a solution through dialogue.  AFP/File/Ramzi Haidar

My prediction: Mitsubishi truck entered Syria through Iraq and traveled on to Beirut. UN investigation should look at possible Mossad involvement.

UN report »»

  «« click on pic for SC resolution
Overall view of a meeting by the U.N. Security Council in New York. The Security Council unanimously adopted a tough resolution warning Syria to cooperate fully with the UN probe into the murder of Lebanon's ex-premier Rafiq Hariri or face international action.  AFP/Timothy A. Clary

Rafiq Hariri¹ Dossier – July 2001

When Lebanon’s billionaire prime minister travels around Beirut, everyone takes notice. His limousine is equipped with a device designed to thwart would be car bombers by deactivating nearby cell phones, leaving a continuous trail of irritated bystanders in its wake. Whenever he leaves his residence, three decoy motorcades roam the streets to confuse would be assassins.

Most Lebanese feel a peculiar sense of pride toward Rafiq Hariri, though many will not readily admit it. In a country where political power has been thoroughly monopolized by outsiders, economic power commands a great deal of grudging respect and admiration. That Hariri is not a member of the traditional political elite and built his financial empire from scratch makes his ostentatious displays of wealth even more captivating.

However, the prime minister is also regarded by many as having sold the country to Syria and destroyed its economy during the course of his life-long drive to enter the ranks of Lebanon’s political establishment.

AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Members of the Hezbollah guerilla group holding yellow flags of Hezbollah parade during the annual rally to mark Al-Quds Day, Jerusalem Day, in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon on Friday, October 28. The militant Hezbollah group paraded its guerrilla army in Beirut in a massive show of strength to counter international calls to disarm, while its fiery leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah backed beleaguered Syria in the face of intense pressure over the U.N. probe into the assassination of a Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.

Propaganda and War of Words Between Israel and Iran on Explosives?

Iran propagates deadly roadside bombs in Basra and Iraq are laser detonated Israeli Bombs.

The Iranian exile groups and Mojahedin-e-Khalq terror group in opposition to Iran with support from U.S. and U.K. propagate in early stage, the existence in Iraq of infra red electronic devices for precision detonation of deadly bombs delivered from Hizbollah through facilitation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, supported by new elected President Ahmadinejad.

See also the U.S. propaganda trying to smear Ahmadinejad as the leader of the Revoltutionary Guard who held the U.S. Embassy personnel hostage in Tehran for 444 days in 1979 during Carter’s presidency.

I find it most interesting what bomb making electronics were in the possession of the two SAS agents upon their arrest in Basra.

  «« click on pic for story
Weapons Confiscated From SAS Covert

Basra reading »»

France – U.S. Cooperation in Lebanon 1983
Barracks destroyed with suicide truck bombs.

Factions in Lebanon split in anti- and pro-Syria, all colors of religious background.

Influence of Hezbollah – Jerusalem Day.

Support of Iran for Hezbollah.

What is influence of Syrian ex-pats and Israeli politics.

More questions than answers for former French enclave.

Shia leader Al-Sistani in Najev, Iraq :: U.S. troops need to set timeline for departure.

If you don’t solve the problem of the Palestinian refugees in the region, the Middle East remains a powder keg to explode in a moment’s notice.

Originally posted in diary New Spielberg Film “Munich” …

Insight In Mossad Operations ::
Countering Terrorism: The Israeli Response to the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre
and the Development of Independent Covert Action Teams

by Alexander B. Calahan  GS-12 Graduate Class
Master of Military Studies – April 1995


The purpose of this study is to examine the methodology of the covert action teams authorized by Prime Minister Golda Meir to find and assassinate those individuals responsible for the attack on the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games in September 1972. Specifically, the study addresses whether the operational and tactical methods utilized in this counterterrorist effort were successful relative to the original operational objectives.


Interesting – Harari provided the team with only two principle rules of engagement prior to their deployment.

… The second principle was for the team to act with zero collateral risk. Harari made it clear that the unit was to ensure one hundred percent identification of the target before acting.

Using the Baader Meinhof Group by providing assets – the victims of terror in Germany will appreciate the Israeli funding of terror! This gang and the RAF were a scourge for Western Europe for more than a decade. With higher stakes involved, what are the Israelis up to and how far will they go? The Gaza bombing of an appartment building killing sixteen innocent Palestinians is an indication of permissable war crimes!

Also was Ali Hassan Salameh a CIA agent infiltrated within Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement?

Israeli Hatred Toward Palestinian People
Golda Meir … Palestinian people don’t exist
Religious Right parties in Israel’s democracy for transfer of Palestinians across the Jordan river.

Binyamin Netanyahu’s Statement:
“I do not believe a sovereign Palestinian state is an historic imperative, any more than the triumph of socialism – which the same leftist parties once touted as inexorable – was preordained. Nor do I think that Israel can achieve peace only by making egregious unilateral concessions.”

Sharon’s policy – architect of settlements on Palestinian land – agreement with GWB: exit from Gaza, keep parts of the West Bank.

Soj’s Website for an excellent analysis on shortcomings in Detlev Mehlis investigation and UN report ::
Boxing in Syria: The Mehlis Report

  • Times Online: UN Office Doctored Report on Murder of Hariri ◊ by catnip
  • CFR – Who’s Who in the Syrian Leadership
  • BBC Report – Iraqi bomb know-how ‘from Iran’

    “Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
    For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”

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