Torture works, but not to extract intelligence.
For the Bush White House, torture has been just one more facet in a fear campaign designed to create anxious, compliant Americans who will acquiesce to anything.
First comes the false or exaggerated threat.
“We are surrounded by numerous secret (terrorists, communists, anarchists, immigrants, witches, counter-revolutionaries, atheists, elitists, foreigners, royalists, insurgents, race traitors, turncoats, spies, feminists, homosexuals, scary black men, scary brown men, secular humanists, possessed children, dual citizens, non-Christians, reactionaries, extra-terrestrials in human guise, enemy sympathizers, Marranos, apostates, etc.) who hate us and are hell bent on destroying us.”
Next, pick up rootless, powerless people and detain them secretly without a trial or due process. Threaten and vilify anyone who objects. Torture them until they “confess”.
Finally, use the coerced confessions to prove that we are all in much more danger from many more hidden evil doers than any of us could have imagined. Use that fear to justify even harsher treatment of the enemy and more authoritarian control of everybody else until the line between them blurs.
I’m not sure I’ve read anything more clear and direct. Great writing.
Thank you.
Authoritarian governments have been doing this for a long, long time. The witch burnings of the Middle Ages spring to mind. An added benefit derived from convincing people that they are surrounded by dangerous, hidden enemies is the spike in monetary contributions to the “protectors”.
I would not be surprised to learn that agent provocateurs had been planted in groups opposed to this administration; it’s a tactic often used in conjunction with mass arrest and forced confessions. Another great way to increase the budget for security when the scapegoated group isn’t behaving violently enough to warrant it.
I owe a debt to Jim McDermott for his wise observation that people will do anything if you frighten them enough.
And all that remains is to ensure a legal cover for the torture and mistreatment to continue.
From Der Spiegel (English version):
(The above posted in a “Quick Post” over at Political Cortex earlier today.)
Well, we can’t have people saying they oppose U.S. policies because we invaded their country, bombed their home, and burned Grandma up with white phosphorus. That might make Americans uncomfortable. The right kind of persuasion will have them yelling, “Yes, YES, I’m a terrorist !”
Immigrants are going to be the next in fashion right-wing talking point. “Immigrant INVASION” is what we are going to be hearing.. my prediction.