I tried to warn you in an earlier diary….there was something that I didn’t like about that Absinthe ad with the cleavaged beauty….
And now look!
She’s over at Slate in a totally different ad!
Wow, she really gets around…
Disclaimer: The ad is for “Mate 1 Intimate Dating” and apparently the picture keeps changing…so you may not see her if you link over…
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder…
What does it taste like? (The absinthe.)
I doenoe buh it mayes my tonne go aww funnnee anh I star taw’in wih a lips.
Absinthe is, imho, truly fowl stuff. It is a popular drink in my crowd, but I don’t think it is because of the taste. Absinthe is a lot like Ouzo, a strong Greek liquor made from licorice, I think. Absinthe is very bitter and often watered down. People have tried to cover up its strong flavor with other flavors, but to little success. I have had lots of different kinds, some expensive, some homemade and all were very difficult to get down. Then again, some people claim they like the stuff. Go figure! :>)
The bitter taste comes from absinthine. By first soaking wormwood in water, this is removed, leaving behind the alcohol, but not water, soluble thujones.
Licorice and fire.
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder…
Most women are pretty sensitive about who gets the word slut applied to them. We reserve it for a separate class of female…Ann Coulter comes as close as anyone in the public eye.
For me – the word doesn’t apply to a woman earning a living posing for an ad.
Just my .02
but you can call me a bastard for using it…
Just an observation…I’ve met 3 women in my life that the term applied to…
I’d never call you a bastard…unless you really wanted me too…and asked nicely. ;^P
It ain’t easy being easy.
Damn, she must be thinking, “I am my Tits.”
I think she’s fetching enough to sell Absinthe, Dating Platforms, and all manner of other capitalistic goods on the strength of her facial beauty alone, but I guess the advertisers think that the American people demand an ounce of flesh, literally.
It is a well proven fact in advertising land that cleavage sells… anything.
ummm, It looks like pounds, not ounces neo…
I know that nobody would believe me but the first thing I noticed with that ad was the combination of her eyes and smile.
As for sex to sell ads…whenever I see a woman in an ad like that on this site or similar, I assume she is intelligent to begin with. Smart is sexy so it’s all the same as nice breasts in that case, I guess.
Breasts make men go stupid not women.
They’ve definitely lowered my IQ more often than I’d care to admit.
What IQ?
Websters definition of Airhead:
Man confronted with tantilizingly displayed breasts.
…and there you have it.
Personally, I can not figure out why that picture has attracted so much comment. Very attractive young lady, showing some cleavage, but so what?? If that picture is worthy of comment, why hasn’t the picture of another lovely young lady from the cover of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez been discussed here??
Not that I think it should, I am just confused about all the comments on the Absinthe ad is all.
The two have been the subject of several diaries.
One as marketing porn, the other as refined marketing porn.
Doesn’t that allude to a rather broad definition of the word?
I deeply resent your use of the term “broad.”
It’s usage was demanded when I was unable to maneuver a slut into a compromising position for the comment.
</light-hearted humor>
a lurker and just enjoyed the various views.
Peace to all!
Please don’t mind me. It’s not just politics that makes my heart tic. I have a feeling how the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa was created, did they have Internet and diaries back then?
«« click on pic to enlarge
La Louvre Museum
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
YOu all have SO much more intellect and taste than the pie wars. I especially enjoyed the puns. Keep it up!
I missed the pie war but I appreciate your keen sense of observation.
I hope this comment doesn’t turn out to be an inadvertant insult to someone.