Captain Future posted a diary today about RFK and his 80th birthday. (Robert Kennedy and This Lonely America) I originally posted the first draft of this diary as a (too long) comment on that thread.
Now I was and remain a great admirer of RFK. Much more than I am of his brother. I think RFK managed to get on the other side of the mirror to some degree before his death, and I think that the reverence in which he was held by so many members of the racial minorities of this country is evidence of that.
My current reply and comment sig line…”Whenever a feeling of aversion comes into the heart of a good soul, it is not without significance. Intuition-a Divine attribute, not vain suspicion.”, which is roughly taken from the Sufi poet Rumi, has many corollaries. One of them could easily be `”Whenever a feeling of admiration comes into the heart of many good souls, it is not without significance. Intuition-a Divine attribute, not vain hero worship.”
BUT…as I say below, he was a man of his times.
And reading the speech excerpt included in this diary really brought home what he…AND his times…were really missing.
The REAL revolution.
The Female Revolution.
Freeing the REAL slaves.
And literally nearly doubling the efficiency of our human ecology…how we use and treat human beings…at the same time.
Plus it focused in for me something about which I have been thinking for some time.
Which Democrat to support for President in 2008. (Which is obviously, from the title of this diary, Hillary Clinton.)
Read on for more.
Notice which sex is emphasized and exclusively referenced in this speech excerpt. (Go (read it if you have not done so.)
We have come a long way.
It would be inconceivable for someone today who was in RFK’s place to make the same speech in the same way.
“…this poisons relations between men… “
“This is the breaking of a man’s spirit by denying him the chance to stand as a father and as a man among other men.”
“When you teach a man to hate and fear his brother, when you teach that he is a lesser man because of his color or his beliefs or the policies he pursues…”
“We learn, at the last, to look on our brothers as aliens, men with whom we share a city, but not a community, men bound to us in common dwelling, but not in common effort.”
“We must admit the vanity of our false distinctions among men and learn to find our own advancement in the search for the advancement of all.”
Do you think that he was speaking to an all male audience that day?
Of course not.
Now this is not exactly a “criticism” of Robert Kennedy. More of an observation. An attempt at explanation. Did the women in the audience…or within his national audience, for that matter…stand up and say “Yo, KENNEDY!!! What about US!!!”
They did not.
Should they have done so?
Should we…women and men alike…stand up and protest every time a politician makes the same error, every time some national politician like Small K kerry or Semi-President Butch gets up on a podium with the little wifey in a $1000 haircut next to him rooting him on? And don’t give me that bullshit about Teresa Heinz being a “liberated woman”, either. Please. She made the her money and achieved her position the old-fashioned way. She married it. Just like Small K. (And that’s the NICE description.)
RFK was a man of his time. Like Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln or anyone else. Like you. Like me. A man or woman of a particular place and time. He had a mother named Rose and an in-law named Black Jack. And a father who fucked movie stars and God only knows what else. A run-runner. A successful gangster who managed to do what Don Corleone could not do. Cross over. Rum runner one decade, Ambassador to the Court of St. James the next. And yet, I have to wonder…
Had he come up ABOVE that male-centric “It’s A MAN’S World” (James Brown) thing…would he have survived? Would that have been enough to put him in a position where he could NOT be assassinated?
Just an observation…a comment engendered by my first reaction when reading this post.
We’ve come a long way. baby.
But has it been far enough?
Someday…if we all survive this situation…maybe the historians will write the story of Bill Clinton’s presidency as a SEXUAL drama. The story of a man caught in the greatest revolution of all. The first U.S. President to be married to a woman as strong, intelligent and independent as himself.
Maybe MORE so.
And he fell because he couldn’t handle it.
Couldn’t handle the greatest revolution of all.
“Free the slaves?”
That was only about ten percent of the population.
Talk about human ecology!!!
What if we almost DOUBLED our brain and work power?
Talk about REVOLUTION!!!
“But…but…who will raise and bear the children?”
I thought we had too MANY people on this earth.
There are about twice as many people in the U.S. as there were in 1968, says this diary.
If EVERY COUPLE only had one child…in about 50 years we would be back to a manageable level of population once again.
I’d go for that. I can barely find a parking spot as it is now. Can”t drive ANYWHERE without encountering a serious traffic jam. Too many cars, not enough road.
Too many people, too much load.
If for NO OTHER REASON…I support Hillary Clinton for President.
The REAL Abe Lincoln.
21st Century version thereof.
Free the slaves?
We shall see…
the inevitable pro and con feminist comments and the equally inevitable attacks from the left about Hillary Clinton’s “centrism”.
1-I am neither feminist nor masculinist.
I am a “humanist”.
A proponent of human ecology.
If I thought that the human race would best best served by women staying home and men going out to work…or vice versa, for that matter…I would say so.
But I do not.
W.W, II changed all of that.
Without Rosie the Riveter and her compatriots, we’d all be speaking German today.
Bet on it.
But the shock of the new is ALWAYS too much for societies to bear, and we retrenched.
BIG time.
Human evolution moves very slowly when seen from the perspective of a short human lifetime.
But, like the arc of the moral universe so well described by Martin Luther King, Jr. (“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”), it DOES move.
After retrenchment and reaction…progress.
Let us enter the 21st century with an acknowledgment of the truth of the matter.
The REAL slaves are now free.
And “Vive la difference!!!”
2-Hillary Clinton? A centrist?
She just fighting a different revolution.
And she’s doing it very well, thank you.
Hillary Clinton for President in 2008.
An Abe Lincoln for the NEXT century?
We shall see…
P.S. Tips + recs + comments, please. No answers until late tonight, though…gotta run.
Great point about RFK.
But when you make the leap to Hillary you lose me; I need more information on her positions on a range of issues before supporting her (in the primaries), even though I think a woman president would certainly be a wonderful thing.
After all, Maggie Thatcher was a strong woman too.
I agree. Advancing the cause of equality for women is important. But I think that if Bobby Kennedy were alive today his language would have evolved with us. Even more than I want a woman in the White House I want someone who is going to fight for progressive change generally. I don’t believe Hillary Clinton is that person.
Thought you might like this link I just found at Huffington Post. A good summary of what progressives are waiting to hear from Hillary on the war before we can get enthusiastic about her candidacy.
a link to a great commentary about whether women are ready to be President, judging from other women in history…
We are all people of our times; none of us can totally escape the cultural bias of our own experiences.
As for how Robert Kennedy would have matured over time, had he lived — good question, but look at Ted. He’s come a long way since 1968 (with some problems along the way).
Not convinced yet on Hillary. I like her as a Senator from New York, but not sure she’s presidential material yet. Not because she’s a woman, but because she’s.. well, Hillary, and she seems to be too willing to say what she thinks people want to hear rather than take a stand for something she believes, in the face of sizeable opposition, either within or outside her own party. She could still convince me, but she’s not there yet, and it’s too early in the process to commit to any one candidate anyway.
As a member of the other 50%, however, I’m all for changing the culture — make it easier for both men and women to pursue life, liberty and happiness in the ways that are best for them. We’ve come a long way, but as you say, we’re not there yet. And we’re facing a lot of opposition, trying to push us back to the “good old days” that weren’t really all that good for anyone.
We still have a long ways to go.
I do not support Hillary for President because her political choices, since becoming a Senator, have been atrocious. Nothing to do with her sex. As a woman and a feminist, I am certainly comfortable with the idea of a female President. I just wish there was a woman within spitting distance of that office deserving of my confidence.
As for Robert Kennedy, in so many ways, he transcended his patrician background and the wanton debauchery his family was famous for — but not completely. He came from a family of men who used and disposed of women like so many Kleenex. I had the sense that Bobby was a more sensitive soul, who lacked the contempt for women that typified his father, brothers and other relatives — a contempt that has resulted in rapes and alleged murders. But as the Bobby Kennedy hagiographies abound today, it behooves us to remember that he also ran around on his wife and had an affair with a slightly delusional, drug addicted starlet named Norma Jean Baker, aka Marilyn Monroe. It behooves us to remember that for him and his President brother, that indulgence became a threat to their public and private lives, and that this poor starlet ended up dead.
I’ve seen that quote before but it always stopped at “doormat.” Interesting.
Yes, it’s usually truncated. The whole quote is as follows:
“I myself have never been able to find out what precisely feminism is. I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or prostitute.”
I’m just catching up with posts here. As I said in reply on my post of yesterday on RFK, I specifically added the socioeconomic background because of RFK’s use of “he” and “man” in his speech. At the time it was both generic (meaning “human” as in “the fall of man”) and specific to a problem very current then in the African American community, where unemployment etc. was breaking families apart, and more women were left as head of household, while men were drifting away from families altogether.
RFK spoke specifically to the feelings of those men. I’m not in any way apologizing for his language, nor for his eloquence on a real problem, for men. A male perspective is no more or less “real” than a female one. We need them all.
I might also mention that I have some RFK photos posted at my blog, Dreaming Up Daily, for Sunday, at