Being the last three days before election day, we’ve introduced the very first ‘Live Q &A Window’ for those with questions about Steve Young, the campaign, how they can help or any other campaign matter. This is a political first!

Manned only by senior staff, anyone in the world can go to our Steve Young for Congress, click on the window and ask their question.

The Young Campaign still needs all the things it did yesterday in the long thread still on the main page:

Virtual Phone Bankers: email

Volunteers: phone: 949.640.4400 or email

And, of course, more contributions/cash!

Don’t think any of these is too late to participate in…we have 3 full days to fill! And the more money in the pipeline the more TV time we can buy!

Dig deep Kossacks. What to read the best analysis of the race I’ve seen from a pure mathematic point of view? It was in yesterday thread, still on the front page from Superribbie and he’s projecting a likely win if voting patterns remain the same.