Ok everyone, just to put you all on notice. I am now an official card carrying socialist. I just got my voting card from the PDS here in Germany. The Party of Democratic Socialists. So I am puting everyone on alert that I am now an official socialist troll so you can take my future comments or leave them as you wish.
I’m excited! I am getting into politics on the grass-roots level of my new country: Germany. I also have excellent health care. Meeting new people, people who know who Marx is and what he actually wrote. I am even wearing a red scarf around my neck! So Boo-Tribers, there’s a socialist in the midst. Just wanted to warn everyone.
So it’s Jeffersonian Democratic Socialist now, yes?
You should e-mail your favorite wingnut and watch his/her head spin. Should be fun to watch.
My coffee is coming out of my nose from laughing now Auntie, thanks! Yea, I guess it’s Jeffersonian Socialist now, maybe Booman will let me change my name. Seriously, I still believe in Enlightenment ideasl but they never foresaw the industrial revolution and those from the industrial revolution never foresaw the hyper-capitalism that we have today, although Marx hinted at it. So, I am finding socialism (in the Swedish sense) a good counterweight to the greed of hyper-capitalism.
I’m one too and have been for about 10 years. But I’m in Oregon so there may be all of 20 or 30 of us here. I tried to register as an anarchist but they wouldn’t let me hardehar.
as in Red-Green?
Congrats JD. I feel pity for those who live in places where “socialism” is a bad word. You’d think they might realize it’s anti-social to be anti-socialist. ;^)
Yeah, it sucks to live in Alberta… 😉
Thanks, I agree with you. Luckily it is not such a bad word here; this is also the country that spawned Marx. In fact, the SPD is an old party and they used to get into some hefty bar-room brawls with the National Socialist in the 20s. Unfortunately, I feel that they have lost some of their ideals as our democrats have lost some of theirs (thinking New Deal here). Ritter and I have discussed this and we’re both left but he believes that I am wasting my energy on such a left party and should be active in the SPD. Maybe he’s right, if the PDS turns out to be too Stalinist, I’ll change my affiliation. Since I am not a citizen yet, I can only vote in regional elections, but I am going to a regional meeting next month. I hope to meet new people and make new friends. Still, people scratch their heads at the American who joins a socialist party.