I have to be away from my computer most of tomorrow, so I am posting the Dec. 12th diary now.
I think this should be sent to all members of congress. Maybe Reps. and Senators talk with each other. Perhaps they even listen.
I would appreciate suggestions.
I would like to put Ornstein’s quotes in a shaded box, once I learn how. – Thanks Connecticut Man 1!
You should be very wary of Judge Samuel Alito. Perhaps afraid is more accurate.
He should not be considered acceptable to any members of Congress, particularly true Conservatives, regardless of his opinions on other matters held dear.
Judge Alito is a threat to your role in the structure of our government. You practice the art of politicking, balancing constituents concerns and needs with those of our society as a whole. Legislation is challenged in court, as it should be.
Norm Ornstein, of the prestigious American Enterprise Institute, has recognized the danger Judge Alito represents. In his article, “Judge Alito Doesn’t Show Congress Enough Deference,” Ornstein states:
[Supreme Court Justice John] Roberts respects Congress and its constitutional primacy; Alito shows serious signs that he does not…
…Roberts is a very conservative guy, and a strict constructionist — one who means it. He understands that Congress is the branch the framers set up in Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution. It is not coincidence that Article 1 is twice as long as Article II, which created the executive branch, and almost four times as long as Article III, which established the judiciary. Judges should bend over doubly and triply backward before overturning a Congressional statute, especially if it is clear that Congress acted carefully and deliberatively…
The court case that has Mr. Ornstein turning such a critical eye on Judge Alito is from 1996, “United States v Rybar.”
From Mr. Ornstein,
Congress had passed the law in a reasonable and deliberate fashion. A genuine practitioner of judicial restraint would have allowed them a wide enough berth to do so. Alito’s colleagues did just that. But Alito used his own logic to call for its overturn, arguing that the possession of machine guns by private individuals had no economic activity associated with it, and that no real evidence existed that private possession of guns increased crime in a way that affected commerce — and thus Congress had no right to regulate it. That kind of judicial reasoning often is referred to as reflecting the “Constitution in Exile.”
Whatever it is, it’s not judicial restraint.
In response to Alito’s opinion, the majority said, “Nothing in Lopez (an earlier Supreme Court case) requires either Congress or the Executive to play Show and Tell with the federal courts at the peril of invalidation of a Congressional statute.”
Mr. Ornstein’s final sentence is a caution to you,
Whatever else it does with Judge Alito at the confirmation hearings, the Senate needs to hold his feet to the fire on this larger issue of deference to the legislative branch.
Don’t let Judge Alito’s opinions on single issues distract you from the danger he presents to our very foundation. Reject his nomination and encourage your colleagues to do the same.
A Concerned Registered Voter,
graphic (once I figure this out)
Justice (at least not today) but one way or the other I will be doing this!
Thanks MilitaryTracy – good to see you around!
Reading about a conservative concerned about Alito is quite something. I am afraid many of the Dems will be so focused on single issues too and miss this very large threat.
My thought was this gives both Dems and Repubs a legitamate reason to oppose Alito and avoid controversial issues that opponents can use to lambaste them.
I think we need some kind of consistent header or footer on all of the 12 days fax sheets with a brief message in a large font, Like SAY NO TO ALITO so that the message is clear, no matter what that days reason is for voting no on Alito. What do you think?
Good idea Cabin. Can you design it? My skills are pretty much limited to cut and paste.
Is this for us? Or actually in the fax sent?
On the fax sent, so the message is clear to the receiver…the “short version”, so to speak.
I think we could even just use the WordArt feature in Word to set it up.
I agree with you and what you later wrote about placement at the bottom.
As to: “I think we could even just use the WordArt feature in Word to set it up”
I don’t have Word. So I am not sure how I would do this.
There was mention of putting these into PDF. I might be able to make a PDF, but I would be creating it on a Mac with whatever I have. Will that translate for everyone?
Are you using OSX? You can make a pdf file using your print dialog box – (“Save as PDF”) and yes, it works for everyone. I post everything on Blackboard for my students in pdf format because all of them can get it OK regardless of which OS, browser, or word processing program they use.
[Another reason I adore Macs – no longer have any need for the glacial Acrobat Reader (Preview blazes by comparison) – or to pay for an additional, expensive program to have the ability to make pdf docs.]
“Are you using OSX?”
Unfortunately I am not. Acrobat Reader it is (sigh).
But thank you.
My thought is that by “branding” the faxes with a clear and identical message along the bottom, the recipients will get the idea that there is an organized effort to do this over the 12-day period. I want them to know we mean business.
I forgot to say nice work, Tampopo. I like the idea of starting right off with the threat to Congress.
I was expecting a page here that I can copy and print to send off. It’s all up to you, dear leader. Should we all match – maybe t’would make us look bigger.
I’m working on making it into a page that could be printed right up. (Tonight’s homework ;))
“Should we all match – maybe t’would make us look bigger.”
Sounds good to me.
Looking over my diary and seeing Supersoling’s, in the request for writers diary, which focuses on the Family Leave Act, I don’t think the recipients will know who is sending these – no ideological label.
Maybe they will actually read and think a bit!
Hi Tampopo,
can you or someone else here give me a short but pointed quote from anyone opposed to Alito?
I want to insert it into a very simple graphic that can be stamped at the bottom of each letter.
Something powerful…but short. Has anyone read anything like this?
I’m still searching, but here’s one…I’m trying to find a Rethuglican that doesn’t like him, or a law professor type.
“Frankly, I remain very concerned about whether he understands the importance of an equal America,” said Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar.
Thanks CG.
I’m looking for that too.
All the attacks on libruls for opposing alito keep coming up in my searches. Not that this is anything new, but those wingnuts are a busy, well-coordinated lot, aren’t they?
I almost feel like I need a bath when I read some of what they say…
I found something that Frist signed onto, written by a university alumni panel, of which he was a member.
It said he had a distorted, hostile and narrow view of the university.
Perfect eccept it’s not pertinent.
Anyway, I’ll keep looking and you go take a bath ;o)
Can you use a line from this Ornstein I quoted?
He is with the American Enterprise Institute – pretty right.
Norman Ornstein of AEI on Samuel Alito
all of us sending the same letter be astroturfing or is it ok since this is a campaign of sorts?
Send the same or personalize – I suppose it is more a matter of time, energy, and computer skills 🙂
I understand a member of Congress will only pay attention if it appears to come from a constituent, so I always personalize. Sometimes I have to give a local motel address. I keep a list of them for the Democrat right-to lifers. Hopefully this message will self-destruct soon.
That’s a good point.
And great job, BTW!
Not sure that the “logo” should be the same on all of the 12 days letters/faxes. I worry that it will make it look more like a repetitive mass mailing. Perhaps the staffer who collects the faxes on Day 2, (and 3, and 4) will just see the logo and say – oh yeah, we got some of these yesterday and put it in the pile with yesterdays faxes.
Perhaps there should be a “Say No to Alito” with – also in a large, but maybe slightly smaller, font size that refers to the topic of the Day? For example – Day 1’s could say “SAY NO TO ALITO” and under that, “Alito does not respect the role of Congress.” Day 2 would have something different (oh grrr – I didn’t bookmark the diary that has which topic is for which day – link anyone?) under the say no part.
My computer keeps freezing – sorry not to respond promptly!
The link is here
If you have ideas for each day’s banners, please post them. Thanks.
I can read, though perhaps not respond.
I agree with the “consitant” opening for every day.
A little banner with a short blurb thsat carries over from diary to diary. Followed by an introduction to theme of the day.
Than the heart of the diary with “recommended actions” below the fold.
“you’ve got mail” 🙂
I’m heading out again but wanted to say Great Job and Great Start. Now that it’s here, hopefully everyone can pitch in and make these statements powerful so hopefully we can persuade our senators that they need to vote our interests rather than the greedy money-changers/hate-mongers.
Excellent draft. My old copy editing juices are flowing however, a couple of suggestions I dont’ want to do here. Can I e-mail them somewhere? Maybe I’ll try going via Yhoo.
Will it hurt? Kidding.
Can you check through the Booman yahoo group? Or via Supersoling?
I would be delighted to be edited.
Do you know the proper salutation for Senators and Reps.? Is it “Honorable?”
I posted it on the booman yahoo group a little while ago. I understand that the proper address is simply “Dear Senator Blank”, or “Dear Representative Blah”.
Oh, and the address on a letter or e-mail/ fax inside address would be To: The Honorable Senator Stuffed Pockets
or To: The Honorable Congresswoman Vo Ted Out.
Thank you – I got a laugh cause you also edited Ornstein!
I will try and go in to edit this again – I’m not sure if I can edit more than once (first was to add boxes).
Hey, once the red pen comes out, there’s no stopping me.. . It takes chocolate or bourbon to make me quit.
Or sleep, which is coming up shortly. T, you’ve done a great thing working on all of this, my deepest admiration. Thank you very much for kicking this off.
I just tried to post a graphic and got this message:
“Attribute SCR for tag IMG is not allowed”
What does THAT mean?
And what can I do?
changing the SCR to SRC (stands for source, I think)
How are you feeling? You’re kicking butt with these drafts
constituents concerns – constituents’
the danger Judge Alito represents – to Congress’ role as an independent branch of government.
the danger he presents to our very foundation – to our government’s very foundation.
also, only senators confirm judges, so we don’t need “rep” in the greeting.
Thank you.
I was wondering about two letters one to senators and one to reps., hence the “?”
As Alito’s position is threatening to the legislative body, I thought perhaps some senators and reps within each party might be discussing this – party unity and all that.
Would it hurt to involve reps? More importantly, might it help?
that is a really good point – that reps are threatened too. i don’t see how it could hurt to include them.
I agree. Let them know that the failure of the Senate will be shared with the Congress. A clear signal that we are taking this issue deadly seriously. (Deadly to their political careers, that is! lol)
admitted alito legislated from the bench:
“RUSSERT: So Judge Alito was wrong?
RUSSERT: And he was legislating?
COBURN: Sure.”
Graphic (crossing fingers and toes)
that is an unsettling graphic, but I think that’s a good thing. The message is very powerful.
Thanks Manny!
And thanks so much for your guidance.
to compliment the Day of Justice too.
I see you already have it here. I had converted the PDF you sent me to a jpeg to get this:
It is an awesome picture to represnt your message. I had to touch up the words “congress” and “president” to get them to show up clearly.
Nice work Tampopo… But looking at your jpeg and the way it looks straight off of your hand drawn pic, I think I may have wasted my time. lol
I still have not set up a web page to hold all of this stuff on.
I will gladly pull an all-nighter to do that, and I will likely have to since I have to set up my old computer to do that. (My web page design crap is on my old computer, I have only had this one up and running a few days)
For obvious reasons, don’t be surprised if I am a litle bit scarce tonight. The links and stuff will be posted here ASAP! lol
I’m trying to post a link to a graphic.
hope it works.
Sure could use Brinn’s help ;o)
hint, hint
Alito Graphic
Guess not. I’ll try again
Test two
I’ll figure this out.
Ain’t gonna let no damned, dirty computer out think me :oP
Test three
Alright…there’s one. I’m working on another.
Maybe this could be used on each day, only changing the quote to match the subject each day?
I do agree with Janet Strange though that it might look too much like a mass mailing.
Talk amongst yourselves :o)
I’ll just talk among myself on this expiring thread here. Looks like we’re on different schedules. I posted up above earlier.
I love both of these graphics, but my opinion is that the only thing that will count in Congress is formal personal letters.
They probably keep a count – messages from constituents, messages from others, etc. (phone, letter, fax, email) If I had a fax machine I would happily spend the twelve days blanketing their offices with faxes of those two graphics. But that is a separate thing from my hearfelt personal communication in other forms.
Here’s another that can have text added.
I agree with Alice though that these are less important than personalizing the letters.
I missed this completely as it scrolled on by! OOPS!
both the sketch and gif. I don’t have any wording on it and I don’t know how to do that and I don’t know how to make it into something that everybody can use like Cat did with the feathers. If anybody can help me I sure could use it if tampopo and others want to use this.
While I was doing it my son kept asking if that was the grim reaper and I would tell him yes and then he would tell me that the grim reaper is supposed to have an axe. I agreed with him, but I told him that right now the grim reaper has the scales of justice.
Do you mean add text like this?
which feels like a major chore right now. Headache from the medicine, feel pukey but thanks.
MT!! Wonderful! Please take it to the new diary “For Justice- REV DIARY”
the update too. My husband really liked it.