I am so disgusted with the Graham amendment that would remove the rights of habeas corpus for the “terrorists” in Guantanamo that I could spit.  If habeas corpus is suspended for anyone in American custody, you can kiss your freedoms good-bye.  It is horrifying to me that the preconceived notion that these human beings are “terrorists” is being used to justify depriving them of their right to require the government to show before the law why their incarceration should be continued.
 Isn’t this McCarthyism all over again?  If it is so justified that these “terrorists” remain in U.S. custody, why is it such a burden to require the government to show it and if it cannot do so, permit their release.  

I am strongly urging everyone to read the WaPo article of November 14, 2005 at this link:


Bear in mind that if Congress can suspend habeas corpus for “terrorists” then it can suspend habeas corpus for “dissidents” or “enemies of the people” or “threats to security” or a million other categories that sound scary and ultimately could be you.  Please do everything you can to urge a vote against this erosion of our rights.