What’s more fun than a successful filibuster?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hearing about it here at BooMan Tribune!!
the planet or in the universe!
pretty high on the favorite list today….
Fitzmas present of Rove indictment and resignation would be pretty nice too….
Did something happen in the Senate that I missed? So hard to keep up…
we successfully filibustered the Defense Appropriations bill because it had a provision to drill for oil in ANWR placed in it by Senator Stevens.
Also, because we hate the troops.
military pilots to take Zoloft so you can send em back fucked up and fuck them up some more. Now I know who did that, you troop hater!
I kept looking about, but couldn’t grasp what I had read. Sometimes I need people to type slowly.
Thanks — this made my day, my week even!
Animals don’t recognize our borders – Chris is one happy lad. Maybe the Canadians had a wee hand if the Prime Minister was on the horn lobbying?
Chris Cook is a contributing editor for PEJ News in Victoria BC
… and a Diarist at Empire Burlesque
Senate to Vote on Drilling in Wildlife Refuge
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin released a statement on the U.S. House of Representative’s decision to honour a 1987 agreement with Canada to protect Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the essential habitat of the Porcupine Caribou, the last of North America’s great migrating herds and sustenance for the Gwich’in peoples of Yukon and Alaska:
"I am very encouraged that the House of Representatives yesterday decided to drop the Arctic Refuge drilling provision from their budget bill. This is an important step forward in the protection of the Refuge, the Gwich’in people and the Porcupine Caribou Herd. I am proud of the persistent efforts of Environment Minister Stéphane Dion, environmentalists David Suzuki and Elizabeth May and so many others."
That was in November, and barely a month later, Martin’s caution has proven prophetic. Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the controversial oil exploration provision, in the form of a rider attached to a massive 453 billion dollar defence appropriations bill for the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Canadian reactions was swift; a spokesperson for Canadian Ambassador, Frank McKenna said Canada is: "active on this." He hopes to find support in the U.S. Senate in a final effort to kill the bill. The defence appropriations bill sailed through the House of Representatives 308-106, though previous attempts to push it through have all been shot down.
Republican Representative Mark Kennedy, who says he’s consistently opposed the move explained his pro-vote, saying: "[I]t would be the height of irresponsibility to vote against a bill that funds our troops and our military while our nation is at war."
A spokesperson for Alaskan Senator Ted Steven, chair of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee who had vowed to make drilling in the ANWR, his long-time hobby horse, a reality before Christmas, dismissed Canadian objections, saying: "He understands and appreciates Canada’s concern but believes there are enough environmental precautions."
The ANWR consists of a 600,000-hectare refuge. Proponents of drilling say the estimated oil reserves would help make America less dependent on imported oil.
Late tonight, Senate opposition is gathering, with some Democrats threatening to filibuster the defence bill.
Chris Cook is a contributing editor to PEJ News. He also hosts Gorilla Radio, a weekly public affairs program, broad/webcast from the University of Victoria, Canada. You can check out the GR Blog here.
COWARDS! Only “Abusers” threaten in an attempt to control people…….you fuckin terrorists……attempting to manipulate through fear!
Look a whole lot more sane and well worth the time and paper and faxes and stamps! Oh Yeah Baby!
Um, you’re writing in it . . . .
I’m in Tracy! Where do we all meet up? I have some vacation time coming.
I was thinking that a Million member march on the day of the State of the Union would be a start!
as of today are called Boomaniacs – an honorary title @BooMan’s Place.
Even in Russian: Κοллекция φотоѕ!
Googled for my favorite Boomaniac …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
impeachment proceedings against Bush, Cheney. Gonzales, Hadley, and Rice.
Watching the Chicago Bears defense last Sunday night eat the Atlanta Falcons alive.
Watching the Chicago Bears defense against the Bush administration.
Google does its part in the so-called “War on Christmas”, in multiple languages.
Oh well, it’s not like O’Reilly ever uses google to look up actual facts. He probably won’t notice, and Google will be safe from his … terrible wrath? pathetic ranting? incessant bloviating??
Guilty verdicts handed down to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Hadley, Libby, Rove, Delay, Frisk and Limbaugh.
watching these fuckers be frog-marched away
Here’s the happy news report from the A.P..
Warning: Frist voted no so he could vote on the ANWR measure again. When, the article doesn’t say.
(The 51-50 budget defeat is VERY BAD THOUGH — we can’t celebrate too much.)
I was wrong about that 51-50 budget vote ….
I’m listening to PRI’s To The Point…. (via http://www.kuow.org)
the bill has to go back to the house for three sections to be fixed or something…. and the House is mostly gone for the season. There could be a voice vote tomorrow but it is unlikely. So this bill may really not pass until next year.
Several GOP senators voted against the biill because of its harm to Medicare, etc.
I want to see how Anna in Philly answers this question.
I just love her posts.
Nancy Pelosi wants her letter to the NSA and Pres. Bush’s responding letter declassified. That will be a cold day in hell. These f’ers are cooked. They have lied one too many times.
Nancy Pelosi wants her letter to the NSA and Pres. Bush’s responding letter declassified.
Bush actually wrote back??? Wow – usually he just ignores the Democratic peons in the House and Senate.
I may have misread it. Let me see if I can go back and find the link to that story.
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on her request to the director of National Intelligence to declassify a letter she wrote to the Bush Administration expressing concerns about the activities of the National Security Agency.
“When I learned that the National Security Agency had been authorized to conduct the activities that President Bush referred to in his December 17 radio address, I expressed my strong concerns in a classified letter to the Administration and later verbally.
“Today, in an effort to shed light on my concerns, I requested that the director of National Intelligence quickly declassify my letter and the Administration’s response to it and make them both available to the public.
“The president must have the best possible intelligence to protect the American people. That intelligence, however, must be produced in a manner consistent with our Constitution and our laws, and in a manner that reflects our values as a nation to protect the American people and our freedoms.”
Apparently Diebold isn’t limiting its questionable activities to elections. (Source: PlanSponsor.com):
Much to my surprise, I found I wasn’t alone in my vengeful deeds against Barbie in my youth. (More accurately – vengeful deeds against my sister’s Barbie.) Damnit, I wanted a Barbie for Christmas, but my sister got a Barbie instead (“you’re too young for a Barbie, sweetie”). No Barbie for me, you say? Okay then, buh-bye to the feet of (my sister’s) bendable Barbie. Munch
Just for the record, I’m not one of the torturers mentioned in the article above. I never would have bitten the feet off of my own Barbie. ;^)
Barbie was required to drive the Tonka jeep, jump out of trees (really shrubs), beat the crap out Ken when he was obnoxious, and wear jeans. No pink frilly outfits allowed…
Since I didn’t like the frilly stuff my Barbie was a tomboy like me….my sister’s Barbie got tossed in the mud puddle and similar abuse for wearing pink!