Ann Coulter knows how to create controversy:
I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo.
But if we must engage in a national debate on half-measures: After 9/11, any president who was not spying on people calling phone numbers associated with terrorists should be impeached for being an inept commander in chief.
And I know it pays well to be controversial. But, if this outburst doesn’t consititute overt racism, I have a hard time imagining what does. And while I think people should be free to express sentiments of racism and genocide, I don’t think they should get airtime on cable news or syndicated columns. It amazes me that anyone would associate their corporation with this type of hate speech.
Oh wow she just keeps right on getting worse, doesn’t she? Any time I read her stuff I always think to myself that she can’t possibly really believe it, she must only write it to make easy money off the idiots who do believe it. And then I can never decide which thing is the more offensive moral ill: actually being a warmongering racist, or being willing to fake it and foster the mindset for something as cheap as money.
“. . I think ..
That’s her out, and she knows it.
Isn’t she sponsored by the Eugenics Foundation? There may not be such a thing as good and evil but even if there isn’t, she’s still evil…pure hatred.
Coulter has nothing of valueto say ever. She only flaunts her repulsive insanity because she thrives on the outrage generated by it.
We should be ignoring her instead of rewarding her with the attention she craves.
AC’s antics, O’Reily’s self generated “War on Christmas”… and other tabloid type stories are the MSM’s equivalent of a hijacked diary… this propaganda output just distracts everyone, us in blogworld included, from focusing time on the important issues.
I don’t watch AC, I don’t listen to AC, ever.
Does the title of your article, along with your publication of anything related to Coulter simply serve to promote the gratuitous media tart that she is?
(I’d hate to hand out free publicity to someone of her ilk)
My husband interrupted me to chat while I was in the midst of posting my comment above. I just didn’t want anyone to think that I’m sitting here mimicking comments from other posters – my comment just got held up for awhile, and I hadn’t seen the post above before submitting mine. (Thanks to chatting it up with my husband, not as a result of plagiarism. ;^)
Good day!
I wrestled with the idea of redacting the word, “cunt,” but decided it was far from the ugliest part of the picture.
Visual Oxymoron. I don’t really what to make of this. I don’t think it’s photoshopped.
…genocidal, racist, militarist outburst, my pre-election project for the first months of the new year are to put heat on all the Op-Ed editors at newspapers that still run her syndicated column. Several, including the Arizona Daily Star have recently dropped her, and I am going to do my best to get others to do the same. I’m also going to work on her syndicate bosses at Universal. I’m fortunate in that many Op-Ed editors are the same ones as when I was editor at the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, so I know them and can expect to get phone calls and emails returned.
If you live in an area whose newspaper publishes her column, you can help me in my project by collecting a group of 10 friends or so to write a letter objecting to her xenophobia and genocidal pronouncements every single time she makes them. If you’re really ambitious, think about putting up a one-day informational picket line. Politely harass the Op-Ed editor by pointing out one grotesque comment Coulter makes in each column – which should be no problem.
(SF Chronicle or SJ Murky News) carries her drivel, God/Goddess/FSM be praised…
I must admit that I worry about her, medically that is. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but a couple of signs of thyroid disorder are erratic behavior and severe weight loss, and several people have commented on the “large Adam’s apple” in her throat that could be a major thyroid nodule or even a tumor of some sort. I wonder if she’s had her thyroid checked…her total off-the-wall attitudes could have a medical basis, curable with the proper dosage of thyroid medication and/or surgery.
Michael Savage (now there’s someone truly despicable) wrote Liberalism is a Mental Disorder — I’m hoping that Coulter’s disorder is medically treatable…
I honestly believe that Coulter is so off the deep end that we do our side a disservice by taking her seriously or responding to her.
If there was someone prominent on the left who was as far out as Coulter is our own side would marginalize them long before the Right had a chance to. The best way to deal with Coulter is to throw the onus back on the Right for not denouncing her irrational bigotry. If they disagree with her they should denounce her. If not… enough said.
My 14 yr old daughter and I were at a book store the other day. She picked up an Ann Coulter book to read the flap. In a few sentences Coulter had disparaged all that my daughter felt important, and she wanted to have some explanation as to whom this creature was.
I’m afraid I had none beyond she was an unearthly creature created by some right wing cretin.
Hay BooMan, If you have any input into the ads, you should have them add an eye patch and scar to a photo of Ann Coulter. It would probably enhance her appearance.
If you need a laugh you can go to this republican wankers picture of Ann Coulter playing with her Jugs .
Just scroll your mouse over the note there to see them in all their glory… 😀
Her “jugs” contain more than her skull does.
Quite likely. But I still think the picture is pretty funny… Even if it was a republican dork that put it up.
Just imagine the public reaction if you changed Arab with any other ethnic or racial group…
that’s a pretty sad comment, isn’t it? Arab identity is fair game now for all sorts of hate-filled bullshit.
How does ANYBODY get away with saying.”I think the government should be …engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport?”
And the fact that they do is more a comment on the culture that allows and endorses this sort of filth than the culture that is presumably being attacked in these utterances.
Oh, I wasn’t endorsing it at all, just a thought experiment to point out the ridiculousness of it. Acutally if I could edit my comment I would add that tv pundits get away with the same sort of comments with Hispanic peoples as well.
But, yeah.. I agree with you on the whole, we are all human.
cabinet position in case any of the scandals result in the tossing of a big fish.
Coulter is so craven in her comments that she gives credence to the old “it’s not who ya know, it’s who ya blow” as to why anyone would publish her crap.