Bless your heart.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
New southern thread.
thanks booman. I am keeping an eye on this end of it too….
Well, well, well. Now I can find out how many closet liberals are living down here with me in political hell. I was economically forced to the South due to my company giving me a “promotion”. Bastards. ;^)
But now I’m stuck down here in this fundamentalist nut-ball Republican redoubt. My vote doesn’t count, my opinion doesn’t matter, and my local (county) DNC has maybe 5 apathetic members, none of whom would be complimented if I called ’em a “liberal”. Which I wouldn’t cuz they aren’t…
Mississippi Liberal and proud of it! Born and raised in the land of ignorance, severe poverty, good manners and irony that creates great writers, musicians, and artists.
Where are you now and where are you from? I haven’t seen you before, but I also haven’t been active lately, so welcome to BT and I hope to see you around.
I now have the dubious honor of living in the Atlanta exhurbs. I find the people seem really nice, until they find out you’re not a church-goer. Then either you’re inundated with tracts or given the cold shoulder. Not at all like my native, and more libertarian, Montana. Even though my home town had 27 churches (for a population of 6,000+…) few people would be so rude as to pushed their nose into whether you were properly “churched” or not. And the 26 bars kinda made up for those who did.
But here I am. Sigh…
As for being at BT, I’m more a lurker than a poster. It intimidates me that some people get offended if one’s argument is less than perfectly thought out. Now I don’t mind constructive criticism, but some of these folks get downright mean!
But I’ll keep tabs on this section. I gotta go for now but hope to talk to you again blueneck. :^)
Where in the exurbs are you? It is pretty fundamentalist here and I’m so very tired of it!
I am “lucky” enough to live near that teeming metropolis known as Dallas. I find it amusing that Dallas is the seat of Paulding County, but you still have to drive over to Hiram to shop if it’s after 6 p.m. I mean, jeez…even in Montana there were all-night diners and Quik-e-Marts. Gad!
But don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate Georgia. I love the weather, the Arts scene with the Atlanta Ballet, the Symphony and (YE GODS!)The High Museum! It almost makes me swoon with delight. Once you get inside the perimeter it’s a totally different vibe.
Unfortunately, the cost of housing (and my sweet husbands almost hysterical need for a huge lawn, planting beds, and vegie garden…) mean that we live in the wilderness, politically speaking of course. :^)
Hmm, well I live in Cherokee county. Not sure which is more fundamentalist-paulding or cherokee..
Housing is a lot cheaper out in Paulding than it is here. Believe it or not, I have only been out in your direction a very few times.
Do you work? I’m a stay at home mom. It can be pretty lonely when you are doing this. I don’t think that there are many nonfundamentalist stay at home moms.
I sometimes wish we had a little more of that montana attitude here-just leave me alone dammit!
most of what you ahve said, sounds like where I live… stay around and talk to us..hugs
Where are you from?
ok, now I know where you are from…sorry I did not read further on down..anyhow, welcome to ya..
How about a meetup for us? any takers? I suggest Memphis in May.
That sounds like a plan!!!!! put it together and I will comply…
I’d love to do it. Let’s see if we get a few more takers. With the west coast organizing a meetup and the east coast talking about one, we ought to have one too. I’d consider moving it to Louisville or St. Louis if we could get some paricipation from the mid-west and mid-central. Even Chicago would be doable I s’pose.
Whaddya think?
I would consider St. Louis. I am not very fond of KY….:o)..just kidding..anything you would do is doable for me; however, I do think everyone would enjoy Memphis in May tremedously.
Oh and by the way, I have to attend a wedding in FL in early June, so must conserve on $$$$, if you understand my meaning here..:o)
Memphis is great in May and ought to be a good place for us to gather. Awfully convenient for you, too, isn’t it?! 😉
I was thinking if we made it St. Louis we might get more participation from the mid-west, too. So far, no one has replied to my suggestion in the mid-west thread, though.
Yes it is very convient for me. But this is after not about me. I think you for remember this tho. I really appreciate the thought of Memphis in May. It always proves to be an excitment for all that attend.
Just give me a heads up on the date and time…and at least a month in advance so, by then I might have some one to cover my call. This will be of such great fun…love it!!!
Memphis in May
Although I wouldn’t be able to get there, Memphis in May is a great time. The Beale Street Music Festival in early May or the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest in mid May will be in full swing. A great time and party to be had by everyone.
It sure is a great time. Would there be a better time for you? I would love to have you attend.
Thanks Brenda I would love to attend, but my reasons veer more toward health problems. Just know this though, if it does happen I’ll be there in spirit.
Oh, most certainly, I do understand…Take good care, my Friend. You are the most important person. Take great care of yourself, always. Hugs
Yes, these events are precisely why I thought we might get some traction. FOlks could bring the family and enjoy the festivities as well as meeting up with each other at some point(or points) during the fun.
OK, I’m not exactly in the South anymore, but I’d love to come to Memphis in May – depending on the date and family health, etc. I often come to Western KY in May to visit with my mom, and Memphis is often in the travel plan.
Kidspeak, would love to have you with us..most certainly….hugs and see ya hopefully…
The dates for Memphis in May are
5-7, Beale Street Music Festival
8-13, International Week – Costa Rica
18-20, Barbecue Contest
27, Sunset Symphony
I could do any of those.
oh my heavens, they all are my favorite things to do! What a decision to make…:o) I suppose put the names of the events in a hat and draw from the hat…I could not choose one over the other..I so enjoy them all!
Just to let you know that I could do only a w/e. I do have to do call and work throught out the week. Plus, I am taking a few vacation days to go to Fl on June the 8th or there abouts. The wedding is the 10th. This I do have to is for my son!!!!!:o)
BTW, since my son is a Memphis cop, I am sure he could lend us a hand on getting around and into places easier then too..just an idea…to keep in mind.
Ohhhhh! I do love that barbeque! And classical music in the moonlight, too. I’ve been to Chattanooga but not Memphis, yet. Would love to get together. Memphis I could do, since it’s a reasonably short trip. St. Louis, maybe not so much.
Hi Mara. Good morning. I can always vote for good BBQ…:o) Anyhow, Would love to have you join in with us. I suppose do just like I am doing and wait for blue to c ome through with the specs on this. Just give your opinion on things. Hugs..
I got this from the Memphis web site.
The City of Memphis welcomes you to our grand city. Memphis, Tennessee is recognized as the home of Elvis Presley and as the birthplace of the blues. Did you know that Elvis’s home, Graceland, is the second most visited house in the country – behind the White House in Washington, D.C.? But Graceland is only one of the many exciting sites and attractions that you will want to see during your visit to Memphis.
Our Memphis in May Festival attracts people from around the world to compete in the International BBQ cooking contest. This festival draws thousands to the banks of the Mississippi for live concerts and the Sunset Symphony. We’re also home of the Peabody – queen of Southern hotels, Mud Island – the final resting place of the Memphis Belle and the National Civil Rights Museum, which is the only one of its kind in the world.
I never visited Graceland because it wasn’t one of my highest priorities, but my family has. They said it was like stepping back into the 60’s-70’s. No matter what part of the month you go, there is always Beale street, which is a must see and hear.
Good morning, family man. Yes thsi is true, however, I do think that they are moving the memphis belle to another place nowadays. Good to see ya are you today?
Doing fine Brenda. Hope you and everyone else here are doing fine.
Memphis has always held a place in my heart since I grew up not far from there. On the Arkansas side in the Delta farming area. I haven’t been there in a couple of years now, but I’ve always thought it was a wonderful city.
Check out Susanhu’s front pager on training dates for DFA — Memphis is in May. Some people might want to combine meetup and training?
March 25th-26th, actually. However, it could be a good time for a BTrib meetup also.
oops, guess I shouldn’t trust my eyes late at night on my laptop.
Hey Brenda, blue, and all. Just got done reading the NYT and about choked on my coffee. Here’s the Bush administration speaking about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez “Despite being democratically elected, the government of President Hugo Chávez has systematically undermined democratic institutions, pressured and harassed independent media and the political opposition, and grown progressively more autocratic and antidemocratic,”
Is it just me or did the pot just call the kettle black?
LOL! It never ceases to amaze me the amount of “psychological transference” that shows up in preznit’s words – smear your opponents with the exact thing that you yourself are doing so the people will think it’s not you.
You gotta hand it to those rethugs, they do the big lie really well:
Misdirection – the art at the core of prestidigitation’s seemingly magic feats – “Oh, look over there, see how bad THOSE guys are (never mind how much worse we are)?”
Scapegoating – the art of dumping your sins on the innocent goat before you slaughter it and roast it.
Catapulting – the art of repeating a lie incessantly, with a smile on your face, until the unknowing and uncaring public actually believe it.
Fear mongering – the art of planting strong images of fear in the minds of the unwitting.
and the list goes on and on and on and on…..
all right, you liberal southies. I must announce that I will no longer be supporting ANY incumbant Democratic Georgia state representatives. This here was the last straw.
“Democrats in the state Senate are introducing a bill that would allow Georgia public schools to teach classes about the Bible.” WTF!!!! Isn’t it enough that this states education system ranks 49th in the nation? If they were as worried about general education, the chil’dens would be able to read the Bible themselves! Yeah, let’s waste our resources subverting the Constitution instead.
This is the kind of crap one expects from the theo-facists, not from freakin’ DEMOCRATS!!!
(in case you can’t tell, I’m incensed…)
Mara, I can see how angry you are. I too do not like the fact that the school system can teach the bible. That is what sunday school is for, if I havent forgotten. What is going on with them???!!!!! Have they drunk the koolaid???????!!!!!! ;o( Is there something one could do with this in your state?
It’s my opinion that the whole thing is a ploy to inoculate them from the whole “libruls hate God” meme. It’s a transparent (and ultimately politically useless) attempt to pander to the fundamentalist Bible-belt crowd.
Since my district Rep and Senator are both Republican, I don’t see what pressure I personally can bring to bear. I’ve already sent the GA Dem Committee a polite yet emphatic e-mail decrying this legislation. Dumb asses. Who’d vote for a pseudo-Republican when they can choose a real one?
Although I’d hate to see GA stay “red”, I don’t see what difference it would make if these were the Democrats that ended up running the state government.
With a senator like Zell, can state the legislators be far behind? I sympathize – our legislators are fussing about their right to prayer in the Indiana general assembly this session.
This is just a local announcement (For NC Dems):
I’ve opened a new site for the North Carolina Democratic 2cd District.
The idea being for all the Counties/Precincts/Organizations in the District to have a central site for sharing information, including such things as Precinct/County Meetings, Local news, and keeping up to date on National, and State news.
For the Geek in you… It’s powered by Sitex., a newly developed, and growing Blog software..I know, it ain’t Scoop, but it is open Source, it’s growing, and was given to us Dems Free!
Hope you enjoy…
PS. It is a semi.quasi official Dem Site, so behave youselves please.., otherwise I’ll have to put on my Janitor clothes, and I hate changing out of my Pajamas.
PSS. To any Front Pagers, I have linked to booman, of course, on our weblinks page. If you prefer not to be included, let me know.Plus…crosscommented or will…to dkos, stakeholder
So that makes…uh…eight, counting myself. Eight liberals in the south. Hmmm. Better than I expected.
Anyone catch ol’ Chimpy trying to say that no reconstruction plan has been put forward for NOLA, despite the fact that his toadies have rejected, re-rejected and finally completely rejected the Baker buy-out plan?
(I’d link you to the Times-Picayne from 1/25/06, but techno-savvy as I’m NOT…I don’t know how. You can google it fairly easily though.)
there’s one more progressive down here in Memphis…
Actually I know of quite a few around here in Memphis. My wife, for one, and I work with two professed Dems, and I know at least 4-5 others who I email news items to regularly. Also, my wife and I are friends with Jim Deyrich and his wife. Jim’s new book is coming out in April. Here’s the Amazon entry for his book: Confessions of a Former Dittohead.
I’m originally from Gulfport, MS and I have a number of relatives down there who are Dems too.
On a side note, if anyone is interested, they can read my poorly written diary entry I have over at Kos about my trip to bring my mom and half-brother up to Memphis after the storm.
I went back down to visit relatives after Christmas and I have an hour of film of the Gulf Coast. It’s just unbelievable… I need to write some more about all of that.
Back to work…I just dropped in to say hello to everyone.
Oh Soul, I am so glad you came here. I was wondering about Jim just the other day. I will see what I can get together for us. I havent seen blueneck in sometime since he/she was here and posted the wish for a get-to-gether. Let me think about this for a little and I will do a posting here. I feel that Memphis in May is a good time. What is your opinion on this? We need to get the members that will come together and pick one of those times to do it. I will do a comment in the diaries in open thread on the front page and see what happens. Thanks again for coming here. I appreciate your being here with us. Hugs…my email address is as follows. contact me if you have anything you want to discuss. Just make sure you put int he subject line that you are from booman. The mail will show up in my junk I will know not to delete it…:o)
There are a lot more liberals in the south. LOL I guess Texas is still the south. I know it is the Rhinestone in the middle of the buckle of the Bible Belt. LOL
Welcome refinish….good to have you with us…I personally have not one thing against the big Texas. The only thing that could be a downer is your governor…:o) Hugs and hope if we can get a meet-up done, you could join us. Would love to have you come.
Hey and thanks for your persistence. I have had a busy busy week, but I finally got the meetup diary posted (see the following comment here). I am fairly familiar with Memphis, but after we see who can come and what the dates will be, we may need your help on some of the specifics. THANKS!
Please check out the Meetup in Memphis diary!
Please take the poll in that diary if you are interested in attending. I hope we can find a good time for everyone who would like to join us.
Ok, you folks out there. Blueneck posted a diary on the booman diary list. I am afraid it will float off to la la land soon. So if y ou want to attend and want to vote on what time duing memphis in may, let it be known. We are trying hard to get this put together. I see blue doesn’t want it to be come a real big affair, but I want you to know, we must support blue in his endevers. Lets get busy now…lets get this a done thing so we can all be making plans. I have to let my employer know months ahead of time for days off….so please lets get busy with this planing…ok…hugs to all and wish you all can come if possible. I am looking forward to meeting each of you…and having some fun in the process.
Sorry for joining the conversation late – it’s my wife’s birthday weekend so I’m not on line much this weekend.
I’ll be coming! The barbeque weekend sounds especially tempting. 🙂
:o)…tell Mrs Knoxville Happy Birthday form me….Am glad you are committed. Hugs and have a great w/e
if you guys want a shirt designed for the southern meet up let me know. I can do one for you and am willing to do them at my cost as a goodwill gesture.
You can check out some of my designs by clicking on the link in my signature.
thanks for the offer. I can say it will be up to the group for this one…:o) Where are you located, again? I hope blueneck sees this.
Yup, I see it. I’m going to post a second meetup diary soon and I will take a vote on it there.
I am from Texas. LOL
HI, and thanks for the offer. I will put up a poll in the soon-to-be-posted second diary and check if there is enough demand.
So, Blue, is the BBQ the definate date? I need to start to plan way ahead of time. I will need the W/E off to be there.
I think also we need if anything to wear boomans t-shirt. After all this is his room that brought us together, if we do wear anything signifant. I willnot disagree with buying something from the other site either. It is up to the greater population of the get together, IMHO. Thanks againf ro doing this for us, Blue. Am looking forward to this, extrememly.
Yes, BBQ seems to be the choice of those who wish to attend and who have expressed a preference.
The only thing I think that could stop that now would be for there to be no rooms available at hotels in Memphis during that weekend.
SO, if you could, you might help me out by checking around to see how the hotel bookings are going.
I will make some specific phone calls myself to check in on places I have stayed before, but if you have a chance to call around to one or more of the usual suspects, i.e. Hampton Inns, Holiday Inns, Best Westerns, etc., it would be nice to know if they generally have any rooms left for that weekend, or if they are close to full, etc.
I want to get some idea about that before I post the announcement diary.
you got it….will get back to ya in about a week to see that I have covered all bases. There are many places to stay downtown and in some areas just out of town. The areas around downtown are quite nice. I will get back to ya soon…thanks again…
Thank YOU! Local calls for you are probably cheaper than long distance for me. I will do some calling though, to further the cause. 🙂
Really it is not problem, what so ever.
great thanks
in Memphis. I think that’s a Thursday-Saturday. Isn’t that the weekend of our proposed Boo Meet?
Yes that is correct. Are y ou gonna come? Sure would love to have you. I probably can’t make it till Friday night and Saturday, due to job detentions…:o)
We’ll see. Ordinarily I’d say yes. (I usually come to Western KY to see my mom every May, I have 3 weeks off before summer school starts).
However, my husband has developed some sort of heart-lung thing that the docs are having trouble diagnosing, and the tests just go on and on. He doesn’t have any classic signs of these problems, but just brand-new & frightening pain and breathlessness (and at the moment, he has pneumonia). So, I’m not comfortable predicting being able to leave my ordinarily quite robust 47 year old spouse. I hope by May they have figured out what is wrong and have it fixed. If I feel ok leaving Ken alone, I’m definitely coming.
We are, at any rate, thinking hard of moving Southward – in spite of the politics. Detroit’s schools are imploding, and I’m beginning to worry about distance from my elderly mom. Ken took the principals’ exam used for Ky and TN certification this past summer; so we are looking, albeit very very slowly.
I am so sorry to hear about your husbands problems. I would be very concerned too. Personally I would love to have you near to me…:o) Anyhow, we are here for you at any time you should need us…..
Hugs and just let me know if you do decide to come. I am working on finding out how crowded the hotels/ motels will be and hopefully by the end of this week I will have some info on this.
sending warm thoughts of love and healing to all.
Ditto to what Brenda and refinish had to say.
Comfort Inn Downtown
100 N. Front St. Memphis, TN USA 38103
Searching For Availability…
0.2 Miles From Center City Memphis
Overlooking Mississippi River. Roof top pool. Walk or take Main St. Trolley to Convention Center, FedEx Forum, Pyramid, Beale St., Mud Island, Civil Rights Museum, riverboat rides, restaurants & Autozone Park….more information
Property Description
Overlooking Mississippi River. Roof top pool. Walk or take Main St. Trolley to Convention Center, FedEx Forum, Pyramid, Beale St., Mud Island, Civil Rights Museum, riverboat rides, restaurants & Autozone Park.
Air Conditioned
AM/FM Alarm Clock
Brailled Elevators
Business Center
Continental Breakfast
Coffee Maker in Room
Copy Service
Handicapped Rooms/Facilities
Hairdryers Available
Ice Machine
Modem Lines in Room
In Room Movies
In Room Movies
Meeting/Banquet Facilities
No Smoking Rooms/Facilities
Free Newspaper
News Stand
Outdoor Pool
Bus Parking
Indoor Parking
Smoke Detectors
Television with Cable
TV Remote Control
Laundry/Valet Services
Miscellaneous Information
American Dollars is the native currency.
Check in time is 1500
Check out time is 1200
71 rooms.
8 floors.
Sleep Inn At Court Square
On Main St. Trolly line. Walk to Mud Island, Memphis Queen Riverboat ride. 3 blocks to convention center, Peabody Hotel. 4 blocks to Pyramid, Beale St. Walking distance to restaurants and bars….more information
0.3 Miles From Center City Memphis
40 N. Front St. Memphis, TN USA 38103
Add To My Favorites
Take a Photo Tour
Holiday Inn Select
Hotel Reservations: 1 888 HOLIDAY (888 465 4329)
Hotel Front Desk: 1-901-5255491
Hotel Fax: 1-901-5298950
Check-In Time: 3:00 PM
Check-Out Time: 11:00 AM
Take a video tour of this hotel!
The Holiday Inn Select Hotel-Memphis is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Memphis, directly across the street from the famous Peabody Hotel and within walking distance of Beale Street, The NBA FedEx Arena, Peabody Place (21 movie screens, Restaurants, Starbucks Coffee) Mud Island, the Cook Convention Center, the Pyramid, Orpheum Theater, Autozone Ball Park “Home of the Memphis Redbirds,” the Rock-n-Soul Museum, the Gibson Guitar Plant and many popular downtown restaurants and shops. Adjacent to the Rendezvous Restaurant.
Complimentary wireless high speed internet access in all guest rooms and meeting space.
Parking Fee – $10.00 – per vehicle $15.00 – Oversized vehicles (large trucks/trailers) $25.00 – Bus/Motorcoach (off-site)
Outdoor Pool
High-speed Internet Access
Kids Eat Free
Dedicated Lounge (or 24 Hour Lounge)
Iron / Ironing Board
Coffee Maker
Health/Fitness Center On-Site
A/C Public Areas
Directions / Map
Hotel Features
192 Guest Rooms
143 Non-Smoking Rooms
120 Double-Bedded Rooms
70 Single-Bedded Rooms
Downtown/City Center
TN0490 FEMA Property Number
15 Floors
Cocktail Lounge
1 Restaurant
Personal Services
A/C Public Areas
ATM/Cash Machine
Dry Cleaning Pickup/Laundry
Free Local Phone Calls
Ice Machine
Room Service
Safety Deposit Box available at Front Desk
Business Services
E-mail & Internet
Executive Suites
Unstaffed Business Center
Parking Information
Number of Parking Spaces: 153
Daily Parking Fee: $10.00 (USD)
Covered, secured parking
Downtown Information
MEMPHIS (0 MI / 0 KM )
Area Airport Information
Memphis International (MEM)
Distance: 10 MI / 16.09 KM NW
Taxi Fee: $26.00 (USD)
Time by taxi: 15 Minutes
Area Train/Subway Information
Train Station Name: Amtrack
Train Station Distance 4 MI / 6.44 KM N
Taxi Fee $10.00 (USD)
Area Convention Center Information
Memphis Cook Convention Center
Convention Distance 1 MI / 1.61 KM
Taxi Fee $0.65 (USD)
Local Information
Golf within 5 MI / 8.05 KM
Shopping within 1 MI / 1.61 KM
Tennis within 6 MI / 9.66 KM
Beale Street Entertainment District (0.5 MI / 0.8 KM )
Graceland (10 MI / 16.09 KM )
The NBA FEDEX Arena (0.75 MI / 1.21 KM )
National Civil Rights Museum (1.5 MI / 2.41 KM )
Pyramid (1.2 MI / 1.93 KM )
Memphis Zoo (5 MI / 8.05 KM )
Pink Palace Museum/IMAX Theater (6 MI / 9.66 KM )
Libertyland (5 MI / 8.05 KM )
Tunica Casinos (30 MI / 48.28 KM )
AutoZone Ballpark (0.1 MI / 0.16 KM )
Peabody Place Retail and Entertainment Center (0.1 MI / 0.16 KM )
Rock-n-Soul Museum (0.5 MI / 0.8 KM )
The Gibson Guitar Plant (0.5 MI / 0.8 KM )
Stax Museum (3 MI / 4.83 KM )
Sun Studio (1.5 MI / 2.41 KM )
Property Description
On Main St. Trolly line. Walk to Mud Island, Memphis Queen Riverboat ride. 3 blocks to convention center, Peabody Hotel. 4 blocks to Pyramid, Beale St. Walking distance to restaurants and bars.
Air Conditioned
Brailled Elevators
Continental Breakfast
Copy Service
Handicapped Rooms/Facilities
Exercise Gym
Ice Machine
Ironing Board
Modem Lines in Room
Modem Lines in Room
In Room Movies
Meeting/Banquet Facilities
No Smoking Rooms/Facilities
Free Newspaper
Bus Parking
Outdoor Parking
Safe Deposit Box
Smoke Detectors
Television with Cable
TV Remote Control
Miscellaneous Information
American Dollars is the native currency.
Check in time is 1500
Check out time is 1200
124 rooms.
6 floors.
Howdy ya’ll! Everybody’s invited to Memphis! Please see the new diary for details.