Have you voted for your BooBook favorite yet? Right now, Collapse is beating Lies My Teacher Told Me by one vote. Here’s your link to the diary: LINK: BooBook Voting Booth.
It looks great but I’m working on that pitcher (!) of beer that kansas just put in front of me. I can’t figure out if that means she WANTS me to sneak over to Atrios or not. Hmmmm.
I’m trying to render you too incapacitated even for quickies. (I’m still laughing about when you wrote something like, “Going over to Atrios. I’m back now.”)
But den you only git vun,ya know,’cuss vee vant Booman to remain a free man, eh?
Vun Sunday, last summer, Ole (oh-lie) and Lina (lee-na) vere sittin’ in da keetchen havin’ coffee and donuts talkin’ over da events of that veek.
Lina says to Ole, “Ya don’t suppose you could take a look at da car, it yoost doesn’t start up like it yoost to.
Ole, gettin’ huffy, says, “Who do you t’ink I am, Mr Goodwrench?”
Vell den it got qviet for a vile.
Den Lina says, “Ole, ya don’t suppose you could take a look at the vawsher machine, it yoost doesn’t drain da vater out like it yooost to.”
Ole, gettin’ huffy again, says, “Who do you t’ink I am da Maytag repairman?
Vell, den, dat vus the end of the conversation for Sunday.
Monday afternoon Ole goes to town for parts for da John Deere combine [thrashing machine], and some groceries, but before he heads home he stops be Tryg’s Tavern for a few beers. Not long before sundown he heads on home.
Vell, by Got, now he’s in the mood for some mechanic verk!! So he pulls his ’52 Chevy pickup up next to the garage. Goes in and turns the key on the Oldsmobile.
Vrrrmmm, vrrrmm, fires right up and runs like a top. [Aside: if’n ya don’t know what a top is talk to your elders.]So Ole shakes his head, sorta puzzled.
Den, next ting, he goes in da back door of da farmhouse and sees Lina folding fresh laundery.
“Hmmmfff!!!” he says, “Vut gives? Da Olds fired right up and runs like a top, and here ya are vit da laundry done.”
“Vell,” say Lina, (hands on her hips, and a stern look in her eye) “I had to take matters into my own hans.”
“Vut dus dat mean?” Ole asks.
“Vell,” says Lina, “I called Mr Goodwrench and he came out and fixed da car. And I called da Maytag repairman and he came out and fixed da vashing machine.”
“Vell,” says Ole, “vut did that cost us den?”
Lina says, “Vell, I told them they could have either sex or pies.”
And the fact that you felt it necessary to explain the combine !!!!
I was surprised one time when a friend of mine from the east coast came to visit and was astounded by the roundup commercials during the 10:00 news. I don’t even notice them. (We didn’t get up early enough for her to hear the 5:00 a.m. crop reports.)
Ole and Lina. The first time I went to Minnesota (almost thirty years ago) they told me Ole and Lina stories and I didn’t get it. Or “how many finlanders does it take …). Now … it just wouldn’t be summer without them. I feel a warm breeze …. aaaah.
When the listeners said, “Who are Ole and Lina?” I knew it was a lost cause. (They were supposed to be chuckling at memories of past Ole and Lina stories prior to me even starting one.) Only the ex-midwesterners, MT, SD, ND, MN were likely to “get it”.
The ah hah discovery; some types of humor are learned through living in the cultural mileau.
Is anybody else having trouble with left margins?
I seem to have missed an admonishment from kansas in last cafe– or it could have been praise? who knows? ^..^ 🙂
It is now a side-mission in my life to locate a context in which I can say, “Hung like a marmot in rubber underpants,” and see whether I can escape being Baker Acted for it.
For your reading pleasure whilst awaiting the final vote tabulation from De-Bold…the 1st Annual Kippie Awaeds for Distinguished Wingnuttery have been announced.
A few favorites were slighted, but a fair *ass*essment methinks.
I’m even slower than you think, I doubt if there is an ounce of Drambuie in the bottom of the mug. But it’s the strongest thing I’ve ever tasted. Good, but strong. So I let a drop or so sit on my tongue & it takes a couple of days to get through it all.
The good thing is that there is no way for something drunk that slowly to trash my blood sugars.
And my pick of the tables!
You didn’t waste any time getting here! Comin’ right up with a whole pitcher for you.
It is a wet and rainy time here in Boston. Got something hot?
A toddy comin’ up for you. Or maybe you meant Johnny Depp?
Am I home yet?
You are most definitely home when you come to the Froggybottom Cafe.
That movie your b-in-l is working on, with Robert Downey Jr., Eric Roberts, and Dianne Wiest, looks really interesting.
I think so too. He’s got such a weird job, going from Capote, to that, to this full-out action/adventure film that he’s getting ready to start.
Have you voted for your BooBook favorite yet? Right now, Collapse is beating Lies My Teacher Told Me by one vote. Here’s your link to the diary: LINK: BooBook Voting Booth.
everybody vote for Lies!
I already voted for Wimp but if it goes runoff, I’ll vote for Lies.
my vote can switched to lies once wimp is out of the running.
So that would make it a tie, and then Indy Lib would put Lies over the top. Oh, the tension, with the polls open so late!
The Iowa caucuses of Boobook selection…
Only if there were DLC reps running around and slandering the best book candidates.
/Oh no she di’nt
I heard Joe Lieberman has called Booman to see if we can pick something “a little more centrist”.
Enter shycat’s comment about Collapsed…
I hear the Lies guy is a real screamer.
I prefer to think of it as a, um, gentle nudge, that’s it…
Blue Fin Martini
except for vodka gimlets.
vodka:30, ether way!
are my two favorite vodka drinks…(must add collins mix to shopping list this evening…)
It looks great but I’m working on that pitcher (!) of beer that kansas just put in front of me. I can’t figure out if that means she WANTS me to sneak over to Atrios or not. Hmmmm.
I’m trying to render you too incapacitated even for quickies. (I’m still laughing about when you wrote something like, “Going over to Atrios. I’m back now.”)
The man works fast.
if you would switch from broadband to dial-up, you would find that getting what you want from atrios takes a very, very long time.
I rarely say this, but this time it must be said: ROFL!
I am honored. Now I have to work on ROTFLMAO.
ROTFLMAO? Damn, I knew there was something unsatisfying about that last laugh.
kansas DOESN’T have dial up? I suspected she was faster than me.
We are the Atrios Broad Band.
OMG — I want a sweatshirt!
I cause myself enough trouble when I’m sober. (Actually I don’t drink; that line is one of my fake excuses why)
But I will take a pitcher of Diet Coke, and keep it comin’. Who needs kidneys and short-term memory anyway?
. . .to recommend this cafe and unrecommend the last one, thank you very much.
And vote for a BooBook!
I’ll have a Sierra Nevada Porter, and do you have a Cajun Bison Burger on the menu?
= Best Laugh of Day… so far. You guys are always such a hoot.
Since I didn’t get no response from your wait-people I’m cookin’ my own over at the grill in the corner.
Anyone wants to join me I’ve got some good Ole and Lina stories.
but please hold the lutfisk.
(and the gefilte fish, if you’re Jewish)
Yech, that should be a punishment for offenses against good food — you burn dinner, and you have to spend an hour holding the lutefisk.
I will be reading the Ole and Lina stories through coffee droplets. 😀
But den you only git vun,ya know,’cuss vee vant Booman to remain a free man, eh?
Vun Sunday, last summer, Ole (oh-lie) and Lina (lee-na) vere sittin’ in da keetchen havin’ coffee and donuts talkin’ over da events of that veek.
Lina says to Ole, “Ya don’t suppose you could take a look at da car, it yoost doesn’t start up like it yoost to.
Ole, gettin’ huffy, says, “Who do you t’ink I am, Mr Goodwrench?”
Vell den it got qviet for a vile.
Den Lina says, “Ole, ya don’t suppose you could take a look at the vawsher machine, it yoost doesn’t drain da vater out like it yooost to.”
Ole, gettin’ huffy again, says, “Who do you t’ink I am da Maytag repairman?
Vell, den, dat vus the end of the conversation for Sunday.
Monday afternoon Ole goes to town for parts for da John Deere combine [thrashing machine], and some groceries, but before he heads home he stops be Tryg’s Tavern for a few beers. Not long before sundown he heads on home.
Vell, by Got, now he’s in the mood for some mechanic verk!! So he pulls his ’52 Chevy pickup up next to the garage. Goes in and turns the key on the Oldsmobile.
Vrrrmmm, vrrrmm, fires right up and runs like a top. [Aside: if’n ya don’t know what a top is talk to your elders.]So Ole shakes his head, sorta puzzled.
Den, next ting, he goes in da back door of da farmhouse and sees Lina folding fresh laundery.
“Hmmmfff!!!” he says, “Vut gives? Da Olds fired right up and runs like a top, and here ya are vit da laundry done.”
“Vell,” say Lina, (hands on her hips, and a stern look in her eye) “I had to take matters into my own hans.”
“Vut dus dat mean?” Ole asks.
“Vell,” says Lina, “I called Mr Goodwrench and he came out and fixed da car. And I called da Maytag repairman and he came out and fixed da vashing machine.”
“Vell,” says Ole, “vut did that cost us den?”
Lina says, “Vell, I told them they could have either sex or pies.”
Ole says, “Vut kind of pie did ya mak’m den?
Lina says, “Who do ya t’ink I am, Betty Crocker?”
And the fact that you felt it necessary to explain the combine !!!!
I was surprised one time when a friend of mine from the east coast came to visit and was astounded by the roundup commercials during the 10:00 news. I don’t even notice them. (We didn’t get up early enough for her to hear the 5:00 a.m. crop reports.)
Ole and Lina. The first time I went to Minnesota (almost thirty years ago) they told me Ole and Lina stories and I didn’t get it. Or “how many finlanders does it take …). Now … it just wouldn’t be summer without them. I feel a warm breeze …. aaaah.
I tried telling Ole and Lina stories.
When the listeners said, “Who are Ole and Lina?” I knew it was a lost cause. (They were supposed to be chuckling at memories of past Ole and Lina stories prior to me even starting one.) Only the ex-midwesterners, MT, SD, ND, MN were likely to “get it”.
The ah hah discovery; some types of humor are learned through living in the cultural mileau.
mileau = milieu
Is anybody else having trouble with left margins?
I seem to have missed an admonishment from kansas in last cafe– or it could have been praise? who knows?
🙂In a perverted kind of way.
Does this mean I have to wear rubber underpants?
I have always said that if you can say “underpants” in public, do it. There’s nothing funnier.
But, now that I’ve heard the phrase “rubber underpants” I’ve got to say —
“rubber underpants”
“rubber underpants”
“rubber underpants”
“rubber underpants”
that’s the funniest thing a person can say!
It is now a side-mission in my life to locate a context in which I can say, “Hung like a marmot in rubber underpants,” and see whether I can escape being Baker Acted for it.
Oh you did! That’s very true. I’m laughing out loud, as I type (LOLAIT)
“rubber underpants”
“rubber underpants”
Yep, still funny!
And don’t forget the underpants gnomes!
There is now a tie between Collapse and Lies, even without Andi or Indy changing their votes.
Oh the pressure, I have yet to vote & all this discussion is freezing my will.
c’mon, you know want to read Lies…
No, Lies is the book I should want to read. But, Wimp is the book I actually want to read.
What to do? What to do?
I want to read Wimp too, but Lies is already in my reading pile…and I’m still finishing Radiant Heart.
(choke!)Radiant Heart(cough)
Now you know why I can’t even consider Collapse.
It’s overload with all the reading I have to do for work and school…
See? You owe her! She bought Radiant Heart on YOUR recommendation. The LEAST you can do is vote for her choice this time.
Yeh, but Andi actually finished it before the meeting!
(what to do? what to do?)
Lies, I voted for lies.
You and most of Congress.
I thought about adding an aside. But, it’s better like this.
I have to say I was NoT impressed with Collapse- altho Diamond is a very erudite guy-I thought he was all over the place in that one.
Guns,Germs, and Steel was much better put together,IMHO.
Okay, who’s paying you, the Wimp guy or the Lies guy? 😉
For your reading pleasure whilst awaiting the final vote tabulation from De-Bold…the 1st Annual Kippie Awaeds for Distinguished Wingnuttery have been announced.
A few favorites were slighted, but a fair *ass*essment methinks.
dada, I’ve always meantto ask if your “name” is related o what a baby says, or art, or. . .something else you can say in public?
Hmmph. Teach me to get cocky and skip Spellcheck.
Dada is the sun, Dada is the egg. Dada is the Police of the Police. – Richard Hueselbeck
or it could be this…NOT :{)
But if it were that it would make you “edgy, creepy, innovative and funny. . . and certainly a lost classic.”
Oh, you lost classic, you!
Damn, left out the punch line…
it’s called directile dysfunction
lol! Better late than never. So to speak.
You have no idea how hard it is to get rubber underpants on a marmot.

No kidding! I hear they’re wiggly, those marmots. Awesome use of those photoshop skills, Andi.
No good enough — I found a fantastic pair of black rubber pants but I couldn’t make them work. So I doubt I can even get you close to getting busted.
The marmot does not look happy.
I think Andi gave him a wedgie.
Eww, well, she’ll just have to help him un-wedgie himself.
Actually, I would have been happy to have lived my life without having this image ingrained in my brain.
I think “rubber underpants” are the funniest thing in the world just hanging out there all by themselves.
the horror…
I think he needs hookah hit to survive this travesty.
I am pouring my Drambuie into a coffee mug as I type.
From now on, for the next four days, picture me sipping it.
Either you are a very slow drinker or that is one hell of a big mug.
I’m even slower than you think, I doubt if there is an ounce of Drambuie in the bottom of the mug. But it’s the strongest thing I’ve ever tasted. Good, but strong. So I let a drop or so sit on my tongue & it takes a couple of days to get through it all.
The good thing is that there is no way for something drunk that slowly to trash my blood sugars.
the katiebird looking like
, we’re taking that mug away from you.
That’s so cute!
Okay, cowpokes, this joint is closing for cleaning, but there’s a nice warm fire in the new cafe. LINK: All-night cafe.
please unrecommend this cafe. Thanks. It’s been a pleasure doin’ business with you.