The swirly is it’s tympanus (frog ear)…and their legs are built to do that…I’m still crushed. Need more coffee (and directions for adding an icon to my sig line might make me feel better too).
I know, really I know all that. It just looks like somekind of “modern” nightmare eyeball. And thinking of it as an ear, just makes my own (wobbly at the best of times) inner ear go spinning off by itself.
I love the colors and its so dynamic — like he (or she) can’t contain himself and just wants to hop into the library. The eye’s a little freaky — but maybe if we saw the sculpture in proportion to the building it wouldn’t be.
He is gorgeous. Frog’s eyes sit on top of their heads so they can see food coming from every direction…and also see danger coming from everywhere.
As Cabin Girl said, the swirly is his eardrum. Frogs have “external” ears…the eardrum is on the surface as different from ours which is sunk deep inside our heads.
I think it’s cool that they have five toes on their back feet. I had forgotten that.
Biology lesson aside…I love his coloring and his attitude of “ready to jump into action”.
I also love the idea that he can be biologically correct and still glorious in artistic license.
So, it comes right down to personal preference…..and I must admit….if I had an upset tummy, I probably wouldn’t like it so much either.
I’m not the world’s greatest expert on this so someone else may be able to help you out but it appears to me that you can’t delete diaries once they are older than 30 days because they are archived (in which case it appears they automatically go into ‘show’ — as in view only — mode).
So you would have to have a site administrator delete the diary — try emailing SusanHu at susanhuatearthlinkdotnet.
Once upon a time a hen went into a library.
The librarian said, “Yes, what is it you want?”
“Books, books, books, books,” clucked the hen.
So the librarian gave her a big pile, off went the hen.
The next day the hen came back with the stack of books.
Back so soon, said the librarian, what is it you want this time?
“Books, books, books, books,” clucked the hen.
So the librarian gave her another big pile, & off went the hen.
Third day, same thing. The librarian wanted to find out what the hen was doing with all the books.
So she followed the hen out of the library, down the path through the bushes, down through the forest, until she saw the hen at the edge of the pond.
There sat a huge bullfrog on a flat rock, and in front of him the stack of books.
One by one the frog went through the books and said,
“Reddit, reddit, reddit.”
and if you have a long address for your graphic that could take too many characters you can use for a shorter link or if you want it in your picture hosting album, you can make the link shorter at
is Sentinel Dome which is pretty close to where this is. Where was your sunset spot?
If you don’t want to do full-fledged camping, I think the tent cabins at White Wolf Lodge (in the High Sierras) is a really great place to stay (though not for going to Glacier Point).
If you hike to the left (looking into the valley) from Glacier point. It was a loooong time ago; my friends got married in Arcata CA, and then honeymooned with the rest of us for 3 weeks…we camped in the “walk-in” camping on the valley floor. Which I would actually be happy to do again. I love my tent.
It could have been Sentinel Dome which is to the left (west) from glacier point and is a fantastic spot (it can also be reached by a slightly shorter hike from the road).
I don’t like staying in the valley floor — too crowded and a lot of the camping areas have been removed but there are good camping areas near glacier point and a lot of them up in the high sierras (including at white wolf lodge).
THE SPANISH FLU LIVES! Scientists have resurrected the Spanish flu virus that killed an estimated 25 million people in 1918. The reborn virus, pieced together from fragments found in tissue samples of the flu’s victims, was injected into a group of laboratory mice. It proved incredibly lethal, producing 39,000 times more copies of itself than regular flu and killing all the mice in six days. This viral Frankenstein, perhaps the most deadly pathogen in human history, now lives on in quarantine. Many experts were alarmed when scientists published the flu’s genetic blueprint; it would not be hard, they said, for a terrorist group or a madman to hire scientists to make the virus, quietly unleash it and kill more people than several nuclear weapons could. (emphasis mine)
I remember reading that they were going to do this, but not the results. Did anyone else realize how dangerously successful this experiment was?
I saw something on TV about this — I’m pretty sure it was on PBS but I’m not sure. And I’m pretty sure that in the story they said that the lab that developed it is now sending it on request to other research labs who want to study it — despite the fact that they said it would be absolutely quarantined and not let out at all.
Initially they were going to share it, they thought better of it. A twoxfour across the forehead worth of negative comments and publicity will do that. Well meaning scientists don’t always consider the darker side of human nature or the risks created by human error.
Oh, by the way, the current versions of H5N1 currently making the rounds from B2H, and occasionally from H2H, are even more nasty. Good to keep a close eye on it. Just saying…
Not counting Monday afternoon’s 3 hours of sunlight we’re on our 9th day of overcast and intermittent fog. The fog left frost on the trees, then last night a couple of inches of snow, with no wind, so the trees are beautiful. All I need is a little blue sky to work with and I’ll be running around half nuts with my little digital.
Skimming through the thread, I initially read your post to say “running around with half my nuts”. It felt like the kind of thing the Cafe denizens like to share.
on the re-reading of that line “…running around…” I see you’ve all shown great restraint in not delving into the “…little digital…”, and for that I’m extremely grateful!!!
So before we get any more wiseacres involved here let me clarify; little digital = Nikon CoolPix 3200.
Sadly… no, d’goot lort vusn’t kvite dat yenerous!!
Most of the snow fell south of I-94 and into SD. Travel is hazardous though with the new snow on top of ice, or compacted snow on almost all roads. And no sign of the sun yet, so no melting.
I like snow but I hate ice. We get a lot of it here because it can be so warm in winter. It’s really treacherous when you think you’ve got traction and you don’t. Especially when you have crazy people in SUV’s driving full speed and slamming on their brakes. SUV’s may be good for driving through deep snow — but their brakes are no better on ice than anybody elses. Be careful up there!
Great idea, I may have to try that myself. Probably looks better on the monitor than the 8 x 12, as the foreground comes out too dark in the actual print.
Hi,everyone….. yawn…..I was up late last night in the all night cafe and no one was around, it was so empty in here.
Good to see a crowd in here now.
I am trying to avoid doing anything right now, but soon I must pick from the many ‘don’t want to’s’ and do them.
Great job by all the Cafe dwellers on what you want from our next president in nyceve’s diary — if you haven’t visited it, go there as soon as you’re done here.
Time for breakfast and to get some work done…back later…
Hmm.. maybe if we took our money and told them why we are not giving it to them. Of course the problem with that is that things could get a lot worse, imagine President Man-on-Dog.
It has no material worth, no exchange value, no frequent flyer miles, no rental car upgrades, no free 3-night stay in the Bahamas, no trophy, no cash prize, no nothin’ but what it is, which is a symbol of Truth. First recipient: Cabin Girl.
You’ll be so busy giving that one out you won’t have time to do anything else.
On another subject, this thread at Alas is just the kind of theory talk I suspect you would love. It’s also the first of the no-mra, no-anti-feminist allowed posts. I got a bit lost but it was still fascinating reading.
Nowhere near enough real theory for my personal tastes, and too much of it still misunderstood (no one gets Butler; everyone thinks they do, but very few people actually do), and still too strong of a stench of transphobia, although piny’s voice is almost always melodic in my ears.
See, I am not an essentialist (in the more traditional sense of the term), but neither am I entirely a social constructivist, and that trips me up with a lot of feminists. Not many people, whether feminist or not, seem to understand how one could be situate in the middle of those two positions, or how one could pull truth from both of those positions. But if their definitions are left blurry around the edges, then they are not mutually exclusive. Trouble is, one or the other is often at the base of someone’s gender theory, so people in either camp perceive me as the enemy because what I believe unravels a core thread of their theoretical construct.
I think I’ve been reading her posts for long enough to have no desire whatsoever to fight with QGrrl today, and to feel reasonably sure that that is where it would wind up if I started talking about what I think.
Good Morning Everyone! Again its overcast and gray. But not raining (which was forecast). I’m gearing myself up for trying to work on one of my (non-work related) research projects. I love them once I’ve started but getting started … first I’ll read all the comments and give out 4s. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
The Olympic Mountains seen over the Kitsap Peninsula across Admiralty Inlet on a winter morning’s doggie walk last year. These days we’re into the largely grey mode with no mountains visible. But temps are early springlike, in terms of most of the non southern parts of the country, and we still have some plants and wildflowers blooming.
Puget4 and I are making our end-of-tax-year purchase of craft biz supplies, and preparing to unleash her formidable mechanical right hemisphere on my heavily cobbled shop operations. Thank heaven for women and their tools! Now if I could just get her to talk a little more, maybe share her feelings once in a while.
Gorgeous picture! I wish my local walks were so pretty. They are, I guess, but in a rollinghills and farmland kind of way.
I made all my end-of-tax-year advance payments on things yesterday…just trying to think if there’s anything else I need to spend money on before tomorrow night.
Any of those bison burgers left over from last night?
I’m hungry but nothing in the house appeals to me — and I don’t feel like going to the grocery store.
Thank goodness Ole and Lina didn’t eat them all. Much as I’d like a Tequiza, I’d better wait until happy hour or what I’m working on will be a real mess. So I’d better stick with the coffee.
And why do I always show up after Boran2 drinks all the beer?
I turned down the heat to save on energy bills — so I’m trying to imagine that I’m ice fishing. You’re helping, yah you betcha!
You are feeding my dog lust. I’m working really hard on getting a dog “nephew” this year. Putting lots of guilt on the sister who just moved back near me. “Remember … you said you were buying the house with the big yard so you could get a dog! WHERE IS IT?” Aunt Maryb would have so much fun with a dog.
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala
I can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
I can tell my brother by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala…
but only two dog beds around the stove. No fighting over those though since they also have the couch, a stuffed chair reserved for dogs only, and the oriental rug.
Hello, hello! Friday afternoon greetings to one & all. Just stepping away briefly from the (mutter mutter) chores to check in.
Many thanks to everyone for today’s wonderful collection of images — including the delightful rainbow frog above!
Weather here in the Catskills continues horribly gloomy, with some snowfall predicted for the weekend & New Year’s Eve festivities. I pray, as usual, for our safety & wise judgement as we negotiate unfriendly roads to & from.
Incredible to believe that there’s just a short time before the dawning of the New Year. May ’06 see further deterioration of the misplaced trust & support so many still offer the current federal cadre.
And now, to the steadily shrinking pile of kitchenware adorning every available space around the sink.
Lest ye wonder how the simple task of washing dishes represents an actual ‘chore’, please be reminded that every drop of water must be hauled in from the lips of the earth itself, then heated on the woodstove to prevent chapping of the digits.
I’ve been meaning to mention that I lived up-way up in the mountains-in Montana for a bit in a cabin. We did have running water but only cold and no electricity..had to heat water for dishes/bath in huge kettles on the wood stove. I found that bad enough..having to get the water..geezzzzzzzz.
I wanted to thank everyone who tried to help me with my computer problems a couple of days ago. To my sorrow, nothing worked. So I got a new one today and I’m trying to get used to it. I’ve never had a laptop, so this is all going to be a new learning experience for me. I will say the pond looks even better than before.
I was slung-lo and
So gung-ho
For anything to get me to start
I had my rock
I had my roll
But I couldn’t find my spark
A flip of the hi-fi
A glimpse of the good life
And the clouds began to fade
I’m turning this B-side
Around to a de-light
Blue skies are here to stay
“She was so down, look at her now
She’s never been so high!
Everyone knows, give it some time
The clouds’ll clear the sky!”
-Erin McKeown
What are you all up to today?
Good God! It makes me sick!
I am crushed.
That is the reader frog from outside a public library in CT…and there is a frog playing a banjo painted on the stool…I love that frog.
I’m sorry, maybe it’s just my upset tummy — but that swirling eyeball & the weird-nasty stretching-thing the legs are doing. . . .
Oh (shudder)
I’m sorry. Really.
The swirly is it’s tympanus (frog ear)…and their legs are built to do that…I’m still crushed. Need more coffee (and directions for adding an icon to my sig line might make me feel better too).
I know, really I know all that. It just looks like somekind of “modern” nightmare eyeball. And thinking of it as an ear, just makes my own (wobbly at the best of times) inner ear go spinning off by itself.
get a little protein in you to counteract the ton of coffee you have had today!
It’s definitely the creepy eyeball. I’ve seen that in some 1950’s horror movies.
Also, I hate hurting your feelings, but now you’ll know for sure that when I tell you I “like” or “love” artwork around here that I mean it.
I’m over it already. 🙂
I love the colors and its so dynamic — like he (or she) can’t contain himself and just wants to hop into the library. The eye’s a little freaky — but maybe if we saw the sculpture in proportion to the building it wouldn’t be.
I like it, too. Plus the rainbow makes it a queer/queer-friendly frog.
He is gorgeous. Frog’s eyes sit on top of their heads so they can see food coming from every direction…and also see danger coming from everywhere.
As Cabin Girl said, the swirly is his eardrum. Frogs have “external” ears…the eardrum is on the surface as different from ours which is sunk deep inside our heads.
I think it’s cool that they have five toes on their back feet. I had forgotten that.
Biology lesson aside…I love his coloring and his attitude of “ready to jump into action”.
I also love the idea that he can be biologically correct and still glorious in artistic license.
So, it comes right down to personal preference…..and I must admit….if I had an upset tummy, I probably wouldn’t like it so much either.
Love you all. Happy New Year, almost.
To put the icon in your signature:
Oh, and Andi knows how to make it take effect from “now” not “retroactively”.
But I don’t.
Just go to comment preferences and change your signature type from ‘retroactive’ to ‘sticky’.
There’s something vaguely unsettling about the term sticky.
I think you are projecting. Perhaps you need infidelpig’s slightly used playboy mag?
I was living in N CA and called an old friend in ND one evening. He picks up the phone and all he says is, “Just a minute, my hands are sticky.”
Then nothing… so I wait… somewhat impatiently…
As soon as he picks up again, I say, “What was that you were saying about sticky hands?”
He was laughing pretty hard at that point, so I guess I believed him when he said he’d been making popcorn balls…
Slightly used? That sounds, umm, delightful.
Can you tell me please how do I delete old diaries? I click on ‘edit’ and it says I cannot edit while in the ‘show mode.’
Good morning everyone, and my compliments on the beautiful frog !! Where is that library again?
Does the frog say “Reddit, reddit, reddit?”
I’m not the world’s greatest expert on this so someone else may be able to help you out but it appears to me that you can’t delete diaries once they are older than 30 days because they are archived (in which case it appears they automatically go into ‘show’ — as in view only — mode).
So you would have to have a site administrator delete the diary — try emailing SusanHu at susanhuatearthlinkdotnet.
Once upon a time a hen went into a library.
The librarian said, “Yes, what is it you want?”
“Books, books, books, books,” clucked the hen.
So the librarian gave her a big pile, off went the hen.
The next day the hen came back with the stack of books.
Back so soon, said the librarian, what is it you want this time?
“Books, books, books, books,” clucked the hen.
So the librarian gave her another big pile, & off went the hen.
Third day, same thing. The librarian wanted to find out what the hen was doing with all the books.
So she followed the hen out of the library, down the path through the bushes, down through the forest, until she saw the hen at the edge of the pond.
There sat a huge bullfrog on a flat rock, and in front of him the stack of books.
One by one the frog went through the books and said,
“Reddit, reddit, reddit.”
and if you have a long address for your graphic that could take too many characters you can use for a shorter link or if you want it in your picture hosting album, you can make the link shorter at
Thanks KB. I was wondering how to do that. I had copied some source code from yours and Andif’s sigs, but your instructions were better.
Nice sig. And kb will be so pleased.
Awesome icon, Puget4! I can’t wait to tell you in person (maybe tonight?) — I know I’m hours late to the party here.
Andi — Thanks for sending me the link!
and I find myself thinking of other places where I wouldn’t care if it was stormy or not.
Oh, my. wow.
Andi — you’ve been to the most wonderful places in the world.
This. Is a wonderful photograph.
I feel like I’m looking through a window right at the real thing.
{{Andi}} Thank you.
That’s not quite Glacier Point, is it?
which is “below” and to the west of Glacier Point. BTW, this is a great trail that starts near Glacier Point and runs to Tunnel View Point.
My all time favorite sunset (alpenglow-yeeha!) was viewed from a spot to the left of there…I want to take my guys there.
is Sentinel Dome which is pretty close to where this is. Where was your sunset spot?
If you don’t want to do full-fledged camping, I think the tent cabins at White Wolf Lodge (in the High Sierras) is a really great place to stay (though not for going to Glacier Point).
If you hike to the left (looking into the valley) from Glacier point. It was a loooong time ago; my friends got married in Arcata CA, and then honeymooned with the rest of us for 3 weeks…we camped in the “walk-in” camping on the valley floor. Which I would actually be happy to do again. I love my tent.
It could have been Sentinel Dome which is to the left (west) from glacier point and is a fantastic spot (it can also be reached by a slightly shorter hike from the road).
I don’t like staying in the valley floor — too crowded and a lot of the camping areas have been removed but there are good camping areas near glacier point and a lot of them up in the high sierras (including at white wolf lodge).
I bet it was Sentinel, especially when you mention the shorter hke from the road.
I’m sure it’s changed quite a bit from 1986…I’m off to look up the white wolf lodge!
On my computer it looks like a painting — it’s beautiful!
From one of those year-end stories: While You Were Sleeping
I remember reading that they were going to do this, but not the results. Did anyone else realize how dangerously successful this experiment was?
Nice. NOT.
I saw something on TV about this — I’m pretty sure it was on PBS but I’m not sure. And I’m pretty sure that in the story they said that the lab that developed it is now sending it on request to other research labs who want to study it — despite the fact that they said it would be absolutely quarantined and not let out at all.
white supremicist who was found to have ordered and recieved plague samples from a lab, sometime just before Y2K.
I’m just sayin’.
Initially they were going to share it, they thought better of it. A twoxfour across the forehead worth of negative comments and publicity will do that. Well meaning scientists don’t always consider the darker side of human nature or the risks created by human error.
Oh, by the way, the current versions of H5N1 currently making the rounds from B2H, and occasionally from H2H, are even more nasty. Good to keep a close eye on it. Just saying…
There is this subversive attache following me around – I’ve come to like it a lot:

Not counting Monday afternoon’s 3 hours of sunlight we’re on our 9th day of overcast and intermittent fog. The fog left frost on the trees, then last night a couple of inches of snow, with no wind, so the trees are beautiful. All I need is a little blue sky to work with and I’ll be running around half nuts with my little digital.
This one was taken sometime before Thanksgiving.

Gorgeous! We have sun and blue sky here today (after gray gloom yesterday).
What a beautiful shot. We’ve had nothing but gray skies and rain for the length of my vacation.
Great sunset shot but I’m waiting (don’t know why but I keep thinking of the sticky comments upthread) for those half-nuts shots 😀
But seriously folks I hope you get some blue sky soon because I would really love to see the pictures you would take.
How could that be possible?!!! Actually that be a sunrise photo, I shall endeavor to be more specific as to labeling in the future.
Oh, and I can see that with what “fertile” minds we have here one must be extremely careful as to the use of suggestive words of any sort…
See reply to Indy below (pending)
I was so dazzled by the shot that I didn’t properly exercise my reading skills. Or more likely I was just too busy composing the half-nuts sentence.
Pretty colors.
Skimming through the thread, I initially read your post to say “running around with half my nuts”. It felt like the kind of thing the Cafe denizens like to share.
or tiptoeing through the tulips… hmmm, Indy, ya just may have to cut back a tad on the caffeine… them thar freudians might get the best of ya…
OTH, if’n the “running around with half my nuts” was indeed true, would that mean I’m fully qualified to run for Sen or Rep with the D party?
I think this would make a great campaign slogan…Better one than none!
on the re-reading of that line “…running around…” I see you’ve all shown great restraint in not delving into the “…little digital…”, and for that I’m extremely grateful!!!
So before we get any more wiseacres involved here let me clarify; little digital = Nikon CoolPix 3200.
There!! <wipes sweat from brow>
You didn’t get 16 inches? (That sounds somewhat obscene, but you know what I mean.)
Sadly… no, d’goot lort vusn’t kvite dat yenerous!!
Most of the snow fell south of I-94 and into SD. Travel is hazardous though with the new snow on top of ice, or compacted snow on almost all roads. And no sign of the sun yet, so no melting.
I like snow but I hate ice. We get a lot of it here because it can be so warm in winter. It’s really treacherous when you think you’ve got traction and you don’t. Especially when you have crazy people in SUV’s driving full speed and slamming on their brakes. SUV’s may be good for driving through deep snow — but their brakes are no better on ice than anybody elses. Be careful up there!
Out across the home 1/4. For a barren and desolate landscape, that place sure can be beautiful. Just have to be looking for it I guess.
Keep looking and keep sharing.
BTW – makes a great background on my monitor. Thanks.
Great idea, I may have to try that myself. Probably looks better on the monitor than the 8 x 12, as the foreground comes out too dark in the actual print.
Hi,everyone….. yawn…..I was up late last night in the all night cafe and no one was around, it was so empty in here.
Good to see a crowd in here now.
I am trying to avoid doing anything right now, but soon I must pick from the many ‘don’t want to’s’ and do them.
Rain hasn’t hit here yet, but it’s approaching…
Great job by all the Cafe dwellers on what you want from our next president in nyceve’s diary — if you haven’t visited it, go there as soon as you’re done here.
Time for breakfast and to get some work done…back later…
Just went to nyceve’s diary. We are all so clear on what we want – why does the Democratic Party seem so unfocused?
Because they are so tangled in the world of money and power and privilege, that most of them have forgotten we exist.
Hmm.. maybe if we took our money and told them why we are not giving it to them. Of course the problem with that is that things could get a lot worse, imagine President Man-on-Dog.
Our money isn’t big enough for them…they want corporate-sized cash. Sad but true.
That’s such a good, succinct, true answer I think you should win a prize for it.
I was serious about the prize, so I made one up.
It has no material worth, no exchange value, no frequent flyer miles, no rental car upgrades, no free 3-night stay in the Bahamas, no trophy, no cash prize, no nothin’ but what it is, which is a symbol of Truth. First recipient: Cabin Girl.
The Sojourner Prize! Thank you!
If you could hunt me up some politicians in Indiana that you’d consider giving the award to, I would be ever so grateful.
Sorry, all I can muster for them is this one:
You’ll be so busy giving that one out you won’t have time to do anything else.
On another subject, this thread at Alas is just the kind of theory talk I suspect you would love. It’s also the first of the no-mra, no-anti-feminist allowed posts. I got a bit lost but it was still fascinating reading.
Nowhere near enough real theory for my personal tastes, and too much of it still misunderstood (no one gets Butler; everyone thinks they do, but very few people actually do), and still too strong of a stench of transphobia, although piny’s voice is almost always melodic in my ears.
See, I am not an essentialist (in the more traditional sense of the term), but neither am I entirely a social constructivist, and that trips me up with a lot of feminists. Not many people, whether feminist or not, seem to understand how one could be situate in the middle of those two positions, or how one could pull truth from both of those positions. But if their definitions are left blurry around the edges, then they are not mutually exclusive. Trouble is, one or the other is often at the base of someone’s gender theory, so people in either camp perceive me as the enemy because what I believe unravels a core thread of their theoretical construct.
I think you ought to drive right in there and offer an alternate voice to Qgrrl.
piny is, I think, one of the best at combining theory and reality in a highly readable package.
I think I’ve been reading her posts for long enough to have no desire whatsoever to fight with QGrrl today, and to feel reasonably sure that that is where it would wind up if I started talking about what I think.
oke doke — and it sure as shit ain’t gonna be me in the theory thicket.
Good Morning Everyone! Again its overcast and gray. But not raining (which was forecast). I’m gearing myself up for trying to work on one of my (non-work related) research projects. I love them once I’ve started but getting started … first I’ll read all the comments and give out 4s. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Blue sky, wispy clouds and sunshine comin’ at ya…

Just what the doctor ordered. Thanks
The Olympic Mountains seen over the Kitsap Peninsula across Admiralty Inlet on a winter morning’s doggie walk last year. These days we’re into the largely grey mode with no mountains visible. But temps are early springlike, in terms of most of the non southern parts of the country, and we still have some plants and wildflowers blooming.
Puget4 and I are making our end-of-tax-year purchase of craft biz supplies, and preparing to unleash her formidable mechanical right hemisphere on my heavily cobbled shop operations. Thank heaven for women and their tools! Now if I could just get her to talk a little more, maybe share her feelings once in a while.
Gorgeous picture! I wish my local walks were so pretty. They are, I guess, but in a rollinghills and farmland kind of way.
I made all my end-of-tax-year advance payments on things yesterday…just trying to think if there’s anything else I need to spend money on before tomorrow night.
Thanks for reminding me that they are out there. But something is definitely wrong when you have the blue sky and I don’t. I blame it on Bush.
Any of those bison burgers left over from last night?
I’m hungry but nothing in the house appeals to me — and I don’t feel like going to the grocery store.
vun bison burger coming up!
Ya want tea (herb or “real” tea), fair-trade coffee, chai, or since it’s past noon, how about a Tequiza?
Boran2 drank up the rest of the beer, and the Pacifico does not arrive until tomorrow afternoon.
Thank goodness Ole and Lina didn’t eat them all. Much as I’d like a Tequiza, I’d better wait until happy hour or what I’m working on will be a real mess. So I’d better stick with the coffee.
And why do I always show up after Boran2 drinks all the beer?
I turned down the heat to save on energy bills — so I’m trying to imagine that I’m ice fishing. You’re helping, yah you betcha!
The dogs said you could cozy up around the stove with them.
You are feeding my dog lust. I’m working really hard on getting a dog “nephew” this year. Putting lots of guilt on the sister who just moved back near me. “Remember … you said you were buying the house with the big yard so you could get a dog! WHERE IS IT?” Aunt Maryb would have so much fun with a dog.
right over the edge.
Yes, we puppy sluts are like that.
cool? Looks like you’re only ready for a two-dog night, unless you got a spare dog somewhere!
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala
I can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
I can tell my brother by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala…
but only two dog beds around the stove. No fighting over those though since they also have the couch, a stuffed chair reserved for dogs only, and the oriental rug.
Hello, hello! Friday afternoon greetings to one & all. Just stepping away briefly from the (mutter mutter) chores to check in.
Many thanks to everyone for today’s wonderful collection of images — including the delightful rainbow frog above!
Weather here in the Catskills continues horribly gloomy, with some snowfall predicted for the weekend & New Year’s Eve festivities. I pray, as usual, for our safety & wise judgement as we negotiate unfriendly roads to & from.
Incredible to believe that there’s just a short time before the dawning of the New Year. May ’06 see further deterioration of the misplaced trust & support so many still offer the current federal cadre.
And now, to the steadily shrinking pile of kitchenware adorning every available space around the sink.
Lest ye wonder how the simple task of washing dishes represents an actual ‘chore’, please be reminded that every drop of water must be hauled in from the lips of the earth itself, then heated on the woodstove to prevent chapping of the digits.
See y’all later. Have a good day!
PS — I’m still thinking about your book storage problem coming up in 2006.
Many sincere thanks, maryb. Not to worry — I’ll likely cull the collection (friends, library, possible yard sale) & then invest in storage.
There’s certainly time yet — but I thank you for your thoughts!
OK, on to the boots & buckets. (I know, my leave-taking always resembles the last scene of Casablanca.)
to do the dishes, I’d be letting the cats clean them instead.
In my dreams, Andi ..
I’ve been meaning to mention that I lived up-way up in the mountains-in Montana for a bit in a cabin. We did have running water but only cold and no electricity..had to heat water for dishes/bath in huge kettles on the wood stove. I found that bad enough..having to get the water..geezzzzzzzz.
I did that in Colorado one summer…near the south Beaver Creek someplace.
Btw, highest compliments on your sig! My own sentiments precisely.
See you soon.
Thanks. There are aspects of Abbey that I have trouble with but not when it comes to his feelings about nature.
(I know, what’s new about that?)
C’mon over!
Hello All:
I wanted to thank everyone who tried to help me with my computer problems a couple of days ago. To my sorrow, nothing worked. So I got a new one today and I’m trying to get used to it. I’ve never had a laptop, so this is all going to be a new learning experience for me. I will say the pond looks even better than before.