As you are all aware, the latest controversy regarding the “War on Terror” involves a former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, and his release of documents protesting the use of “intelligence” obtained from US and UK terror suspects through the employment of torture by Uzbekistan’s secret police. The current ruler of Uzbekistan is a very nasty piece of work, Islam Karimov. A quick bio of him can be read at wikipedia, here.
A very good diary by ghandi on this subject can be found here so I won’t duplicate the information you can find there.
However, while perusing the internet I found some pictures of a man who had been tortured to death by the Karimov regime at this website (Caution: clicking on the link takes you directly to the graphic photographs) courtesy Jesus’ General. The man was apparently boiled to death after receiving various blows to his body and head, and having his fingernails removed. Photographs of his body are below the fold.
WARNING: These are graphic pictures and are not suitable for viewing by young persons. Also, if you are easily offended by such images, or in any way squeemish with respect to photographs related to the death and mutilation of human beings, I would advise you not to click on the “Read more” link below.
I am providing the images without comment for those who would like to see what sort of thugs and murderers Bush and Blair have gotten us into bed with in the name of prosecuting their “War on Terror.” The usefulness of any intelligence gained through such measures I leave to your imagination.
Update [2005-12-30 16:48:51 by Steven D]: If you are having trouble seeing the images try using a firefox browser if you are currently using internet explorer. If you only have internet explorer, then simply click on this link to the “inner frenchman” where the images are also displayed.
Whatever he said about the “war on terror” will never take away the terror of what this says about us as a country and as a people.
not that I wanted to see graphic content but..I have no pictures. Is something wrong on my end or yours?
My imagination scares me enough.
I don’t know. However you can certainly view them at the wensite I linked to. I can see the pictures myself. Can anyone else?
If you can..and I can’t does that mean something is wrong with my computer or do I have to change settings or something?
Sorry I don’t have an answer for you. I wish I did. Can you see the images at the inner frenchman site?
I see two image tags in the HTML,
<img src=”“ />
<img src=”“ />
But neither shows up for me when I click “Read More”. That’s just as well. I looked at them separately; I’ve seen enough.
I can see them.
I’m using FireFox, btw.
I’m a firefox user too. Maybe that explains it.
It would appear so…I just tried with MS IE, and they do not show up.
I’m using IE too. Why is it they don’t show up?
Because IE sucks.
Sorry, couldn’t resist 🙂
As to the technical reason behind it…I can honestly say I don’t know.
and no images. Sorry to poke holes in the theory…
This is interesting…I can get the pictures to show up in IE now. I visited the angry frenchman page, then when I came back here, the images showed up fine.
I visited the link from Steven D in firefox before I looked below the fold, so maybe they wouldn’t have shown up had I done that first. Strange.
Anyway, I guess the important thing isn’t that some of us can’t see pictures, but rather that WE’RE USING OTHER GOVERNMENTS TO FREAKIN’ TORTURE PEOPLE.
Not new news I know, but that doesn’t make it any less disturbing or infuriating.
Well I use firefox with XP — beats me why this isn’t working for some people and working for others.
I should have remained quiet…I didn’t change a thing and now I get the pix, and now I am ill. I can’t imagine what the senators saw when they looked at the entire Abu pictures. Seriously..I….Am….ill.
I can see the pictures (don’t want to) but I have
version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_xps2_gdr.050301-1519
Update versions:; SP2;
Running on XP pro.
Go to “help” and check “about internet explorer” and see what your version is. You may need an update.
I can see the pictures and have seen them before. Just horrible! Something I am sure dubya is very proud of too. Just like something he is capable of himself.
Can I have my money back now? Check please. There are days I feel I need to read, hear and see everything when it comes to the Cabal of Fascists and their gang of Merry Torturers but today I am not so sure. I have cried at least three times today over what I have read in different diaries here. I don’t think my soul can handle any more today.I am not scolding anyone. I chose to look at the pictures. And we do this to get what?
I’m at work right now, and there are some things I’ll just take your word for.
But I wanted to say this, in this thread: I read the piece that described how a man’s children were tortured in front of him in order to extract a confession of his (non-existent) al-Qaeda connections.
There is a special place in hell for anyone who would torture children for any reason.
Chris is busy writing a piece on the story now – so I hope to post his thoughts in a bit. It’s getting late here in NL again.
We have the very, very fresh Channel 4 interview with Murray streaming on the Empire Burlesque podcaster to help take some of the stress of BlairWatch. You can stream it on the page or download it. We use Loudblog Open Source software if anyone interested. All our software is open source at EB.
Don’t forget to check on our rss scraper – it’s getting interesting now that the mainstream media is starting to pay attention. If you are blogging on this – Empire Burlesque is an excellent source for research.
Killed, Maimed, Tortured, Imprisoned, and Destroyed enough Humans and Property of ther Countries, in this So Called ‘War on Terror’ to Make Sure This Is At Least As Long Running as the So Called ‘Cold War’, All In Our Names!!!!!!!
This is Exactly what The Right Wants and Needs, an Ongoing Fear Campaine Of War/Conflict, which is Also what the Military Industrial Complex Wants and Needs, because a Society Questions Little what their Billions are Actually Spent On!!
Unless people of Peace, Worldwide, can Come Together and Fight For Same this False War will Continue it’s Death and Destruction!!
As for this Society we call the ‘United States of America’ it may well be too late to save it!!!!!!!
I’m using Firefox on a Mac and could see them…
One thing – when discussing this issue, I guess we should note that relations between the US and Uzbekistan have cooled somewhat – the last US planes left the Uzbeki airbase in November, I think. And now the US is using Kyrgystan for a base instead.
This absolutely, in no way, excuses or lessens the crimes aided and abetted by the US and UK in collaborating with Uzebekistan. But should be noted if you have to talk about this stuff to anyone.
Here is a good analysis of US/Uzbek relations, former and current…